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博士,教授,博导。教育部新世纪优秀人才。先后获“闽江学者”特聘教授、“金山学者”教授,福建省引进高层次人才等称号。曾任国家甘蔗工程技术研究中副主任、副院长等职务。现已在Science, Nature Genetics, Genome Res、Plant Cell等期刊发表论文近70篇,参编英文著作1部,申请发明专利十余项。现任SCI杂志Frontiers in Plant Science,Chromosome Res编委,美国自然科学基金评委;担任国际棉花基因组创新研讨会会员,中国热带作物学会理事,福建省遗传学会理事。主讲《遗传学》与《生物技术前沿进展》等课程。


植物染色体工程遗传与育种应用 作物重要性状决定基因的表达调控机制 植物着丝粒结构与演化


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Huang Y, Ding W, Zhang M, Han J, Jing Y, Yao W, Hasterok R, Wang Z, Wang K (2021) The formation and evolution of centromeric satellite repeats in Saccharum species. Plant J 106:616-629 Wang Q, Yu G, Chen Z, Han J, Hu Y, Wang K (2021) Optimization of protoplast isolation, transformation and its application in sugarcane (Saccharum spontaneum L). The Crop Journal , 9:133-142 Han J, Wang P, Wang Q, Lin Q, Chen Z, Yu G, Miao C, Dao Y, Wu R, Schnable JC, Tang H, Wang K (2020) Genome-wide characterization of DNase I-hypersensitive sites and cold response regulatory landscapes in grasses. Plant Cell 32:2457-2473 Lin Q, Wang S, Dao Y, Wang J, Wang K (2020) The Arabidopsis thaliana trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase gene AtTPPI enhances drought tolerance by regulating stomatal apertures. J Exp Bot 71:4285-4297 Zhang L, Chen F, Zhang X, Li Z, Zhao Y, Lohaus R, Chang X, Dong W, Ho SYW, Liu X, Song A, Chen J, Guo W, Wang Z, Zhuang Y, Wang H, Chen X, Hu J, Liu Y, Qin Y, Wang K, Dong S, Liu Y, Zhang S, Yu X, Wu Q, Wang L, Yan X, Jiao Y, Kong H, Zhou X, Yu C, Chen Y, Li F, Wang J, Chen W, Chen X, Jia Q, Zhang C, Jiang Y, Zhang W, Liu G, Fu J, Chen F, Ma H, Van de Peer Y, Tang H (2020) The water lily genome and the early evolution of flowering plants. Nature 577:79-84 Meng Z, Han J, Lin Y, Zhao Y, Lin Q, Ma X, Wang J, Zhang M, Zhang L, Yang Q, Wang K (2020) Characterization of a Saccharum spontaneum with a basic chromosome number of x = 10 provides new insights on genome evolution in genus Saccharum. Theor Appl Genet 133:187-199 Huang Y, Chen H, Han J, Zhang Y, Ma S, Yu G, Wang Z, Wang K (2020) Species-specific abundant retrotransposons elucidate the genomic composition of modern sugarcane cultivars. Chromosoma 129:45-55 Hasterok R, Wang K, Jenkins G (2020) Progressive refinement of the karyotyping of Brachypodium genomes. New Phytol, DOI 10.1111/nph.16342 Lin Q, Yang J, Wang Q, Zhu H, Chen Z, Dao Y, Wang K (2019) Overexpression of the trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase family gene AtTPPF improves the drought tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol 19:381 Wang S, Jin W, Wang K (2019) Centromere histone H3- and phospholipase-mediated haploid induction in plants. Plant Methods 15:42 Hu Y, Chen J, Fang L, Zhang Z, Ma W, Niu Y, Ju L, Deng J, Zhao T, Lian J, Baruch K, Fang D, Liu X, Ruan YL, Rahman MU, Han J, Wang K, Wang Q, Wu H, Mei G, Zang Y, Han Z, Xu C, Shen W, Yang D, Si Z, Dai F, Zou L, Huang F, Bai Y, Zhang Y, Brodt A, Ben-Hamo H, Zhu X, Zhou B, Guan X, Zhu S, Chen X, Zhang T (2019) Gossypium barbadense and Gossypium hirsutum genomes provide insights into the origin and evolution of allotetraploid cotton. Nat Genet 51:739-748 Li Z, Wang K (2019) Genome-Wide Identification of Regulatory DNA Elements in Crop Plants. In: Vaschetto LM (ed) Cereal Genomics: Methods and Protocols. Springer US, New York, NY, pp 85-99 Li Y, Zuo S, Zhang Z, Li Z, Han J, Chu Z, Hasterok R, Wang K (2018) Centromeric DNA characterization in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon provides insights on the evolution of the genus. Plant J 93:1088-1101 Zhang J, Zhang X, Tang H, Zhang Q, Hua X, Ma X, Zhu F, Jones T, Zhu X, Bowers J, Wai CM, Zheng C, Shi Y, Chen S, Xu X, Yue J, Nelson DR, Huang L, Li Z, Xu H, Zhou D, Wang Y, Hu W, Lin J, Deng Y, Pandey N, Mancini M, Zerpa D, Nguyen JK, Wang L, Yu L, Xin Y, Ge L, Arro J, Han JO, Chakrabarty S, Pushko M, Zhang W, Ma Y, Ma P, Lv M, Chen F, Zheng G, Xu J, Yang Z, Deng F, Chen X, Liao Z, Zhang X, Lin Z, Lin H, Yan H, Kuang Z, Zhong W, Liang P, Wang G, Yuan Y, Shi J, Hou J, Lin J, Jin J, Cao P, Shen Q, Jiang Q, Zhou P, Ma Y, Zhang X, Xu R, Liu J, Zhou Y, Jia H, Ma Q, Qi R, Zhang Z, Fang J, Fang H, Song J, Wang M, Dong G, Wang G, Chen Z, Ma T, Liu H, Dhungana SR, Huss SE, Yang X, Sharma A, Trujillo JH, Martinez MC, Hudson M, Riascos JJ, Schuler M, Chen LQ, Braun DM, Li L, Yu Q, Wang J, Wang K, Schatz MC, Heckerman D, Van Sluys MA, Souza GM, Moore PH, Sankoff D, VanBuren R, Paterson AH, Nagai C, Ming R (2018) Allele-defined genome of the autopolyploid sugarcane Saccharum spontaneum L. Nat Genet 50:1565-1573 Meng Z, Zhang Z, Yan T, Lin Q, Wang Y, Huang W, Huang Y, Li Z, Yu Q, Wang J, Wang K (2018) Comprehensively characterizing the cytological features of Saccharum spontaneum by the development of a complete set of chromosome-specific oligo probes. Front Plant Sci 9:1624 Han J, Zhang Z, Wang K (2018) 3C and 3C-based techniques: the powerful tools for spatial genome organization deciphering. Mol Cytogenet 11:21 Liu S, Xue C, Fang Y, Chen G, Peng X, Zhou Y, Chen C, Liu G, Gu M, Wang K, Zhang W, Wu Y, Gong Z (2018) Global Involvement of Lysine Crotonylation in Protein Modification and Transcription Regulation in Rice. Mol Cell Proteomics 17:1922-1936 Han J, Masonbrink RE, Shan W, Song F, Zhang J, Yu W, Wang K, Wu Y, Tang H, Wendel JF, Wang K (2016) Rapid proliferation and nucleolar organizer targeting centromeric retrotransposons in cotton. Plant J 88:992-1005 Shan W, Jiang Y, Han J, Wang K (2016) Comprehensive cytological characterization of the Gossypium hirsutum genome based on the development of a set of chromosome cytological markers. The Crop Journal 4:256-265 Han J, Zhou B, Shan W, Yu L, Wu W, Wang K (2015) A and D genomes spatial separation at somatic metaphase in tetraploid cotton: evidence for genomic disposition in a polyploid plant. Plant J 84:1167-1177
