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1986-2001在中国药科大学先后从事天然药物化学、药剂学、新药及保健品开发等领域研究和教学。2001 - 至今 在南京师范大学生命科学学院承担药物制剂和新药研究方向的科研教学工作。2010-2011 美国Purdue University 访问学者。 近年先后承担国家自然科学基金项目、国家“十五”重大科技专项、江苏省新药创制发展基金项目、江苏省高校自然科学重大基础研究项目等。曾负责多项新药研究开发工作。在SCI源刊、国内核心刊等发表研究论文30余篇;已获得国家发明专利授权10项、公开5项。


新型载药体系设计和机制研究 创新药物筛选和开发


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Zhixiang Yan, Chen Chen, Xiabing Xie, Bo Fu , Xinghao Yang*. 2012. Rapid screening and quantification of sulfonate derivatives in white peony root by UHPLC–MS–MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 402,2173–2182. (SCI) 2.Zhixiang Yan, Ying Chen, Tianxue Li, Jie Zhang, Xinghao Yang*. 2012. Identification of metabolites of Si-Ni-San, a traditional Chinese medicine formula, in rat plasma and urine using liquid chromatography/ diode array detection/ triple-quadrupole spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography B, 885-886, 73-82. (SCI). 3.Changyun Shen, Xinghao Yang*, Yan Wang, Jinwen Zhou, Chen Chen. 2011. Complexation of Capsaicin with β-Cyclodextrins to Improve Pesticide Formulations: Effect on Aqueous Solubility, Dissolution Rate, Stability and Soil Adsorption. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 72(2012), 263-274(SCI). 4.Zhixiang Yan, Xinghao Yang*, Jianbo Wu, Huai Su, Chen Chen, Yin Chen. 2011. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical constituents in Traditional Chinese medicinal formula Tong-Xie-Yao-Fang by High-performance liquid chromatography / diode array detection / electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 691, 110–118. (SCI) 5.Yang, Xinghao*, Weizhong Ke, Peng Zi, Fei Liu, Lili Yu. 2008. Detecting and Identifying the Complexation of Nimodipine with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin Present in Tablets by Raman Spectroscopy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 97: 2702-2719.(SCI) 6.Peng Zi , Xinghao Yang*, Huifen Kuang, Yanshuang Yang, Lili Yu. 2008. Effect of HP-β-CD on solubility and transdermal delivery of capsaicin through rat skin. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 358:151–158. (SCI) 7.Yang, Xinghao*, et al. 2004.Release Kinetics of Catechins from Chewing Gum. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 93: 293-299.(SCI) 8.Yang, Xinghao*, et al. 2001.Determination of L-Dopa Content and Other Significant Nitrogenous Compounds in the Seeds of Seven Mucuna. Pharmaceutical Biology,39:312-316.(SCI)
