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邵建华,教授,博士,浙江省东阳市人。西北工业大学工学学士和硕士,南京师范大学工学博士;美国亚特兰大佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)高级访问学者。1993年任高级工程师以来,曾担任8511所科学技术委员会委员、职称评定委员会委员及电子对抗研究部主任等职。1994年至1999年,由国防科工委、航天工业总公司和中国科学院任命为“神舟”某号飞船应用系统某分系统副主任设计师、主任设计师。获部级科技进步三等奖2项。共主持或参与完成各类科研项目二十多项,其中主持完成大型国家级工程项目2项,主持完成省级项目2项,主持完成其他厅级纵向项目4项、其他横向项目5项。在省级及以上刊物上公开发表论文三十多篇,其中EI核心收录17篇、一级权威刊物1篇、核心刊物11篇。




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[1] Wei Ke*, Xiunan Zhang, Yanan Yuan, and Jianhua Shao*. Compressing Sensing Based Source Localization for Controlled Acoustic Signals Using Distributed Microphone Arrays. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, September 26, 2017, vol.63: 95-103. [2] Wei Ke, Yanan Yuan, Xiunan Zhang, and Jianhua Shao*. Device-Free Electromagnetic Passive Localization with Frequency Diversity. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M (ISSN:1937-8726), April ,2016, vol.47: 129-139. [3] B. Z. Li, J. H. Shao* and G. N. Wang. An Energy Approximation Model Based on Restricted Isometry Property in Compressive Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio. Journal of Communications, 2015, vol.10(7): 490-496. [4] Li Li, Wei Ke*, Xiunan Zhang, Yanan Yuan, and Jianhua Shao. Device-Free Electromagnetic Passive Localization Using Link Line Information in Wireless Sensor Networks. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, April 25, 2016, vol.63: 95-103. [5] Wei Ke, Tingting Wang, and Jianhua Shao. CS-based device-free localization in the presence of model errors. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2016 -Proceedings (ISSN: 1520-6149), vol.May: 4443-4447. [6] Jianhua Shao, Xin Liang. An Improved Algorithm of NC-OFDM System in Cognitive Radio. Journal of Communications and Networking, 2011, vol.1(5):24-28. [7] Jianhua Shao, Kuixi Yin, Huazhao. Capacity Analysis of Optimal Chaotic sequence Cyclic Code Phase Multiple Access. IEEE 2007 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing Proceeding, WiCOM 2007, Vol.2: 1402-1405. [8] Jianhua Shao, Xin Liang. A New Approach for PAPR Reduction of NC-OFDM System Based on Cognitive Radio. IEEE 2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing Proceeding, WiCOM2009,Vol.2: 78-1-4. [9] Jianhua Shao, Xin Liang. Designment and Implementation of Cognitive Radio Model Based on FPGA. The 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, ICCASM2010, Vol.2: 415-418.
