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朱继华:教授、欧盟玛丽居里学者、香港大学博士学位。主要从事土木工程结构耐久性、纤维复合材料回收与再利用、石墨烯材料改性等领域的研究。主持十余项国家级、省部级和市级纵向科研项目,同时主持或参与多项重大横向科研技术服务项目。授权中国发明专利10项、出版著作2本、发表学术论文60余篇,其中以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文40余篇。研究成果被写入国际混凝土协会(FIB)Mode Code 2020规范和中国工程建设标准化协会《混凝土结构耐久性电化学修复技术规程》。近年来,获人才基金及荣誉7项,获国际发明展特等金奖1项。 课题组常年招收深圳大学研究员/副研究员、亦依托广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室招收博士后,欢迎相关研究方向并有志于来深圳地区工作的博士毕业生联系(年薪可达40万+)! 获奖情况 欧盟研究与创新署,玛丽居里学者 (Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, MSCA-IF, European Commission Research & Innovation) 第46届日内瓦国际发明展特别金奖 广东省高等学校“千百十工程”,省级人才 Young Steel Researcher award, The 8th international conference on steel, space & composite structures, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 深圳大学第六届青年教师讲课竞赛土木工程学院一等奖 深圳市高层次地方级领军人才 深圳市孔雀计划C类人才 深圳南山领航人才 参编国内外规范 2018.4 – 至今 国际混凝土协会FIB Mode Code 2020规范 编委 2017.1 – 至今 中国工程建设标准化协会《混凝土结构耐久性电化学修复技术规程》编委 主讲课程 钢结构设计原理;钢结构设计;土木工程测量



科研项目:[1] 欧盟-玛丽居里项目 (H2020-MSCA-IF-2017, No. 798033), 高强度钢在海上风机结构的应用, 2019/01-2020/12,在研,主持。 [2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (51778370),外加电流作用下CFRP/海砂混凝土界面性能劣化机理和定量预测模型的多尺度研究, 2018/01-2021/12,在研,主持。 [3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (51478269), 基于CFRP电化学特性的海砂混凝土耐久性保障策略研究, 2015/01-2018/12, 已结题,主持。 [4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51078237),铝合金加固钢筋混凝土结构在滨海腐蚀环境下的性能研究, 2011/01-2014/12,已结题,主持。 [5] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(50808126),铝合金挤压构件屈曲机理与设计方法研究, 2009/01-2011/12,已结题,主持。 [6] 国家自然科学基金委中英国际重大合作项目 (51861165204), 面向循环经济的碳纤维增强复合材料回收与再制造, 项目负责人:邢锋,2019/01-2021/12,合作单位:英国曼彻斯特大学,在研, 第一参与人,子课题负责人。 [7] 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (51538007), 滨海钢筋混凝土结构全寿命性能智能调控与提升体系研究,项目负责人:邢锋,2016/01-2020/12, 在研, 第一参与人,子课题负责人。 [8] 科技部973项目 (2011CB013604) 第四课题,“近海重大交通工程结构抗震性能劣化机理与时变规律”,课题负责人:邢锋,2011/01-2015/12,参与人,结题 [9] 广东省国家自然科学基金重点项目 (1714050000182), 滨海环境钢筋混凝土结构全寿命性能调控与提升体系研究, 2017/07-2020/06,在研,主持。 [10] 广东省高等学校高层次人才项目, (编号:174), 基于CFRP电化学特性的新型钢筋混凝土阴极保护方法和多功能一体化结构体系研究,2013-2016,主持,结题。 [11] 深圳市科技计划项目 (JCYJ20170818094820689), 基于新型耐久性保障技术的滨海钢筋混凝土压弯构件性能与机理研究, 2018/01-2019/12,在研,主持。 [12] 深圳市基础研究计划 (JCYJ20160308104259253), 采用ICCP-SS双重保护的滨海钢筋混凝土梁式构件疲劳性能研究, 2016/01-2017/12,在研,主持。 [13] 深圳市战略性新兴产业发展专项资金 (JCYJ20120614085903232), 新型复合材料力学性能与优化设计研究, 2012,已结题,主持。 [14] 深圳市科技研发资金(JC201005280555A),碳纳米管改性混凝土结构工程应用关键技术研究,2011,已结题,主持。 授权发明专利(部分):[1] 朱继华; 邢锋, 结合阴极保护与结构加固的钢筋混凝土保护方法及系统,ZL201510214751.8, 2015-08, 中国 [2] 邢锋; 朱继华; 韩宁旭; 刘伟; 隋莉莉; 朱淼长, 具备阴极保护功能的钢筋混凝土结构加固方法及装置, ZL201310131383.1, 2013-10,中国。 [3] 邢锋; 朱继华; 韩宁旭; 刘伟; 隋莉莉; 朱淼长, 具备阴极保护功能的钢筋混凝土结构加固装置, 授权, ZL201320191008.1,2013.10.30, 中国。 [4] 邢锋; 朱继华; 韩宁旭; 刘伟; 隋莉莉; 朱淼长, 采用CFRP阳极的钢筋混凝土结构阴极保护方法及装置, ZL201320191006.2, 2013-10, 中国 。 [5] 朱继华;邢锋, 一种无需控制的钢筋混凝土结构阴极保护方法与装置, ZL201310131402.0, 2013-10, 中国 。 [6] 朱继华; 邢锋; 韩宁旭; 刘伟; 王卫仑; 朱淼长, 用于对钢筋混凝土结构进行阴极保护的加固装置, ZL201320190990.0,2013-10, 中国 。 [7] 朱继华; 邢锋; 韩宁旭; 刘伟; 隋莉莉; 朱淼长, 具阴极防护功能的CFRP-钢筋混凝土组合结构, ZL201320190720.X, 2013-10, 中国 。 [8] 朱继华; 邢锋; 韩宁旭; 刘伟; 王卫仑; 朱淼长, 自动阴极防护的CFRP-钢筋混凝土组合结构, ZL201320190620.7, 2013-10, 中国 。 [9] 朱继华; 邢锋; 韩宁旭; 刘伟; 王卫仑; 朱继华, 采用CFRP嵌入阳极的钢筋混凝土阴极保护装置, ZL201320190729.0, 2013-10, 中国 。 [10] 朱继华; 邢锋; 韩宁旭; 刘伟; 隋莉莉; 朱淼长, 一种无需控制的钢筋混凝土结构阴极保护装置, ZL201320190717.8,2013-10, 中国


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

著作 [1] 朱继华、苏玫妮、杨立伟 (2017), 《铝合金结构性能与设计方法研究》, 978-7-307-16149-8, 武汉大学出版社。 [2] Xing, F., Han. N.X., Zhu J.H. (edited), 2016, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures, June 30 – July 2, 2016, Shenzhen, Purdue University Press. 第一作者&通讯作者期刊论文 [1] JH Zhu, P Chen, M Su, C Pei, F Xing. (2019) “Recycling of carbon fibre reinforced plastics by electrically driven heterogeneous catalytic degradation of epoxy resin”, Green Chemistry, [in press] [2] Su, M., Wei, L, Zhu, J.H.*, Ueda T., Guo G. and Xing, F. (2019) “Experimental investigation of the ICCP-SS technique based on the C-FRCM composite”, Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, [in press]. [3] JH Zhu, Z Li, MN Su, B Young. (2019) “Numerical study and design of aluminium alloy channel section columns with welds”, Thin-Walled Structures 139, 139-150. [4] M Su, L Wei, Z Zeng, T Ueda, F Xing, JH Zhu*. (2019) “A solution for sea-sand reinforced concrete beams”, Construction and Building Materials 204, 586-596 [5] LZ Li, X Liu, Y Luo, MN Su, JH Zhu*. (2019) “Flexural Performance of Bolted-Side-Plated Reinforced Concrete Beams with Buckling Restraining”, ACI Structural Journal, 116(2), 77-87. [6] W Li, JH Zhu*, P Chen, F Xing, D Li, M Su. (2019) “Evaluation of carbon fiber reinforced cementitious matrix as a recyclable strengthening material”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 217: 234-243. [7] Ji-Hua Zhu, Zi-qi Li, Mei-Ni Su and Ben Young, (2019) “Behaviour of Aluminium Alloys Plain and Lipped Channel Columns”, Thin-wall structures, 135:306-316. [8] R Feng, H Zhan, S Meng, J.H Zhu*. (2018). “Experiments on H-shaped high-strength steel beams with perforated web”, Engineering Structures, 177: 374-394. [9] Ai-Zhu Zhu, Wei Xu, Ke Gao, Han-Bin Ge, Ji-Hua Zhu*. (2018). “Lateral impact response of rectangular hollow and partially concrete-filled steel tubular columns”. Thin-Walled Structures 130, 114-131. [10] JH Zhu, Z Wang, W Li, H Liang, Z Zeng, M Su, D Li, F Xing. (2018). “A Dual-Functional Intervention Method for Sea-Sand Concrete Structure”. ACI Special Publication, 330, 219-226 [11] DW Zhang, H Shi, JH Zhu*, M Su, WL Jin. (2018). “Cover separation of CFRP strengthened beam-type cantilevers with steel bolt anchorage.” Engineering Structures 156, 224-234 [12] J.H. Zhu, M Su*, J Huang, T Ueda, F Xing. (2018). “The ICCP-SS technique for retrofitting reinforced concrete compressive members subjected to corrosion.” Construction and Building Materials 167, 669-679. [13] A Zhu, X Zhang, H Zhu, J.H. Zhu, Y Lu*. (2017). “Experimental study of concrete filled cold-formed steel tubular stub columns.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research 134, 17-27 [14] R Feng, W Sun, C Shen, J.H. Zhu. (2017). “Experimental investigation of aluminum square and rectangular beams with circular perforations.” Engineering Structures 151, 613-632 [15] Zhu, J. H., Wei, L., Moahmoud, H., Redaelli, E., Xing, F*., Bertolini, L. (2017). “Investigation on CFRP as dual-functional material in chloride-contaminated solutions.” Construction and Building Materials, 151, 127-137. [16] Xue, W., Chen, J., Zhu, J.H.* (2017). "Behaviour of Corroded Single Stud Shear Connectors." Materials 10(3): 276. [17] Zhu, J. H.*, Wei, L., Guo, G., and Zhu, A. (2016). “Mechanical and Electrochemical Performance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer in Oxygen Evolution Environment.” Polymers, 8, 393. [18] Sun, H., Shazim, A., Gu, Y., Zhu, M., Zhu, J. H.*, Xing, F. (2016). “Degradation of carbon fiber reinforced polymer from cathodic protection process on exposure to NaOH and simulated pore water solutions.” Material and Structures, 2016, 24 March 2016, DOI: 10.1617/s11527-016-0859-8. [19] Sun, H., Wei, L., Zhu, M., Han, N., Zhu, J.H.*, Xing, F. (2016) Corrosion behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymer anode in simulated impressed current cathodic protection system with 3% NaCl solution. Construction and building materials, 112, 538-546, JUN 1 2016. [20] Zhu, J.H., Wei, L., Wang, Z., Liang, C-K., Fang, Y.*, and Xing, F. (2016). “Application of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer anode in electrochemical chloride extraction of steel-reinforced concrete.” Construction and Building Materials, 120, 275–283. [21] Zhu, J.H., Guo, G., Wei, L., Zhu, M., and Chen, X.,* (2016). “Dual Function Behavior of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer in Simulated Pore Solution.” Materials, 9, 103; doi:10.3390/ma9020103 [22] Sun, H., Guo, G., Memon, S., Xu, W., Zhang, Q., Zhu, J.H.*, and Xing, F. (2015). “Recycling of carbon fibers from carbon fiber reinforced polymer using electrochemical method.” Composites Part A- Applied Science and Manufacturing, 78, 10-17, NOV 2015. [23] Wu, C., Zhu, J.H.*, Chen, N., and Wang, H. (2015). “Preparation of stereoscopic snowflake-like CoO material and its supercapacitor applications”. Ionics, 21(8): 2303-2307, AUG 2015. [24] Zhu, J.H., Wei, L., Zhu, M., Sun, H.* Tang, L., and Xing, F. (2015). “Polarization Induced Deterioration of Reinforced Concrete with CFRP Anode.” Materials, 8(7), 4316-4331, JUL 2015. [25] Zhu, J.H., Zhu, M., Han, N. Liu, W., and Xing, F. (2014). “Electrical and Mechanical Performance of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Used as the Impressed Current Anode Material.” Materials, 7(8), 5438-5453. [26] Zhu, J.H., Zhu, M., Wei, L., Li, W-W., Xing, F. (2014). “Experimental Study of Concrete Strengthened by Stiffened Aluminum Plate.” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume: 584-586, 997-1000. [27] Zhu, J.H., Zhu, M., Wei, L., Li, W-W., Xing, F. (2014). “Bond behavior of aluminum laminates in NSM technique.” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 501-504, 1053-1060. [28] Zhu, J. H., Wei, L., Zhu, M., Li, W-W., Xing, F. (2014). “Experimental study of bond behavior on aluminum alloy plate-to-concrete interface.” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 501-504, 805-810. [29] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2012). “Design of cold-formed steel oval hollow section columns.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 71, 26-37. [30] WL Wang, JH Zhu, F Xing. (2011). “Study on the Durability of Concrete Structure of Aviation Oil Wharf of Shenzhen Airport”. Advanced Materials Research: 163, 1019-1023. [31] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2010). “Cold-formed-steel oval hollow sections under axial compression.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 137(7), 719-727. [32] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2009). “Design of aluminum flexural members using direct strength method.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 135(5), 558-566. [33] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2008). “Numerical investigation and design of aluminum alloy circular hollow section columns.” Thin-Walled Structures, 46(3), 1437-1449. [34] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2008). “Behaviour and design of aluminum alloy structural members.” Advanced Steel Construction, 4(2), 158-172. [35] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2007). “Effects of transverse welds on aluminum alloy columns.” Thin-Walled Structures, 45(3), 321-329. [36] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Experimental investigation of aluminum alloy thin-walled tubular members in combined compression and bending.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 132(12), 1955-1966. [37] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Aluminum alloy tubular columns – part II: parametric study and design using direct strength method.” Thin-Walled Structures, 44(9), 969-985. [38] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Aluminum alloy tubular columns – part I: finite element modeling and test verification.” Thin-Walled Structures, 44(9), 961-968. [39] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Aluminum alloy circular hollow section beam-columns.” Thin-Walled Structures, 44(2), 131-140. [40] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Tests and design of aluminum alloy compression members.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 132(7), 1096-1107. [41] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Experimental investigation of aluminum alloy circular hollow section columns.” Engineering Structures, 28(2), 207-215. 国际会议论文 [1] Zhu Jihua,“Development of combined ICCP-SS system for reinforced concrete structures in marine environments”,The 5th International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures,Shenzhen,2016.06.30-2016.07.02, invited paper. [2] Ji-Hua Zhu, Feng Xing, Hongfang Sun, Ningxu Han, Miaochang Zhu. (2015). Behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymer anode in simulated impressed current cathodic protection system of reinforced concrete structures. The International Symposium on Symposium on Reliability of Engineering System (SRES2015), Hangzhou, invited paper. [3] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Compression members of aluminum thin-walled square and rectangular hollow sections” Proceedings of the 8th international conference on steel, space & composite structures, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 245-254. (Young Steel Researcher award) [4] M.C. Zhu, W.Q. Li, J.H. Zhu, T. Ueda, M.N. Su, F. Xing and D.W. Li, “Bond Behavior of a multifilament carbon yarn embedded in cementitious matrix”, Proceeding of the 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, pp, 283-290, Nov 4-7, 2018, China. [5] Liangliang WEI, Wanqian LI, Piyu CHEN, Ji-Hua ZHU, Tamon UEDA, Feng XING, Dawang LI, Meini SU, “Investigation on the long-term performance of impressed current cathodic protection using CFRP anode”, Proceeding of the 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, pp.715-723, Nov 4-7, 2018, China. [6] H-S. Liang, J-H. Zhu, F. Xing, Z-W. Zeng, M-N. Su, T. Ueda and L-L. Wei. (2018). “Experimental Investigation on the ICCP-SS Technique for Sea-sand RC Beams.” Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, 18 - 20 July 2018, University of Leeds, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom. [7] Liangliang WEI, Meini SU, Tamon UEDA, Ji-Hua ZHU. “A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE IN FLEXURE OF RC BEAMS STRENGTHENED WITH PRECAST CARBON-FRCM PLATE COMPOSITES.” Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute. (2018.07, Japan) [8] Feng XING, Wan-qian LI, Mei-ni SU, Tamon Ueda, Ji-hua ZHU, Jia-yi HUANG, (2017) “Investigation of a new retrofitting method for RC compressive members in corrosive environments”, Proceeding of The 15th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (EASEC-15). (Xi’an, 11-13 October, 2017) [9] Ji-hua ZHU, Wei-hao LIN, Pi-yu CHEN, Tamon UEDA, Feng XING, Liang-liang WEI, Miaochang ZHU, Mei-ni SU, (2017). “The bond behavior between C-FRCM composite and concrete under the impressed current cathodic protection”, Proceeding of 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (Singapore, 19-21 July, 2017) [10] Zhu Jihua, “A solution to sea sand sea water RC structures”, Concrete Research Committee Seminar, Association of Civil Engineering Technology of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, 2017.07.04. [11] Ju Chen, Xue Wen, Ji-hua Zhu, Fei Xu, “Design of concrete-filled steel tubular longitudinal gusset plate connections”, The online collection for conference papers in civil engineering, Vol.1, Issue 1. (Copenhagen, 13-15 September, 2017) [12] Zhu Jihua, “Development of combined ICCP-SS system for reinforced concrete structures in marine environments”, The 5th International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, Shenzhen, 2016.06.30-2016.07.02. [13] Ji-Hua Zhu, Feng Xing, Hongfang Sun, Ningxu Han, Miaochang Zhu. (2015). “Behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymer anode in simulated impressed current cathodic protection system of reinforced concrete structures”. The International Symposium on Symposium on Reliability of Engineering System (SRES2015), Hangzhou. [14] Xianfeng Wang, Feng Xing, Ningxu Han, Lili Sui and Jianpeng Chen, Ji-Hua Zhu. (2014). “Analysis of Early Age Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Abutment.” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Infrastructure Failures and Consequences (ICIFC), 16th-20th July, 2014, Melbourne, Australia. [15] Ji-Hua Zhu, Miaochang Zhu, Ningxu Han, Feng Xing, Wei Liu, Luca Bertolini. (2014). “Behavior of CFRP plate in simulated ICCP system of concrete structures.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. [16] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2012). “Numerical modeling and design of cold-formed steel oval hollow section compression members.” Tubular Structures XIV - Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS 2012, London, 275-281. [17] Wang, Weilun; Zhu, Jihua; Xing, Feng. (2011). “Study on the Durability of Concrete Structure of Aviation Oil Wharf of Shenzhen Airport.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, JAN 07-09, 2011, Guangzhou, 71, 26-37. [18] Wang, L.; Zhu, J. H.; Zhu, A. Z. (2010). “Numerical study on displacement response of electric truss-columns under earthquake loads.” Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, DEC 15-17, 2010, Hong Kong. 159-165. [19] Zhu, J. H. and Young, B. (2010). “Compression members of cold-formed steel oval hollow sections.” Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, DEC 15-17, 2010, Hong Kong. [20] Chen, J., Zhu, J. H., and Jin, W. L. (2008). Experimental investigation and design of severely corroded reinforced concrete beams. Proceedings of International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, 26-27 November, 2008, Hangzhou, China. 756-760. [21] Zhu, J. H., and Chen, J. (2008). Numerical investigation of severely corroded reinforced concrete beams. Proceedings of International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, 26-27 November, 2008, Hangzhou, China. 756-760. [22] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2008). “Behavior and design of aluminum alloy structural members.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures (CIMS2008), Sydney, Australia, 473-480. [23] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2008). “Numerical modeling and design approach of aluminum alloy tubular columns.” Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Tubular Sructures, Shanghai, China, 553-561. [24] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2008). “Tests and design of aluminum flexural members.” Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, Changsha, China, 1769-1774. [25] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2007). “Design of aluminum alloy tubular columns using direct strength method.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Steel and Aluminum (ICSAS 07), Oxford, UK, 1020-1032. [26] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2007). “Finite element modeling of aluminum alloy tubular columns.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Steel and Aluminum (ICSAS 07), Oxford, UK, 1012-1019. [27] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Tests and design of aluminum circular hollow section beam-columns.” Proceedings of the 8th international conference on steel, space & composite structures, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 255-264. [28] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2006). “Structural performance of aluminum alloy thin-walled tubular members in combined compression and bending.” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Cold-formed Metal Structures, Hong Kong. [29] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2005). “Effects of transverse welds on aluminum tubular columns.” Proceedings of the 6th international conference on tall buildings, Hong Kong, China, 649-656. [30] Zhu, J. H., and Young, B. (2005). “Tests of aluminum alloy circular hollow section compression members.” Proceedings of the 4th international conference on advances in steel structures, Shanghai, China, 121-130.


国家自然科学基金评审专家 广东省科技厅项目评审专家 深圳市科技创新委员会专家 国际材料与结构研究实验联合会(RILEM)会员 国际混凝土协会(FIB)会员, Thin-walled Structures 杂志(JCR Q1)特约审稿人 Engineering Structures 杂志(JCR Q1)特约审稿人 Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE) 杂志(JCR Q1)特约审稿人 Constructional and Building Materials 杂志(JCR Q1)特约审稿人 Journal of Constructional Steel Research杂志(JCR Q1)特约审稿人 Composites Part A(JCR Q1)特约审稿人
