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莫然,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。本科毕业于华中科技大学,博士毕业于美国Drexel University,计算机专业,师从蔡元芳(Yuanfang Cai)教授。2018年7月加入华中师范大学计算机学院. 主要研究方向为软件架构的度量,架构缺陷的检测,架构重构分析以及重构效益建模等。博士期间,申请了2项专利,在ICSE,ASE,TSE等软件工程国际会议或者期刊上发表了10多篇论文。 教育背景 2012-2018 美国Drexel University,博士,计算机专业 2007-2011 华中科技大学, 学士,自动化专业




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Ran Mo, Will Snipes,Yuanfang Cai, Srini Ramaswamy, Rick Kazman, and Martin Naedele. ExperiencesApplying Automated Architecture Analysis Tool Suites. InternationalConference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2018. 779-789 (CCF软件工程A类) 2.Ran Mo, Yuanfang Cai, RickKazman and Qiong Feng. Assessing an Architecture’s Ability to SupportFeature Evolution. IEEE International Conference on ProgramComprehension (ICPC) 2018. 297-307 (CCF软件工程B类) 3.Yuanfang Cai, Lu Xiao, Rick Kazman,Ran Mo and Qiong Feng. Design Rule Spaces: A New Model for Representingand Analyzing Software Architecture. IEEE Transactions on SoftwareEngineering (TSE). (CCF软件工程A类) 4.Qiong Feng, Yuanfang Cai, Rick Kazman,Ran Mo. The birth, growth, death and rejuvenation of softwaremaintenance communities. ACM/IEEE International Symposium on EmpiricalSoftware Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) 2018. (CCF软件工程B类) 5.Wensheng Wu, Yuanfang Cai, RickKazman, Ran Mo, Zhipeng Liu, Rongbiao Chen, Yingan Ge, Weicai Liu,and Junhui Zhang. Software Architecture Measurement —Experiences from aMultinational Company. European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA)2018. (软件架构国际会议,软件架构顶级会议) 6.Will Snipes, Sunil L Karlekar, and RanMo. A Case Study of the Effects of Architecture Debt on SoftwareEvolution Effort. The Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering andAdvanced Applications (SEAA) 2018. (软件工程国际会议) 7.Ran Mo, YuanfangCai, Rick Kazman, Lu Xiao, and Qiong Feng. Decoupling Level: A NewMetric for Architectural Maintenance Complexity. InternationalConference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2016, 499-510(CCF软件工程A类) 8.Lu Xiao, YuanfangCai, Rick Kazman, Ran Mo, and Qiong Feng. Identifying andQuantifying Architectural Debts. International Conference on SoftwareEngineering (ICSE) 2016, 488-498 (CCF软件工程A类) 9.Qiong Feng, RickKazman, Yuanfang Cai, Ran Mo and Lu Xiao. AnArchitecture-centric Approach to Security Analysis. Working IEEE/IFIPConference on Software Architecture (WICSA) 2016, 221-230 (CCF软件工程C类,软件架构顶级会议) 10.Ran Mo, YuanfangCai, Rick Kazman and Lu Xiao. Hotspot Patterns: The Formal Definitionand Automatic Detection of Architecture Smells. Working IEEE/IFIPConference on Software Architecture (WICSA) 2015, 51-60 (CCF软件工程C类,软件架构顶级会议) 11.Rick Kazman, YuanfangCai, Ran Mo, Qiong Feng, Lu Xiao, Serge Haziyev, Volodymyr Fedak,and Andriy Shapochka. A Case Study in Locating the Architectural Rootsof Technical Debt. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)2015, 179-188 (CCF软件工程A类) 12.Ran Mo, JoshuaGarcia, Yuanfang Cai, Nenad Medvidovic. Mapping architectural decayinstances to dependency models. MTD@ICSE 2013, 39-46 (Technical Debt国际会议)
