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Materials Chemistry/Physical Chemistry

We measure fundamental properties of single molecule devices, seeking to understand the interplay of physics, chemistry and engineering at the nanometer scale. The underlying focus of our research is to fabricate single molecule circuits, a molecule attached to two electrodes, with varied functionality, where the circuit structure is defined with atomic precision. We measure how electronic conduction and single bond breaking forces in these devices relate not only to the molecular structure, but also to the metal contacts and linking bonds. Our experiments provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental physics of electron transport, while laying the groundwork for technological advances at the nanometer scale.


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J. Low, G. Kladnik, L. Patera, S. Sokolov, G. Lovat, E. Kumarasamy, J. Repp, L. Campos, D. Cvetko, A. Morgante, L. Venkataraman, The Environment-Dependent Behavior of the Blatter Radical at the Metal Molecule Interface, Nano Letters, ASAP. Link PDF SI E-D. Fung, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, J. Taylor, J. Low, J. Xia, I. Davydenko, L. Campos, S. Marder, U. Peskin, L. Venkataraman, Breaking Down Resonance: Non-Linear Transport and the Breakdown of Coherent Tunneling Models in Single Molecule Junctions, Nano Letters, ASAP. Link PDF SI M. S. Inkpen, Z.-F. Liu , H. Li , L. Campos , J. B. Neaton, L. Venkataraman, Non-chemisorbed gold-sulfur binding prevails in self-assembled monolayers, Nature Chemistry, ASAP. Link PDF SI. Featured in Nature Review Materials as a Research Highlight. PDF G. Lovat, E. Doud, D. Lu, G. Kladnik, M.S. Inkpen, M.L. Steigerwald, D. Cvetko, M. S. Hybertsen, A. Morgante, X. Roy, L. Venkataraman, Determination of the structure and geometry of N-heterocyclic carbenes on Au (111) using high-resolution spectroscopy​, Chemical Science, 10, p930 - 935 (2019). Link PDF SI H. Li, M. H. Garner, Z. Shangguan, Y. Chen, Q. Zheng, T. Su, M. Neupane, T. Liu, M. Steigerwald, F. Ng, C. Nuckolls, S. Xiao, G. Solomon, L. Venkataraman, Large Variations in Single Molecule Conductance of Cyclic and Bicyclic Silanes, JACS (2018). Link PDF SI Y. Zang, S. Ray, E-D. Fung, A. Borges, M. H. Garner, M. L. Steigerwald, G.C. Solomon, S. Patil, L. Venkataraman, Resonant Transport in Single-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Junctions, JACS 140 (41), pp 13167–13170 (2018). Link PDF SI S. Gunasekaran, D. Hernangómez-Pérez, I. Davydenko, S. Marder, F. Evers, L. Venkataraman, Near Length-Independent Conductance of Polymethine Molecular Wires, Nano Letters, 18 (10), pp 6387–6391(2018). Link PDF SI E. Doud, M. S. Inkpen, G. Lovat, E. Montes, D.W. Paley, M.L. Steigerwald, H. Vázquez, L. Venkataraman, X. Roy, In Situ Formation of N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Bound Single-Molecule Junctions, JACS 140 (28), 8944–8949 (2018). Link PDF SI Garner, M. H. Li, Y. Chen, T. A. Su, Z. Shangguan, D. W. Paley, T. Liu, F. Ng, He. Li, S. Xiao, C. Nuckolls, L. Venkataraman, G. C. Solomon, Comprehensive suppression of single-molecule conductance using destructive σ-interference, Nature 558, 415–419 (2018). Link PDF A. Ravikumar, G. Kladnik, M. Müller, A. Cossaro, G. Bavdek, L. L. Patera, D. Sánchez-Portal, L. Venkataraman, A. Morgante, G. P. Brivio, D. Cvetko, G. Fratesi, Tuning ultrafast electron injection dynamics at organic-graphene/metal interfaces, Nanoscale 10, 8014-8022, (2018​). Link PDF SI A. Magyarkuti, O. Adak, A. Halbritter, L. Venkataraman, Electronic and Mechanical Characteristics of Stacked Dimer Molecular Junctions, Nanoscale 10, 3362 (2018). Link PDF SI J. Brisendine, S. Refaely-Abramson, Z. F. Liu, J. Cui, F. Ng, J. B. Neaton, R. Koder, L. Venkataraman, Probing Charge Transport through Peptide Bonds, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 763–767 (2018). Link PDF SI G. Lovat, B. Choi, D.W. Paley, M.L. Steigerwald, L. Venkataraman, X. Roy, Room-temperature current blockade in atomically defined single-cluster junctions, Nature Nano. 12, 1050–1054 (2017). Link PDF SI X. Yin, Y. Zang, L. Zhu, J. Z. Low, Z.F. Liu, J. Cui, J. B. Neaton, L. Venkataraman, L. M. Campos, A Reversible Single-Molecule Switch based on Activated Antiaromaticity, Science Advances, 3,10, eaao2615 (2017) Link PDF SI Y. Zang, A. Pinkard, Z-F. Liu, J.B. Neaton, M. L. Steigerwald, X. Roy, L. Venkataraman, Electronically transparent Au-N bonds for molecular junctions, JACS, 139 (42), pp 14845–14848 (2017). Link PDF SI H. Li, T. A. Su, M. Camarasa-Gómez, D. Hernangómez-Pérez, S. E. Henn, V. Pokorný, C. D. Caniglia, M.S. Inkpen, R. Korytár, M. L. Steigerwald, C. Nuckolls, F. Evers, L. Venkataraman, Silver Makes Better Electrical Contacts to Thiol Terminated Silanes than Gold, Angewandte Chemie, 56, (45) p14145–14148 (2017). Link PDF SI H. Li, M. Garner, T. Su, A. Jensen, M. Inkpen, M.L. Steigerwald, L. Venkataraman, G. Solomon, C. Nuckolls, Extreme Conductance Suppression in Molecular Siloxanes, JACS, 139 (30), pp 10212–10215 (2017). Link PDF SI A. Borges, J. Xia, S-H. Liu, L. Venkataraman, G. Solomon, The role of through-space interactions in modulating constructive and destructive interference effects in benzene, Nano Letters, 17 (7), pp 4436–4442 (2017). Link PDF SI Y. Tsuji, T. Stuyver, S. Gunasekaran, L. Venkataraman, The Influence of Linkers on Quantum Interference: A Linker Theorem, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (27), pp 14451–14462. (2017). Link PDF SI M. Inkpen, Y. Leroux, P. Hapiot, L. Campos, L. Venkataraman, Reversible On-Surface Wiring of Resistive Circuits, Chemical Science, 8, 4340-4346 (2017). Link PDF SI
