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2006年从中国科学院动物研究所生态学专业获博士学位。2006-2017年期间在浙江大学工作,历任博士后、助理研究员和副研究员。从2009年开始,先后多次到加拿大University of Alberta,Carleton University, McGill University等高校进行学术访问与交流合作。国际生物地理学会、中国鸟类学会和中国两栖爬行学会会员,浙江省动物学会常务理事和常务副秘书长。担任Current Zoology、Asian Journal of Life sciences、Journal of Zoological Research等期刊编委。 自2000年开始从事动物生态学的科研工作,特别是在岛屿生物地理学、群落生态学、保护生物学和城市生态学等领域开展了长期的研究工作。近年来,主要以千岛湖和舟山群岛为研究平台,以鸟类、两栖类和爬行类为研究对象,围绕嵌套格局、小岛屿效应、群落聚群规律、物种濒危机制等岛屿生物地理学、群落生态学和保护生物学的重要前沿研究领域和核心问题开展了一系列深入研究,已初步形成了自己的研究体系和研究特色。


1、岛屿生物地理学 2、宏观生态学 3、群落生态学 4、保护生物学 5、城市生态学 6、生活史理论 7、鸟类学 8、两爬生物学


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1)Yanping Wang*, Virginie Millien, Ping Ding*. 2016. On empty islands and the small-island effect. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, 1333–1345. (2) Yanping Wang*, Xingfeng Si, Peter M. Bennett, Chuanwu Chen, Di Zeng, Yuhao Zhao, Yiru Wu, Ping Ding. 2018. Ecological correlates of extinction risk in Chinese birds. Ecography, 41, 782–794. (3) Yanping Wang, Yixin Bao, Mingjian Yu, Gaofu Xu, Ping Ding. 2010. Nestedness for different reasons: the distributions of birds, lizards and small mammals on islands of an inundated lake. Diversity and Distributions, 16, 862–873. (4)Yanping Wang, Shuihua Chen, Ping Ding. 2011. Testing multiple assembly rule models in avian communities on islands of an inundated lake, Zhejiang Province, China. Journal of Biogeography, 38, 1330–1344. (5)Yanping Wang, Daniel H. Thornton, Dapeng Ge, Siyu Wang, Ping Ding. 2015. Ecological correlates of vulnerability to fragmentation in forest birds on inundated subtropical land-bridge islands. Biological Conservation, 191, 251–257. (6) Yanping Wang, Ping Ding, Shuihua Chen, Guangmei Zheng. 2013. Nestedness of bird assemblages on urban woodlots: implications for conservation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 111, 59–67. (7) Yanping Wang, Meng Zhang, Siyu Wang, Zhifeng Ding, Jingcheng Zhang, Jiji Sun, Peng Li, Ping Ding. 2012. No evidence for the small-island effect in avian communities on islands of an inundated lake. Oikos, 121(12), 1945–1952. (8)Yanping Wang, Qiang Wu, Xi Wang, Chao Liu, Lingbing Wu, Chuanwu Chen, Dapeng Ge, Xiao Song, Cangsong Chen, Aichun Xu, Ping Ding. 2015. Small-island effect in snake communities on islands of an inundated lake: the need to include zeroes. Basic and Applied Ecology, 16, 19–27. (9)Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Feeley, K.J., Jiang, P., Ding, P. 2009. Life-history traits associated with fragmentation vulnerability of lizards in the Thousand Island Lake, China. Animal Conservation, 12(4), 329–337 (10)Aichun Xu, Xufang Han, Xuemei Zhang, Virginie Millien, Yanping Wang*. 2017. Nestedness of butterfly assemblages in the Zhoushan Archipelago, China: Area effects, life-history traits and conservation implications. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26, 1375–1392.
