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1991.9-1995.7 山东大学,化学院,学士学位 1997.9-2000.7 山东大学,化学院,硕士学位 2000.8-2004.6 瑞士巴塞尔大学,物理化学研究所,博士(Prof. Werner Nau) 2004.7-2008.6 英国剑桥大学MRC蛋白质工程中心,博士后(Sir Alan Fersht) 2008.6-2009.9 英国剑桥大学MRC蛋白质工程中心,科学家(Investigator Scientist) 2009.6- 中国石油大学生物工程与技术中心,教授,博士生导师 2013.3-2017.9 化学工程学院副院长 2017.9-- 国际合作与交流处处长、港澳台事务办公室主任




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Huang, H., Ge, B., Zhang, S., Li, J., Sun, C., Yue, T. & Huang, F. Using Fluorescence Quenching Titration to Determine the Orientation of a Model Transmembrane Protein in Mimic Membranes. Materials2019, 12, 349. Huang, H., Ge, B., Sun, C., Zhang, S. & Huang, F. Membrane curvature affects the stability and folding kinetics of bacteriorhodopsin. Process Biochem2019, 76, 111-117. Wang, X., Wang, C., Xu, B., Wei, J., Xiao, Y. & Huang, F. Adsorption of intrinsically disordered barnacle adhesive proteins on silica surface. Appl Surf Sci2018, 427, 942-949. Wang, X., Chen, H., Lu, X., Chi, H., Li, S. & Huang, F. Probing the interaction mechanisms between transmembrane peptides and the chaperonin GroEL with fluorescence anisotropy. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc2018, 194, 1-7. Song, Y., Ge, B., Lao, J., Wang, Z., Yang, B., Wang, X., He, H., Li, J. & Huang, F. Regulation of the Oligomeric Status of CCR3 with Binding Ligands Revealed by Single-Molecule Fluorescence Imaging. Biochemistry2018, 57, 852-860. Khan, N. U., He, H., Wang, X., Ge, B., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Lao, J., Wang, Y., Li, J., Wang, Z., Zhou, S. & Huang, F. A two-color fluorescence enhanced dot-blot assay for revealing co-operative expression of chemokine receptors in cells. Chem Commun2018, 54, 778-781. Khan, N. U., Feng, Z., He, H., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Li, S., Shi, X., Wang, X., Ge, B. & Huang, F. A facile plasmonic silver needle for fluorescence-enhanced detection of tumor markers. Anal. Chim. Acta2018, 1040, 120-127. Jacob, M. H., D'Souza, R. N., Schwarzlose, T., Wang, X., Huang, F., Haas, E. & Nau, W. M. Method-Unifying View of Loop-Formation Kinetics in Peptide and Protein Folding. J Phys Chem B2018, 122, 4445-4456. Huang, H., Yang, B., Ge, B., Lao, J., Zhou, S. & Huang, F. Using self-cleavable ternary fusion pattern for efficient preparation of Bacteriorhodopsin. Process Biochem2018, 64, 206-212. He, J., Xi, L., Sun, X., Ge, B., Liu, D., Han, Z., Pu, X. & Huang, F. Enhanced hydrogen production through co-cultivation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-503 and a facultative autotrophic sulfide-oxidizing bacterium under sulfurated conditions. Int J Hydrogen Energy2018, 43, 15005-15013. He, H., Wang, X. & Huang, F. in Membrane Biophysics (eds Hongda Wang & Guohui Li) 147-173 (Springer, 2018). He, H., Li, S., Shi, X., Wang, X., Liu, X., Wang, Q., Guo, A., Ge, B., Khan, N. U. & Huang, F. Quantitative Nanoscopy of Small Blinking Graphene Nanocarriers in Drug Delivery. Bioconjug Chem2018, 29, 3658-3666. Chi, H., Xu, B., Liu, Z., Wei, J., Li, S., Ren, H., Xu, Y., Lu, X., Wang, X., Wang, X. & Huang, F. Combined thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of GroEL interacting with CXCR4 transmembrane peptides. Biochim. Biophys. Acta2018, 1862, 1576-1583. Zhang, H.-T., Zhao, Y.-Y., Ge, B.-S. & Huang, F. Study on The Interaction of Metamorphic Protein Mad2 and Its Ligand Cdc20(121-138). Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics2017, 44, 232-241. Wang, X., Xiao, Y., Wang, C., Niu, J., Ma, J., Wang, H., Li, X., Chen, X. & Huang, F. Hierarchical interfacial structuring of the calcareous base of the barnacle Balanus albicostatus over different length scales. Mater Chem Phys2017, 192, 48-57. Wang, X., Wang, Y., He, H., Ma, X., Chen, Q., Zhang, S., Ge, B., Wang, S., Nau, W. M. & Huang, F. Deep-Red Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters for Nucleoli Staining: Real-Time Monitoring of the Nucleolar Dynamics in Reverse Transformation of Malignant Cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2017, 9, 17799-17806. Wang, X., Wang, C., Pan, M., Wei, J., Jiang, F., Lu, R., Liu, X., Huang, Y. & Huang, F. Chaperonin-Nanocaged Hemin as an Artificial Metalloenzyme for Oxidation Catalysis. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2017, 9, 25387-25396. Lao, J., He, H., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Song, Y., Yang, B., Ullahkhan, N., Ge, B. & Huang, F. Single-Molecule Imaging Demonstrates Ligand Regulation of the Oligomeric Status of CXCR4 in Living Cells. J Phys Chem B2017, 121, 1466-1474. He, H., Liu, X., Li, S., Wang, X., Wang, Q., Li, J., Wang, J., Ren, H., Ge, B., Wang, S., Zhang, X. & Huang, F. High-Density Super-Resolution Localization Imaging with Blinking Carbon Dots. Anal. Chem.2017, 89, 11831-11838. Ge, B., Lao, J., Li, J., Chen, Y., Song, Y. & Huang, F. Single-molecule imaging reveals dimerization/oligomerization of CXCR4 on plasma membrane closely related to its function. Sci Rep2017, 7, 16873.
