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博士(厦门大学,2002) 硕士(厦门大学,1995) 学士(北京大学,1990) 厦门大学,助理研究员,(2002-2005), 厦门大学,副教授(2005-2013) 厦门大学,教 授 2013-




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

H. Li, S. S. Bao, Y. M. Li, Y. Q. Huang, J. Y. Chen, H. Zhao, Z. Y. Jiang,* Q. Kuang, and Z. X. Xie. Optimizing the Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Performances of Designed Co3Fe7@C Yolk−Shell Structures. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 28839−28849 H. Li, Z. M. Cao, J. Y. Lin, H. Zhao, Q. R. Jiang, Z. Y. Jiang*, H. G. Liao, Q. Kuang, Z.X. Xie. Synthesis of u-channelled spherical Fex(CoyNi1-y)100-x Janus colloidal particles with excellent electromagnetic wave absorption performance. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 1930−1938. Z. Y. Jiang *, Q. R. Jiang, R. Huang, M.J. Sun, K.L. Wang, Q. Kuang, Z. Z. Zhu*, Z. X. Xie*. Chemically initiated liquid-like behavior and fabrication of periodic wavy Cu/CuAu nanocables with enhanced catalytic properties. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 9012−9020. Q. R. Jiang, H. L. Li, Z. M. Cao, H. Li, Q. X. Wang, Z. Y. Jiang*, Q. Kuang, Z. X. Xie. Synthesis and enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption performance of amorphous CoxFe10-x alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 726, 1255−1261. L. Zhang*, Q. L. Chen, X. Wang, Z. Y. Jiang*. Nucleation-mediated synthesis and enhanced catalytic properties of Au–Pd bimetallic tripods and bipyramids with twinned structures and high-energy facets. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 2819−2825. Q. L. Chen, J. W. Zhang, Y. Y. Jia, Z. Y. Jiang*, Z. X. Xie*, L. S. Zheng. Wet Chemical Synthesis of Intermetallic Pt3Zn Nanocrystals via Weak Reduction Reaction Together with UPD Process and Their Excellent Electrocatalytic Performances. Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 7019−7024. S. X. Bao, J. W. Zhang, Z. Y. Jiang*, X. Zhou, Z. X. Xie*. Understanding the Formation of Pentagonal Cyclic Twinned Crystal from the Solvent Dependent Assembly of Au Nanocrystals into Their Colloidal Crystals. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 3440−3444. Z. Y. Jiang, * Q. F. Zhang, C. Zong, B. J. Liu, B. Ren, Z. X. Xie, L. S. Zheng. Cu–Au alloy nanotubes with five-fold twinned structure and their application in surface-enhanced Raman scattering. J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 18192−18197. Z. Y. Jiang*, Y. Lin, Z. X. Xie. Structural investigations and growth mechanism of well-defined Ag dendrites prepared by conventional redox displacement. Mater. Chem. Phys., 2012, 134, 762−767. Q. F. Zhang, J. J. Wang, Z. Y. Jiang*, Y. G. Guo, L. J. Wan, Z. X. Xie, L. S. Zheng. Au-Cu alloy bridged synthesis and optoelectronic properties of Au@CuInSe2 core-shell hybrid nanostructures. J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 1765−1769. L. Zhang, D. Q. Chen, Z. Y. Jiang*, J. W. Zhang, S. F. Xie, Q. Kuang, Z. X. Xie*, L. S. Zheng. Facile syntheses and enhanced electrocatalytic activities of Pt nanocrystals with {hkk} high-index surfaces. Nano Res., 2012, 5, 181−189. L. Zhang, J. W. Zhang, Z. Y. Jiang*, S. F. Xie, M. S. Jin, X. G. Han, Q. Kuang, Z. X. Xie*, L. S. Zheng. Facile syntheses and electrocatalytic properties of porous Pd and its alloy nanospheres. J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 9620−9625. Z. Y. Jiang, Q. Kuang, Z. X. Xie*, L. S. Zheng. Syntheses and Properties of Micro/Nanostructured Crystallites with High-Energy Surfaces. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2010, 20, 3634−3645.
