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黎书华,1969年7月生,湖南人。1990年、1993年在中南工业大学化学系分别获得学士学位和硕士学位。1996年在南京大学化学化工学院获理学博士学位。随后,在南京大学物理系(1996-1998)、美国Texas A&M大学化学系(1998-2000)从事博士后研究。2000年-2002年任南京大学化学化工学院副教授。2002年起任南京大学化学化工学院教授、博士生导师。现任化学化工学院院长。 2002年获得中国化学会青年化学奖,2006年获得国家杰出青年基金资助,2008年获得亚太地区理论与计算化学家协会波普尔奖章(Pople Medal)。2009年被聘为教育部“长江学者”特聘教授。2009年获得第十一届中国青年科技奖和第二届中国化学会-英国化学会青年化学奖。2011年获得QSCP(化学物理和生物中的量子系统)系列会议组委会颁发的Promising Scientist Prize。2019年,获得教育部自然科学一等奖(第一完成人)。 先后当选为中国化学会理事(2011)、国际理论化学物理协会理事(2013)、世界理论与计算化学家协会理事(2014)和亚太地区理论与计算化学家协会理事(2016)。2017年入选国际量子分子科学院院士。2019年入选第四批国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才。2020年入选中国化学会会士。2022年,入选首批新基石研究员,并担任中国化学会理论化学专业委员会主任。现担任《Molecular Physics》,《化学进展》,《Electronic Structure》编委。


线性标度的量子化学计算方法 多参考态电子相关方法 无机及有机金属反应的理论研究


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Xiaochuan Ren, Jingxiang Zou, Haodong Zhang, Wei Li* and Shuhua Li*"Block-Correlated Coupled Cluster Theory with up to Four-Pair Correlation for Accurate Static Correlation of Strongly Correlated Systems" J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15, 3, 693–700 Jia Cao, Liuzhou Gao, Guoqiang Wang * and Shuhua Li *"Visible light catalyzed arylsilylation of alkenes to construct silicon-containing 1,1-diaryl moieties" Green Chem. 2024, 26,4785 Yang Zheng, Zhigang Ni, Yuqi Wang, Wei Li* and Shuhua Li*"Analytical Gradient Using Cluster-in-Molecule RI-MP2 Method for the Geometry Optimizations of Large Systems" J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2024, 20, 9, 3626–3636 Jiasheng Guo, Chenning Yu, Kenan Li, Yijian Zhang, Guoqiang Wang, Shuhua Li* and Hao Dong*"Retrosynthesis Zero: Self-Improving Global Synthesis Planning Using Reinforcement Learning" J. Chem. 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Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 756 Fangjia Fu, Kang Liao, Ziteng Liu, Daocheng Hong, Haitang Yang, Yuxi Tian, Wei Wei, Chungen Liu,Shuhua Li, Jing Ma* and Wei Li*, "Controlled Fluorescence Enhancement of DNA-Binding Dye Through Chain Length Match between Oligoguanine and TOTO" J.Phys.Chem.B. 2021,125,518 Lei Zhang, Qin Zhu, Liuzhou Gao,Linlin Yang, Wei Li, shuhua Li, Jun Zhu*, Wei Wang* and Guixiang Zeng*, "Rational design of the nickel-borane complex for efficient hydrogenation of styrene" J Comput Chem. 2021,42,545 Liuzhou Gao, Hanyin Zhang, Xueting Liu, Guoqiang Wang* and Shuhua Li*, "Mechanistic insights into the dearomative diborylation of pyrazines: a radical or non-radical process?" Dalton Trans. 2021,50,6982 Hui Chen, Mo Yang, Guoqiang Wang*, Liuzhou Gao, Zhigang Ni, Jingxiang Zou, and Shuhua Li*, "B(C6F5)3‑Catalyzed Sequential Additions of Terminal Alkynes to para-Substituted Phenols: Selective Construction of Congested Phenol-Substituted Quaternary Carbons" Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 5533 Guoqiang Wang, Xiaoshi Su, Liuzhou Gao, Xueting Liu, Guoao Li and Shuhua Li *, "Borane-catalyzed selective dihydrosilylation of terminal alkynes: reaction development and mechanistic insight" Chem. Sci. 2021,12,10883 Kang Liao, Shirong Wang, Wei Li * and Shuhua Li *, "Generalized energy-based fragmentation approach for calculations of solvation energies of large systems" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2021, 23, 19394. This article is selected as 2021 Guo-Guo Weng,Ben-Kun Hong, Song-Song Bao, Yujie Wen, Lan-Qing Wu, Xin-Da Huang, Jia-Ge Jia, Ge-Hua Wen,Shu-Hua Li, Luming Peng and Li-Min Zheng *, "From helices to superhelices: hierarchical assembly of homochiral van der Waals 1D coordination polymers" Chem. Sci. 2021,12, 12619 Hui Chen, Liuzhou Gao,Xueting Liu, Guoqiang Wang*, and Shuhua Li*,'' B(C6F5)3 -Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Aryl Alkynes for the Synthesis of 1,1-Diaryl and Triaryl Substituted Alkenes" Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021,5238 Zheng Cheng, Jiahui Du, Lei Zhang, Jing Ma*, Wei Li * and Shuhua Li *,''Building quantum mechanics quality force fields of proteins with the generalized energy-based fragmentation approach and machine learning " Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. DOI:10.1039/D1CP03934B Yang Wang*, Mo Yang, Yuan-Yuan Sun, Zheng-Guang Wu, Hong Dai* and Shuhua Li*, ''An Efficient Approach for 3,3-Disubstituted Oxindoles Synthesis: Aryl Iodine Catalyzed Intramolecular C−N Bond Oxidative Cross-Coupling" Org. Lett. 2021,23,8750 Wei Li*, Haibo Ma*,Shuhua Li and Jing Ma*, "Computational and data driven molecular material design assisted by low scaling quantum mechanics calculations and machine learning" Chem. Sci. 2021,12,14987 Dongbo Zhao, Xiaoling Shen, Zheng Cheng, Wei Li, Hao Dong* and Shuhua Li*, "Accurate and Efficient Prediction of NMR Parameters of Condensed-Phase Systems with the Generalized Energy-Based Fragmentation Method", J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2020,16,2995 Congjun Zhu, Jie Dong, Xueting Liu, Liuzhou Gao, Yue Zhao, Jin Xie*, Shuhua Li*, and Chengjian Zhu*, "Photoredox Controlled β-Regioselective Radical Hydroboration of Activated Alkenes with NHC-Boranes", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020,59,12817 Zheng Cheng , Dongbo Zhao, Jing Ma , Wei Li* and Shuhua Li*,"An On-the-fly Approach to Construct Generalized Energy‒Based Fragmentation Machine Learning Force Fields of Complex Systems", J. Phys. Chem. A , 2020, 124, 5007 Pan Gao, Liuzhou Gao, Longlong Xi,Zedong Zhang, Shuhua Li * and Zhuangzhi Shi *,"Enantioselective copper-catalysed defluorosilylation of trifluoro-methylated alkenes with silylboronates", Org. Chem. Front 2020, 7, 2618 Gaowen Zhai, Xueting Liu, Wentao Ma, Guoqiang Wang, Liu Yang, Shuhua Li*, Youting Wu* and Xingbang Hu*,"B(C6F5)3-Catalyzed Tandem Friedel-Crafts and C-H/C-O Coupling Reactions of Dialkylanilines ", Chem. Asian J. 2020, 15, 3082 Ting Xie, Guo-Qiang Wang, Ya-Wen Wang, Weidong Rao, Haiyan Xu, Shuhua Li*, Zhi-Liang Shen*, Xue-Qiang Chu*,"Selective Quadruple C(sp3 )-F Functionalization of Polyfluoroalkyl Ketones ", iScience 2020, 23, 101259 Qingchun Wang, Mingzhou Duan, Enhua Xu, Jingxiang Zou, Shuhua Li*,"Describing Strong Correlation with Block-Correlated Coupled Cluster Theory ", J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2020,11,7536 Liuzhou Gao, Guoqiang Wang, Hui Chen, Jia Cao, Xiaoshi Su, Xueting Liua Mo Yang, Xu Cheng, and Shuhua Li* ,"Metal-Free Reductive Coupling of Aliphatic Aldehydes/Ketones with 4-Cyanopyridines: Expanded Scope and Mechanistic Studies ", Org. Chem. Front., 2020, 7, 2744 Jingxiang Zou, Ke Niu, Haibo Ma*, Shuhua Li*, and Wei-Hai Fang* ,"Automatic Selection of Active Orbitals from Generalized Valence Bond Orbitals ", J. Phys. Chem. A, 2020, 124, 8321 Zhigang Ni,Wei Li* and Shuhua Li*, "Fully optimized implementation of the cluster-in- molecule local correlation approach for electron correlation calculations of large systems", J.Comput.Chem.2019,40,1130 Fangjia Fu,Kang Liao,Jing Ma, Zheng Cheng,Dong Zheng,Liuzhou Gao,Chungen Liu*,Shuhua Li and Wei Li*, "How intermolecular interactions influence electronic absorption spectra: insights from the molecular packing of uracil in condensed phases", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2019,40,1130 Qingchun Wang,Jingxiang Zou,Enhua Xu,Peter Pulay* and Shuhua Li* "Automatic Construction of the Initial Orbitals for Efficient Generalized Valence Bond Calculations of Large Systems ", J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019,15,141 Guoqiang Wang, Liuzhou Gao, Hui Chen, Xueting Liu, Jia Cao, Shengda Chen, Xu Cheng, and Shuhua Li*, "Chemoselective Borane-Catalyzed Hydroarylation of 1,3-Dienes with Phenols ", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. ,2019,58,1694 Jia Cao, Guoqiang Wang, Liuzhou Gao, Hui Chen, Xueting Liu, Xu Cheng and Shuhua Li* , "Perfluoroalkylative pyridylation of alkenes via 4-cyanopyridine-boryl radicals ", Chem. Sci. ,2019,10, 2767 Weipeng Li,Dandan Yuan, Guoqiang Wang,Yue Zhao,Jin Xie*, Shuhua Li*, and Chengjian Zhu* , "Cooperative Au/Ag Dual-Catalyzed Cross-Dehydrogenative Biaryl Coupling: Reaction Development and Mechanistic Insight ", J. Am. Chem. Soc. ,2019, 141, 3187 Yuqi Wang, Zhigang Ni, Wei Li* and Shuhua Li*, "Cluster-in-Molecule Local Correlation Approach for Periodic Systems ", J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2019,15,2933 Zhigang Ni, Yuqi Wang, Wei Li, Peter Pulay, and Shuhua Li "Analytical Energy Gradients for the Cluster-in-Molecule MP2 Method and its Application to Geometry Optimizations of Large Systems ", J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2019,15,3623 Pan Gao,Guoqiang Wang,Longlong Xi,Minyan Wang, Shuhua Li* and Zhuangzhi Shi*, "Transition‐Metal‐Free Defluorosilylation of Fluoroalkenes with Silylboronates ", Chin. J. Chem., 2019, 37, 1009. Manyi Yang, Guoqiang Wang, Jingxiang Zou and Shuhua Li*, "Mechanistic Insight Into the AuCN Catalyzed Annulation Reaction of Salicylaldehyde and Aryl Acetylene: Cyanide Ion Promoted Umpolung Hydroacylation/Intramolecular Oxa-Michael Addition Mechanism ", Front. Chem., 2019,7:557. Liuzhou Gao, Guoqiang Wang, Jia Cao, Hui Chen, Yuming Gu, Xueting Liu, Xu Cheng, Jing Ma, and Shuhua Li*, "Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Selective Reductive Decarboxylative Pyridylation of N-Hydroxyphthalimide Esters: Synthesis of Congested Pyridine-Substituted Quaternary Carbons ", ACS Catal., 2019,9,10142. Wei Li*, Mingzhou Duan, Kang Liao, Benkun Hong, Zhigang Ni, Jing Ma and Shuhua Li*, "Improved generalized energy-based fragmentation approach and its applications to the binding energies of supramolecular complexes", Electron. Struct. , 2019, 1, 044003.
