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教育经历 1978.09 – 1982.07 上海第二军医大学药学系本科毕业, 药学学士 1983.01 – 1985.12 上海第二军医大学基础部研究生毕业, 医学硕士 1997.09 – 2000.07 南京医科大学药理学博士研究生,理学博士 工作经历 1986.07 – 2003.03 南京军区南京总医院临床药理科,主管药师、副主任药师、主任药师,副主任 1992.10 – 1994.10 美国肯塔基大学药学院WHO奖学金,访问学者(临床药学) 2000.10 – 2001.10 美国肯塔基大学药学院,博士后(遗传药理学) 2003.04 – 2008.05 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院,药剂科主任,主任药师,博士生导师 2008.06 – 2019.10 复旦大学药学院临床药学与药事管理教研室主任 2008.06 – 至今 复旦大学药学院临床药学与药事管理教研室教授,博士生导师 Awards & Honors PLA Science and Technology Advances Award (second class)(1991) PLA Science and Technology Advances Award (second class)(1996) Government Special Stipend Award, Ministry of State, China (2000) PLA Science and Technology Advances Award (second class)(2001) National Award of 100 Excellent Ph.D. Thesis (2002) Shanghai Pharmaceutical Association Science and Technology Award (third class)(2007) Fudan University Postgraduate Teaching Achievement Award (second class)(2012) Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award for Higher Education (second class)(2018)


药物基因组学与个体化用药 临床药动学与药效学 治疗药物监测


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yang H, Zheng Y, Zhao B, Shao T, Shi Q, Zhou N, Cai WM*. Encapsulation of liver microsomes into a thermosensitive hydrogel for characterization of drug metabolism and toxicity. Biomaterials 2013; 34: 9770~9778. Ma G, Lin J, Cai W, Bo Tan, Xiaoqiang Xiang,Ying Zhang, Peng Zhang. Simultaneous determination of bilirubin and its glucuronides in liver microsomes and recombinant UGT1A1 enzyme incubation systems by HPLC method and its application to bilirubin glucuronidation studies. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2014; 92C:149-59. Tan B, Cai W, Zhang J, Zhou N, Ma G, Yang P, Zhu Q, Zhu Y. Identification of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase isoforms responsible for leonurine glucuronidation in human liver and intestinal microsomes. Xenobiotica 2014; 44(5): 775~784. Co-first author Shao T, Zheng Y, Zhao B, Li T, Cheng K, Cai W. Recombinant expression of different mutant K-ras gene in pancreatic cancer Bxpc-3 cells and its effects on chemotherapy sensitivity. Sci China Life Sci. 2014, 57(10):1011-7. SEQC/MAQC-III Consortium. A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequencing Quality Control Consortium. Nature Biotechenology 2014; 32(9): 903~914. Co-author Guo Ma, Lin Zhang, Peng Zhang, Xingfei Bao, Ning Zhou, Qingling Shi, Yuanting Zheng, Hongrui Liu,Fengjiao Bu, Ying Zhang, Wenjie Huang, Fen Wang, Yizhun Zhu, and Weimin Cai*. Physicochemical characteristics and gastrointestinal absorption behaviors of S-propargyl-cysteine, a potential new drug candidate for cardiovascular protection and antitumor treatment. Xenobiotica 2015; 45(4): 322-34. Yuan-ting ZHENG, Hui-ying YANG, Tao LI, Bei ZHAO, Teng-fei SHAO, Xiao-qiang XIANG, Wei-min CAI* Synergism of Amiloride and Erlotinib through Inhibiting PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2015; 36(5):614-26. Meng X, Yin K, Wang J, Dong P, Liu L, Shen Y, Shen L, Ma Q, Lu H, Cai WM*. Effect of CYP2B6 Gene Polymorphisms on Efavirenz Plasma Concentrations in Chinese Patients with HIV Infection. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 24; 10(6):e0130583. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130583. Ning Zhou, Yuanting Zheng, Junfen Xing, Huiying Yang, Hanmei Chen, Xiaoqiang Xiang, Jing Liu, Shanshan Tong, Bin Zhu, and Weimin Cai*. Application of a New Dynamic Model to Predict the In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance of Tolbutamide Using Rat Microsomes Encapsulated in a Fab Hydrogel. Drug Met Disp 2016; 44: 40-49. Huiying Yang, Jianfeng Li, Yuanting Zheng, Lu Zhou, Shanshan Tong, Bei Zhao, and Weimin Cai*. Drug activity screening based on microsomes-hydrogel system in predicting metabolism induced antitumor activity of oroxylin A. Scientific Reports 2016, Published: 24 February 2016(DOI: 10.1038/srep21604. Tao Li, Yuanting Zheng, Hong Sun1, Rongyuan Zhuang, Jing Liu, Weimin Cai*. K-RAS mutation detection in liquid biopsy and tumor tissue as prognostic biomarker in patients with pancreatic cancer: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Medical Oncology 2016, 33:61, DOI 10.1007/s12032-016-0777-1. Sun H, Zhuang RY, Li T, Zheng YT, Cai WM*. No association Between Calcium Channel Blockers and Survival in Patients with Cancer: A systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2016, 17 (8), 3917-3921. Tong SS, Sun H, Xue CF, Chen H, Liu J, Yang H, Zhou N. Xiang XQ, Cai WM*. Establishment and assessment of a novel in vitro Bio-PK/PD system in predicting the in vivo pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cyclophosphamide. Xenobiotica 2018;48(4): 368-375. Epub 2017; Jun 6. doi: 10.1080/00498254. 2017.1330576. Ma G, Zhang Y, Chen WY, Tang ZF, Xin XM, Yang P, Liu XQ, Cai WM*, Hu M*. Inhibition of Human UGT1A1-Mediated Bilirubin Glucuronidation by Polyphenolic Acids Impact Safety of Popular Salvianolic Acid A/B Containing Drugs and Herbal Products. Mol Pharmaceutics 2017; 14: 2952-66. Xue CF, Zhang XJ, Cai WM*. Prediction of Drug-Drug Interactions with Bupropion and Its Metabolites as CYP2D6 Inhibitors Using a Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model. Pharmaceutics 2018;10, 1; doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics10010001 Wang PP, Lv QY, Mao YM, Zhang CZ, Bao CX, Sun S, Chen HM, Yi ZH, Cai WM*. HTR1A/1B DNA methylation may predict escitalopram treatment response in depressed Chinese Han patients. J Affective Disorders 2018; 228: 222~228.


2004.10 – 现在 中国药理学会药学监护专业委员会副主任委员 2012.06 – 现在 中国药理学会药物基因组学专业委员会常务委员 1999.10 – 现在 中国药理学会临床药理专业委员会常务委员 2005.6 – 现在 中国医院协会药事管理专业委员会委员 2004.12 – 现在 中国药学会药物流行病学专业委员会委员 2009.10 – 现在 上海药学会药物治疗专业委员会副主任委员 2014.12 – 现在 上海市药理学会药物代谢专业委员会主任委员 1997.12 – 现在 “中国药师”杂志常务编委,副主编 2008.12 – 现在 “中国临床药学杂志”副主编
