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Discrete & Computational Geometry
期刊名称 Discrete & Computational Geometry
期刊ISSN 0179-5376
期刊官方网站 https://link.springer.com/journal/454
是否OA No
出版商 Springer New York
出版周期 Bimonthly
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始发年份 1986
年文章数 151
最新影响因子 0.6(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 1.8 0.577 1.197
Geometry and Topology
30/106 72%
Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
35/92 62%
Computer Science
Computational Theory and Mathematics
114/176 35%
Theoretical Computer Science
99/130 24%
自引率 10.50%
H-index 54
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index Expanded
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PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0179-5376%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 https://www.editorialmanager.com/dcge
Discrete & Computational Geometry (DCG) is an international journal of mathematics and computer science, covering a broad range of topics in which geometry plays a fundamental role.

It publishes geometric papers on such topics as

- polytopes, spatial subdivision, packing, covering, and tiling, configurations and arrangements, and geometric graphs;

- geometric algorithms and their complexity, convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulation, and range searching;

- solid modeling, computer graphics, image processing, pattern recognition, and motion planning;

- computational topology, discrete differential geometry, geometric probability, and real algebraic geometry.

The journal also accepts papers with a distinct geometric flavor in such areas as graph theory, mathematical programming, combinatorial optimization, algebraic geometry, geometry of numbers, crystallography, data analysis, machine learning, and robotics.

The journal also encourages additional material such as short videos, animated graphics, and similar electronic supplementary material.
投稿指南 https://www.springer.com/454/submission-guidelines


Kenneth L. Clarkson
IBM Almaden Research Center
Principles and Methodologies Group
650 Harry Road 
San Jose, CA 95120
+1 (408) 927-1009

János Pach
Station 8 - Bâtiment MA
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
+41 (21) 693-5524

Founding Editors

Jacob E. Goodman
City College, C.U.N.Y.

Richard Pollack (dec.)
Courant Institute, N.Y.U.

Editorial Board

Pankaj K. Agarwal
Dept. of Computer Science
Duke University
Box 90129
Durham, NC 27708, USA

Boris Aronov
Dept. of Computer Science
Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA 

Tetsuo Asano
1-1 Asahidai, Nomi
Ishikawa 923-1292, Japan

David Avis
School of Computer Science
McGill University
Montreal, Que. H3A 2K6, Canada

Imre Bárány
Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Pf.127, H-1364 Budapest, Hungary

Alexander Barvinok
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

Saugata Basu
Department of Mathematics
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907, US>

Louis J. Billera
Dept. of Mathematics
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004 Route des Lucioles, BP 93
06902 Sophia Antipolis, France

Timothy M. Chan
School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Frédéric Chazal 
INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France
Campus de l'Ecole Polytechnique
91120 Palaiseau, France

Bernard Chazelle
Dept. of Computer Science
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

Otfried Cheong
School of Computing, KAIST
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon 34141
Republic of Korea

Erik Demaine
Computer Science & AI Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Tamal K. Dey
Computer Science & Engineering
The Ohio State University
2015 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210, USA

Herbert Edelsbrunner 
IST Austria
Am Campus 1
3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria

Jeff Erickson
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Illinois
201 N. Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801, USA

Esther Ezra
Courant Institute
New York University
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012-1185, USA

Gábor Fejes Tóth
Rényi Institute of Mathematics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Pf. 127, H-1364 Budapest, Hungary

Ronald L. Graham
Computer Science & Engineering
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

Leonidas J. Guibas
Dept. of Computer Science
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305, USA

Martin Henk
Institut für Mathematik MA 4-2
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 136
D-10623 Berlin, Germany

Gil Kalai
Institute of Mathematics
Hebrew University
Jerusalem, Israel

Roman N. Karasev
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Dept. Mathematics
Institutskiy per. 9
Dolgoprudny, Russia 141700

Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

László Lovász
Eötvös Loránd University
Department of Computer Science
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
H-1117 Budapest, Hungary

Peter McMullen
Mathematics, UCL
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT, England

Joseph S. B. Mitchell
Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA

Bojan Mohar
Department of Mathematics
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada

Joseph O'Rourke
Dept. of Computer Science
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063, USA

Günter Rote
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Freie Universität Berlin
Takustraße 9
D-14195 Berlin, Germany

Francisco Santos
Matemáticas Estadística y Computación
Universidad de Cantabria
E-39005 Santander, Spain

Rolf Schneider
Mathematisches Institut
Eckerstraße 1
D-79104 Freiburg i. Br., Germany

Raimund Seidel
Fachbereich 14 - Informatik
Universität des Saarlandes
Postfach 151150
D-66041 Saarbrücken, Germany

Micha Sharir
School of Computer Science
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv 69 978, Israel

N. J. A. Sloane
AT&T Labs - Research, C233
180 Park Avenue, P.O. Box 971
Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA

Ileana Streinu
Dept. of Computer Science
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063, USA

Bernd Sturmfels
Dept. of Mathematics
Univ. of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Takeshi Tokuyama
Graduate School of Information Sciences
Tohoku University, Aobayama Campus
Sendai 980-8579, Japan

Salvatore Torquato
Department of Chemistry
Frick Laboratory
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

Emo Welzl
Departement Informatik
ETH Zentrum, IFW
CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland

Günter M. Ziegler
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Freie Universität Berlin
Arnimallee 2
14195 Berlin, Germany

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