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1989/09-1993/06,石油大学,炼制系,石油加工,学士 1995/09-1998/06,抚顺石油学院,机械系,化工过程机械,硕士 2004/03-2007/03,哈尔滨工业大学,市政环境工程学院,市政工程,博士


水及废水的物化处理理论与技术:重点兴趣领域为混凝剂研发、理论及应用技术; 水的深度处理与回用技术:重点兴趣领域为混凝处理与膜的组合技术; 固体废弃物的资源化应用技术(涉及污泥的减量化及固体废弃物的净水剂研发技术)


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Fu Ying, et al. Organic Modifier of Poly-silicic-ferric Coagulant: Characterization, Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater and Floc Change during Coagulation. Desalination, 2011, 277:67-73. (SCI收录) Fu Ying. Investigation on flocculation process of composite poly-Si-Fe coagulant. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2011,30:1-12. (SCI收录) Fu Ying, et al. Resource preparation of poly-Al–Zn–Fe (PAZF) coagulant from galvanized aluminum slag: Characteristics, simultaneous removal efficiency and mechanism of nitrogen and organic matters. Chemical Enginerring Journal, 2012, 203: 301–308. (SCI收录) Ying Fu, et al. Hydrolysis performance of poly-Al-Fe containing zinc (PAZF) coagulant and its removal of color and organic matters. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2014, 4:58-66. (SCI收录) Fu Ying, et al. Storage Stability and Oxidization of Stable-Oxidation-Poly-Si-Fe (SOPSF) Coagulant. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 54(8): 2228-2240.(SCI收录) Ying Fu, et al. Application performance of a new coagulant in wastewater reuse. Water Science and Technology, 2016, 73(9): 2101-2107(SCI收录). 付英, 等. 聚硅酸制备的数学建模及聚铁混凝剂的性能分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010,42(2):212-217. (EI收录) 付英, 等.聚硅酸铁混凝剂的研制及其物化特征. 北京工业大学学报, 2010, 36(3): 377-383. (EI收录) 付英, 等. 聚硅酸铁对溶解性有机物与浊度的去除. 中国石油大学学报, 2010,34(1):134-138. (EI收录) 付英, 等. 复合硅铁混凝剂荷电性及除污染性能与机理,北京工业大学学报, 2011, 37(10):1549-1555. (EI收录) 付英, 等. 硅铁摩尔比对硅铁复合混凝剂混凝效能的影响及机理.中国石油大学学报, 2010, 34(3):157-161. (EI收录) 付英, 等. 源于镀铝锌渣的复合铝锌铁混凝剂的制备及混凝特征. 中国石油大学学报, 2014,38(1) :161-166. Fu Ying, et al. Color Removal by Organic Poly-silicic-ferric Coagulant. 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2011), Nanjing, China, 2011,4: 3010-3013. (EI收录) Ying FU, et al. Size Distribution of Organic Modifier of Poly-silicic-ferric Coagulant. Advanced Materials Research, Part 1, 2011, 225-226: 17-20. (EI收录) FU Ying, et al. Floc’s growth and settlement of organic poly-silicic-ferric coagulant. 1st International Congress on Advanced Material 2011, Jinan, China, 13-16 May 2011. (EI收录) Ying FU, et al.. Zeta Potential of Stable Oxidative Poly-Si-Fe (SOPSF) Coagulant. Advances in Environmental Science and Engineering, Part 1, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protetion (ICEEP 2012) , 2012: 150-152. (EI收录)
