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学习经历 1990.09-1994.07 上海交通大学材料工程系锻压工业及设备专业 获学士学位 1996.09-1999.03 上海交通大学塑性成形工程系金属塑性加工专业 获硕士学位 1999.03-2002.05 上海交通大学塑性成形工程系材料加工工程专业 获博士学位 工作经历 1994.08-1999.03 上海模具技术研究所 助理工程师 1999.04-今 上海交通大学塑性成形工程系 任讲师(1999.08-2002.08)、副教授(2002.08-2008.12)、教授(2008.12- ) 历任塑性成形工程系党总支副书记(主持工作)(2006.07-2008.10)、书记(2008.10-2011.04)、副系主任(兼)(2007.06-2011.04)、材料科学与工程学院副院长兼塑性成形技术与装备研究院常务副院长(正处级)(2011.04-2014.05)、材料学院实验管理中心主任(兼)(2011.06-2014.05)、人力资源处副处长(挂职)(2012.11-2014.05)、人力资源处副处长(正处级)(2014.05-2015.10)、上海交通大学资产管理与实验室处处长(2015.10-2017.05)、数学科学学院党委书记(2017.05- )、模具CAD国家工程研究中心主任(2015.03- )


研究方向一 精密塑性成形技术 研究方向二 塑性成形工艺与模具的智能设计与优化


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Hu CL, Yin Q, Zhao Z. A novel method for determining friction in cold forging of complex parts using a steady combined forward and backward extrusion test.Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2017, 249 Hu CL, Yin Q, Zhao Z,Ou HA. A new measuring method for friction factor by using ring with inner boss compression test.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2017, 123 Hu CL, Yang FY,Zhao Z, Zeng F. An alternative design method of the double-layer combined die using the autofrettage theory. Mechanical Sciences. 2017, 8(2):267-276 Zeng F, Hu CL, Zhao Z. Modelling of hot compressive deformation behaviour of 55 steel considering strain.International Journal of Materials and Product Technology. 2017, 54(1-3) Zhuang XC, Ma SM, Zhao Z.Effect of particle size, fraction and carbide banding on deformation and damage behavior of ferrite–cementite steel under tensile/shear loads.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2016, 25(1) Zhuang XC, Wang TT, Zhu XF, Zhao Z. Calibration and application of ductile fracture criterion under non-proportional loading condition.Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2016, 165:39-56 Zhuang XC, Sun XL, Xiang H, Xia M, Zhao Z. Compound deep drawing and extrusion process for the manufacture of geared drum.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.2016, 84(9-12): 2331-2345 Ma. SM, Zhuang XC, Zhao Z. Effect of Particle Size and Carbide Band on the Flow Behavior of Ferrite– Cementite Steel.Steel Research International.2016, 87(11):1489-1502 Sun XL, Zhu SF, Zhuang XC, Zhao Z. Numerical investigation on tooth filling of clutch drum forming processes.Production Engineering,Research and Development. 2016,10(1):25-35 Hu CL, Yang FY,Zhao Z, Zeng F. Thermoelastic deformation of three-layer combined die under steady-state temperature field.Journal of Thermal Stresses. 2016, 39(1) Hu CL, Ou HA, Zhao Z. An alternative evaluation method for friction condition in cold forging by ring with boss compression test. Journal of Materials Processing Technology.2015, 224 Hu CL, Zeng F, Zhao Z, Guo ZJ.Process optimization for design of duplex universal joint fork using unequal thickness flash.International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 2015, 16(12):2517-2527 Hu CL, Zhao Z, Gong AJ, Shi WB. Study of an alternative novel cold forging process.Materials and Manufacturing Processes.2015, 30(10): Zhuang XC, Wang J, Zheng H, Zhao Z. Forming mechanism of ultrasonic vibration assisted compression.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China.2015,25(7):2352-2360 Zhuang XC, Xiang H, Wang T, Zhao Z. Determination of flow curve and plastic anisotropy of medium-thick metal plate: experiments and inverse analysis.Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International.2015, 22(6):506-512 Hu CL, Zhao Z, Zhi YS, Zeng F.Thermoelastic deformation of three-layer combined die with non-uniform temperature distribution.Journal of Thermal Stresses.2014, 37(10) Hu CL, Zhao Z, Gong AJ,Shi WB. Effect of warm deformation parameters and cooling rates on the recrystallization transformation microstructure in 40Cr steel.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2015, 24(1):505-516 Hu CL, Ou HA, Zhao Z.Investigation of tribological condition in cold forging using an optimized design of spike forging test.Advances in Mechanical Engineering.2015, 7(5):1-11 Li HY, Zheng Y, Zhuang XC, Zhao Z. Research on nail-sheet joining by multi-plate extrusion via the three-quadrant method. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214: 2059-2068 Zhuang XC, Xu C, Wang T, Zhao Z. Failure mode and ductility of dual phase steel with edge crack.Procedia Engineering. 2014,81:766-771 Li HY, Xia M, Zhao Z, Zheng Y. An experimental study on local thickening laws based on multi-plate extrusion. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2013, 213: 1213-1220 Zhang Y, Hu CL, Zhao Z, Li AP, Xu XL, Shi WB. Low cycle fatigue behaviour of a Cr-Mo-V matrix-type high-speed steel used for cold forging. Materials and Design, 2013, 44: 612-621 Zhuang XC, Zhao Z, Li HY, Xiang H.Experimental methodology for obtaining the flow curve of sheet materials in a wide range of strains.Steel Research International. 2013,84(2):146-154 Hu CL, Li M, Zhao Z, Gu B, Cai B. Optimization for extrusion process of aluminum controller housing.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2012,22(s1):s48-s53 Zhao Z, Zhuang XC, Xiang H. Research on sheet metal semicutting process using coupled and uncoupled damage model. Materials Research Innovations, 2010, 15(S1): 381-385. Zhuang XC, Zhao Z, Guo A, et al. Experimental and numerical research on shear extrusion process. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, 2011, Aachen: 230-234. Zhao Z, Zhuang XC, Xiang H. A new model for forming force prediction of sheet metal extrusion. Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2008, Proceedings of the 9th ICTP, 2008, Gyeongju: 2241-2246. Zhuang XC, Zhao Z, Xie XL, et al. Finite element optimization of Vee-ring factor in fine-blanking process. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2007, E-12(3): 308-313. Zhuang XC, Zhao Z, Xiang H, et al. Simulation of sheet metal extrusion processes with arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2008, 18(5): 1172-1176. Tang BT, Zhao Z, Hagenah H, et al. Energy based algorithms to solve initial solution in one-step finite element method of sheet metal stamping. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2007, 196(17-20): 2187-2196. Hu CL, Liu QK, Zhao Z, et al. Two step forging process of spur gear based on rigid parallel motion, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2010, 15(2): 241-244.
