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翟彼得 教授 博导     进组时间: 2020

Education Background:

  • Ph.D. in Biotechnology, November 2016

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (QS world Ranking# 59)

  • Master in Microbiology, January 2009

University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • Bachelor (with honors) in Microbiology, July 2007

University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.


Working Experiences

  • July 2020-Present: Professor,      School of Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University,      Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China.
  • September 2017-June 2020: Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Food & Biological Engineering,      Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China.
  • January 2013-May 2016: Research Assistant, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • September 2012-October 2017: Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, Primeasia University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • January 2012-September 2012: Senior Quality Control Officer, Microbiology Laboratory, Incepta      Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • November 2008-December 2011: Quality Control Officer, Microbiology Laboratory, Incepta      Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Research Interests

  • Synthetic Biology & Biocatalysis.
  • Microbial Fermentation for Food-Grade Materials and Biofuels.
  • Metabolic Engineering & Protein Engineering.
  • Medicinal Plants & Bioactive Compounds.

Major academic and research achievements

More than 50 SCI publication (cumulative IF >330; 30 JCR Q1, 7 JCR Q2, 6 highly cited papers).

Total 19 publication as corresponding or sole or equally contributed first author. 

6 publications have individual IF >10 (13.273-14.982). 

7 book chapters (4 as first author and 3 as co-author). 

Presentation in 7 international conferences (2 as a plenary speaker and 1 as invited speaker) 

3 research grants as the Principal Investigator (PI), one from the NSFC (RFIS-1); and two from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Special and General Postdoctoral Research Grant).

In 2021, I was featured as one of the “Doctor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Jiangsu Province (江苏省双创博士) for my outstanding achievements.

One of the Top 2% of the Highly-Cited Scientists in the World in 2021 by Elsevier BV and Stanford University.



Email: zabed@ujs.edu.cn