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B.S. (1979) University of Texas () M.S. (1984) University of Texas () Ph.D. (1987) University of Texas ()


Interface studies and processing of composites, coatings, and thin films. Development of new materials systems that take advantage of the unique properties of fullerenes and nanotubes. Research on new materials developments in nanotechnology. Formation of hybrid nanotube materials. The development of fully integrated nanotube composites (FINCs). THis work has been supported by the Welch FoundationInterface studies and processing of composites, coatings, and thin films. Development of new materials systems that take advantage of the unique properties of fullerenes and nanotubes. Research on new materials developments in nanotechnology. Formation of hybrid nanotube materials and the development of fully integrated nanotube composites.Study of the role of varuious nanospecies and their interaction with each other that leads to enhanced materials properties.This research is a cooperative agreement with the NASA Johnson Space Center to investigate the hypervelocity impact properties of nanocomposites.Study of the role of nanotubes and nanofibers in enhancing mechanical properties of nanocomposite systems.This program (PI: R. Smalley) has had a portion of the program directed toward the development of polymer nanocomposites. Barrera has processed and developed polypropylene, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, and epoxy carbon nanotube composites in this program.This NSF program has Jordan Konisky as the PI and Richard Tapia as the director. Barrera is a cluster leader for the program and mentors a number of students in their PH.D. program and in the summer program. Two students in Barrera's group have been partially funded from this grant.This state of texas funded program is focused on advancing the electrical properties of conducting polymers using nanotubes.This state of Texas supported program is directed toward the development of nanotube reinforced metal matrix composites where several processing methods are used including containerless processing.This research is supported by Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc and is directed toward polymer laminate and ceramic composite development.This NASA supported program is directed toward developing nanomaterials that are stress sensing, can morph, and can self heal. A central focus involves nanotube functionalization.This Office of Naval Research funded program is directed toward the enhancement of Z-axis composite properties by using small amounts of nnaotubes in the interlayers.This research supported by NASA is in cooperation with Advanced Ceramics research and Prairie View A&M University and is directed toward developing next generation radiation shielding for space vehicles.This Army Research Laboratory funded program provided the opportunity to study nanotubes in fluids and to develop nanotube filled oils and greases for thermal applications.


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Z. Li, P. Dharap, S. Nagarajaiah, and E. Barrera Carbon Nanotube Film Sensor. J. of Advanced MaterialsIn Press K. Lozano, A. Zheng, B. Mayeaux, N. Espinoza, L. Yowell, V. Provenzano, R. Shull, B. Files, J. Bonilla Rios, and E. V. Barrera Fullerene and Nanotubes: Current Research and Future Directions. Powder Materials: Current Research and Industrial Practices: 341-348 L. A. Zheng, E. V. Barrera, and R. D. Shull, Magnetic Properties of the Co-C60 and Fe-C60 Nanocrystalline Magnetic Thin Films. Journal of Applied PhysicsIn Revision, Nano-Composite Fiber Systems processed from Fluorinated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Polypropylene Matrix. Chemistry of Materials, 18: 4561-4569 E. V. Barrera, Y. Bayazitoglu, S. Shenoy, Non-fourier 3-omega Method for Thermal Conductivity Measurement. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering F. D. S. Marquis, N. N. Thadhani and E. V. Barrera, edts. Powder Materials: Current Research and Industrial Practices. K. Lozano, B. Files, F. Rodriguez-Macias, and E. V. Barrera Purification and Functionalization of Vapor Grown Carbon Nanotubes and Single Wall Nanotubes. Powder Materials: Current Research and Industrial Practices: 333-340 J. Zhu, H. Peng, F. Rodriguez-Macias, J. L. Margrave, V. N. Khabashesku, M. A. Imam, K. Lozano, and E. V. Barrera Reinforcing of Epoxy Polymer Composites Through Covalent Integration of Functionalized Nanotubes. Advanced Functional MaterialsIn Press Barrera, E. ONR Final Report . Sept 2001 H. Phillips III, L. Pe�a-Paras, V. N. Khabashesku, and E. V. Barrera Carbon Nanotube Functionalization: Towards Enhancing the mechanical properties of Reinforced Composites. October 2006 L. Pe�a-Paras, D. Chakravarthi,V. Khabashesku, E. V. Barrera, Q. Zeng, K. Lozano, R. Vaidyanathan, and C. Bisch Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites: A Study on Electrical Conductivity. Proceed. of SAMPE Fall techn. Conf. 2006 November 2006 K. Wilson, Y. Bayazitoglu, and E. V. Barrera The Role of Nanotubes in Melt-Processed Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Titanium Metal matrix Composites. November 2006 E. V. Barrera Key methods for developing single wall nanotube composites. Journal of Materials, 52 (11) November 2000: 38-42 E. V. Barrera and K. Lozano New Technologies?New Composites. Journal of Materials, 52 (11) November 2000: 32 Barrera, E. Final Report entitled: Symposium on Synthesis and Applications of Fullerenes and Nanotube, International Materials Congress: Cancun 98, Cancun, Mexico, August 30-September 4, 1998 . Office of Naval Research Report May 2000 Barrera, E. Final Report on Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermal Properties of Ceramic-Fullerene Thin Films . Office of Naval Research Report July 2000 K. Lozano and E. V. Barrera A Study of Nanofiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites (I): Thermoanalytical and Mechanical Analyses. Journal of Applied Polymer Science January 2001 K. Wilson, E.V. Barrera, and Y. Bayazitoglu Processing of Titanium Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Metal-Matrix Composities by the Induction Melting Method. Journal of Composite Materials 2009 E. V. Barrera and D. O. Simien Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes as Viscosity Modifiers in Polypropylene Matrix Nanocomposites. 2009 Shofner, ML; Khabashesku, VN; Barrera, EV Processing and mechanical properties of fluorinated single-wall carbon nanotube-polyethylene composites . CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 18 2006/FEB: 906-913 V. N. Khabaashesku, E. V. Barrera, and R. F. M. Lobo Confirmed Tubular Carbon Nanostructures for Nanoreactors and Synthons. 2006: 1-18 P. Dharap, Z. Li, S. Nagarajaiah, and E. Barrera Nanotube film based on single wall carbon nanotubes for macrostrain sensing. J. of Nanotechnology, 15 2004: 1-4 S. Yang, J. R. Castilleja, E. V. Barrera, and K. Lozano Thermal Analysis of an Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene/SWNT Composite. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 83 (3) 2004: 383-388
