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学习经历: 2002-2007,德国杜塞尔多夫大学,遗传学研究所,博士学位 1995-2002, 德国科隆大学,生物学,本硕学位 工作经历: 2015至今,东北林业大学,生命科学院,教授 2013-2015,德国杜塞尔多夫大学,遗传学研究所,玛丽居里基金独立研究项目-植物记忆,项目主持人 2012-2013, 德国杜塞尔多夫大学,遗传学研究所,博士后研究 2011-2012, 德国科隆植物育种马普研究所, DAAD回国基金项目,客座研究者 2008-2011, 英国爱丁堡大学,生物学院,分子植物研究所,博士后研究 2007, 德国杜塞尔多夫大学,遗传学研究所,博士后研究


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Müller-Xing, R.*), Xing, Q. and Goodrich, J. (2014). Footprints of the Sun: Memory of UV and Light Stress in Plants. Frontiers in PLANT SCIENCE 5:474. *) 通讯作者。 特邀 Review. Müller-Xing, R.*), Goodrich, J. and Schubert, D. (2015). Non-inductive conditions expose the cryptic bract of flower phytomeres in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signaling & Behavior, in press. *)通讯作者。 特邀 Article Addendum. Müller-Xing, R., Clarenz, O., Pokorny, L., Goodrich, J. and Schubert, D. (2014). Polycomb-Group Proteins and FLOWERING LOCUS T Maintain Commitment to Flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 26 2457-2471. López Vernaza, M., Yang, S., Müller, R., deLeau, E. and Goodrich J. (2012). Antagonistic roles of SEPALLATA3, FT and FLC genes as targets of the polycomb group gene CURLY LEAF. PLoS one 2012;7(2):e30715. Liu, X., Kim, Y.J., Müller, R., Yumul, R.E., Liu, C., Pan, Y., Cao, X., Goodrich, J. and Chen X. (2011). AGAMOUS directly represses the stem cell maintenance gene WUSCHEL by recruiting Polycomb Group proteins to terminate floral stem cells in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23, 3654-70. Müller, R. and Goodrich, J. (2011). Sweet memories: Epigenetic control in flowering. F1000 biology reports 3, 13. Müller, R. and Goodrich, J. (2011). The footprints of winter: The marks on genetic machinery that give plants a memory of winter. The Scientist 25, 3, 57-58. Müller, R.,Bleckmann, A. und Simon, R. (2008). The receptor kinase CORYNE of Arabidopsis transmits the stem cell-limiting signal CLAVATA3 independently of CLAVATA1. Plant Cell 20, 934-946. Müller, R.,Borghi, L., Kwiatkowska, D., Laufs, P. and Simon, R. (2006). Dynamic and compensatory responses of Arabidopsis shoot and floral meristems to CLV3 signaling. Plant Cell 18, 1188-1198. Hobe1), M., Müller1), R.,Grünewald, M., Brand, U. and Simon, R. (2003). Loss of CLE40, a protein functionally equivalent to the stem cell restricting signal CLV3, enhances root waving in Arabidopsis. Dev Genes Evol 213, 371-381. 1) 并列第一作者.
