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课题组发现新型可见光诱导环加成反应并实现脂质双键的精确定位(Group discovers novel visible-light-induced cycloaddition reaction and achieves precise localization of lipid double bonds)


        本课题组在可见光化学反应及其质谱分析和应用方面具有较好的研究基础(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 128, 9491),近期我们开发出了一种新型可见光诱导的C=O键和C=C键的[2+2]环加成反应,并将其用于脂质中双键的衍生和质谱分析,成功实现了复杂生物体系中脂质双键异构体的全面分析和精确鉴定。这一成果发表在化学预印本网站ChemRxiv和Chemical Science杂志上,详细内容参见X-mol的报道:https://www.x-mol.com/news/457177。论文链接:https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/sc/d0sc01149e

    The diversity of lipid structures confers important biological functions, and clarifying the chemical structures of lipid compounds is of great importance to reveal their molecular mechanisms and pathways of action in the onset and progression of diseases. The biggest challenge of structural lipidomics research at present is the accurate identification of information on double bond positions, cis-trans isomerism of double bonds and branched position isomerism in lipid isomers. Mass spectrometry, as one of the most important research tools in lipidomics, has faced great challenges in the identification of lipid double bond isomers. This is mainly due to the fact that the collision-induced dissociation technique used in conventional lipidomics mass spectrometry analysis cannot cause the target to break at the C=C bond to produce characteristic ions associated with its position. To solve this challenge, researchers have continuously tried to develop different methods for the chemical derivatization of double bonds. Among them, UV chemical reaction derivatization is currently the mainstream method because of its fast reaction speed and easy generation of characteristic ions. However, UV light is potentially hazardous to health and is prone to unpredictable side reactions during derivatization of complex systems, increasing the complexity of biological sample analysis. Therefore, it would be an important advantage if a mild visible-light-excited double-bond derivatization method could be developed.

    Our group has a good research foundation in visible-light-activated photochemical reactions and their mass spectrometric analysis and applications (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 128, 9491), and we have recently developed a novel visible light-induced [2+2] cycloaddition reaction of C=O and C=C bonds and used it for the derivatization and mass spectrometric analysis of double bonds in lipids, successfully achieving the comprehensive analysis and precise identification of lipid double bond isomers in complex biological systems. The results were published in ChemRxiv and Chemical Science journal. Please see: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/sc/d0sc01149e