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教育背景 2009.09—2012.12 南京大学,环境科学,理学博士 2006.09—2009.04 南京大学,环境科学,理学硕士 2002.09—2006.09 南京大学,环境科学,理学学士 研究经历 2019.03-至今,南京师范大学,环境学院,副教授 2015.03-2016.02,美国德克萨斯大学艾尔帕索分校,化学院,访问学者 2012.12-2018.11,南京大学,环境学院,助理研究员、副研究员


农田系统中污染物的环境归趋与生态效应 土壤环境中污染物自净过程与土壤恢复力 污染物的植物毒性及其对气候变化的响应


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[1] Wang YJ, Lin YJ, Xu YW, Yin Y, Guo HY, Du WC*. (2019) Divergence in response of lettuce (var.ramosaHort.) to copper oxide nanoparticles/microparticles as potential agricultural fertilizer. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability, 31(1), 80-84. [2] Du WC, Tan WJ, Yin Y, Ji R, Peralta-Videa JR, Guo HY, Gardea-Torresdey JL*. (2018) Differential effects of copper nanoparticles/microparticles in agronomic and physiological parameters of oregano (Origanum vulgare). Science of the Total Environment. 618, 306-312. [3] Du WC, Xu YW, Yin, Y, Ji R, Guo HY*. (2018) Risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles and other contaminants in terrestrial plants. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 6, 21-28. [4] Yin Y, Hu ZX, Du WC*, Ai FX, Ji R, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Guo HY*. (2017) Elevated CO2 levels increase the toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles to goldfish (Carassius auratus) in a water-sediment ecosystem. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 327, 64-70. [5] Du WC, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Xie YW, Yin Y, Zhu JG, Zhang XW, Ji R, Gu KH, Peralta-Videa JR, Guo HY*. (2017) Elevated CO2 levels modify TiO2 nanoparticle effects on rice and soil microbial communities. Science of the Total Environment. 578, 408-416. [6] Du WC, Tan WJ, Peralta-Videa JR, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Ji R, Yin Y, Guo HY*. (2017) Interaction of metal oxide nanoparticles with higher terrestrial plants: Physiological and biochemical aspects. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 110, 210-225. [7] Du WC, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Ji R, Yin Y, Zhu JG, Peralta-Videa JR, Guo HY*. (2015) Physiological and biochemical changes imposed by CeO2 nanoparticles on wheat: a life cycle field study. Environmental Science & Technology. 49(19), 11884-11893. [8] Du WC, Ji R, Sun YY*, Zhu JG, Wu JC, Guo HY. (2013) Fate and ecological effects of decabromodiphenyl ether in a field lysimeter. Environmental Science & Technology. 47, 9167-9174. [9] Du WC, Sun YY*, Cao L, Huang J, Ji R, Wang XR, Wu JC, Zhu JG, Guo HY*. (2011) Environmental fate of phenanthrene in lysimeter planted with wheat and rice in rotation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 188(1-3), 408-413. [10] Du WC, Sun YY, Ji R, Zhu JG, Wu JC, Guo HY*. (2011) TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles negatively affect wheat growth and soil enzyme activities in agricultural soil. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 13(4), 822-828
