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付伟杰,大连理工大学物理学院教授,博士生导师。2004年毕业于大连理工大学物理系,获学士学位。2009年毕业于北京大学物理学院,获理论物理博士学位。2009年7月至2011年8月在中国科学院理论物理研究所从事博士后研究,2011年8月至2013年10月在加拿大Brandon University从事博士后研究,2014年3月至2016年6月获德国洪堡基金会资助,在德国海德堡大学从事科学研究。于2016年7月回国,聘为大连理工大学物理学院教授。主要从事的研究领域包括:中高能核物理、相对论重离子碰撞、极端条件下QCD的性质,同时也从事有关极端条件下强相互作用物质在致密星体中的观测效应方面的研究。已在Phys. Rev. Lett.、SciPost Phys.、Phys. Rev. D等国际著名期刊上发表五十余篇SCI论文 教育经历 2004.92009.7北京大学理论物理博士 2000.92004.6大连理工大学应用物理学士 1997.72000.7四川省都江堰中学 工作经历 2016.7至今大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院教授 2014.32016.6海德堡大学(德国)洪堡学者 2011.82013.10Brandon University(加拿大)博士后 2009.72011.7中科院理论物理所(中国)博士后 科研项目 QCD相结构与强相互作用物质性质的泛函重整化群研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2017/08/17, 进行 大连理工大学理论物理学术交流与人才培养平台建设, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2017/12/15, 完成 大连理工大学理论物理学术交流与人才培养平台建设, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2018/12/05, 进行 QCD相结构与强相互作用物质性质的泛函重整化群研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2017/09/03-2021/12/31, 在研, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,68万元 高温高密强相互作用物质的性质及其在实验中的观测信号的研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2010/09/01-2013/12/31, 已结题, 国家自然科学基金青年基金,18万元


泛函重整化群(Functional Renormalization Group)及其在相对论重离子碰撞中的应用 QCD相图及相结构:退禁闭相变的物理机制、动力学手征对称性破缺及其与退禁闭相变的关系、QCD临界终点及其在相对论重离子碰撞实验中的观测信号 强相互作用物质在致密星体中的观测效应:致密星体非径向模式的振动及其引力辐射、引力波观测信号 量子系统的非平衡演化:夸克胶子等离子体的输运性质、强相互作用夸克的谱函数、夸克胶子等离子体早期热化的AdS/CFT研究


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付伟杰.Four-fermion interactions and the chiral symmetry breaking in an external magnetic field[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,96(7) 李乡.Thermodynamics of 2+1 flavor Polyakov-loop quark-meson model under external magnetic field[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,99(7) 付伟杰.Baryon number fluctuations at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,94(11) Wen, Rui.Baryon number fluctuations in the 2+1 flavor low energy effective model[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,99(9) Sun, Ke-xin.Baryon number probability distribution at finite temperature[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,98(7) Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347 付伟杰.Strangeness neutrality and baryon-strangeness correlations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(11) 付伟杰.QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5) 李乡.New insight about the effective restoration of U-A(1) symmetry[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5) Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347 Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347 付伟杰.Strangeness neutrality and baryon-strangeness correlations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(11) 付伟杰.QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5) 李乡.New insight about the effective restoration of U-A(1) symmetry[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5) yinshi.Mesonic dynamics and the QCD phase transition[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(9) Chen, Yong-rui.Critical behaviors of the O(4) and Z(2) symmetries in the QCD phase diagram[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,104(5) Wen, Rui.Correlations of conserved charges and QCD phase structure[J],CHINESE PHYSICS C,2022,45(4) Braun, Jens.Chiral susceptibility in (2+1)-flavor QCD[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,102(5) 付伟杰.Chiral criticality and glue dynamics[J],Chinese Physics C,2022,43(7) Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347 付伟杰.Strangeness neutrality and baryon-strangeness correlations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(11) 付伟杰.QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5) 李乡.New insight about the effective restoration of U-A(1) symmetry[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,101(5) yinshi.Mesonic dynamics and the QCD phase transition[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,100(9) Chen, Yong-rui.Critical behaviors of the O(4) and Z(2) symmetries in the QCD phase diagram[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,104(5) Wen, Rui.Correlations of conserved charges and QCD phase structure[J],CHINESE PHYSICS C,2022,45(4) Braun, Jens.Chiral susceptibility in (2+1)-flavor QCD[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2022,102(5) 付伟杰.Chiral criticality and glue dynamics[J],Chinese Physics C,2022,43(7) Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and the QCD phase diagram[A],Proceedings of Science,2022,347 Fu, Wei-jie,Pawlowski, Jan M.,Rennecke, Fabian.QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2020,101(5) Li, Xiang,Fu, Wei-jie,Liu, Yu-xin.New insight about the effective restoration of U-A(1) symmetry[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2020,101(5) Fu, Wei-jie,Pawlowski, Jan M.,Rennecke, Fabian.Strangeness neutrality and baryon-strangeness correlations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2019,100(11) Yin, Shi,Wen, Rui,Fu, Wei-jie.Mesonic dynamics and the QCD phase transition[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2019,100(9) Fu, Wei-Jie.Chiral criticality and glue dynamics[J],CHINESE PHYSICS C,2019,43(7) Wen, Rui,Huang, Chuang,Fu, Wei-jie.Baryon number fluctuations in the 2+1 flavor low energy effective model[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2019,99(9) Li, Xiang,Fu, Wei-jie,Liu, Yu-xin.Thermodynamics of 2+1 flavor Polyakov-loop quark-meson model under external magnetic field[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2019,99(7) Sun, Ke-xin,Wen, Rui,Fu, Wei-jie.Baryon number probability distribution at finite temperature[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2018,98(7) Fu, Wei-jie,Liu, Yu-xin.Four-fermion interactions and the chiral symmetry breaking in an external magnetic field[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2017,96(7) Fu, Wei-jie,Pawlowski, Jan M.,Rennecke, Fabian,Schaefer, Bernd-Jochen.Baryon number fluctuations at finite temperature and density[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2016,94(11) Ke-xin Sun,Rui Wen.Baryon number probability distribution at finite temperature[J],arXiv:1805.12025 [hep-ph],2018 付伟杰,Jan M. Pawlowski.Strangeness Neutrality and QCD Thermodynamics[J],arXiv:1808.00410 [hep-ph],2018 Wei-jie Fu, Yu-xin Liu,Wei-jie Fu*, Yue-liang Wu.Chiral magnetic effect and QCD phase transitions with effective models,Int.J.Mod.Phys. A,2011,26:4335-4365 Wei-jie Fu, Jan M. Pawlowski,Wei-jie Fu*.Correlating the skewness and kurtosis of baryon number distributions,Phys.Rev. D,2016,93(9):091501(R) Rui Zhang, Yu-xin Liu*, Wei-jie Fu,Rui Zhang.Pion and sigma-meson properties in a strong magnetic field,Communications in Theoretical Physics,2015,64:325-333 Wei-jie Fu, Jan M. Pawlowski,Wei-jie Fu*.Relevance of matter and glue dynamics for baryon number fluctuations,Phys.Rev. 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Carrington*.Renormalization group methods and the 2PI effective action,Phys.Rev. D,2015,91(2):025003 Guo-hua Wang, Yu-xin Liu*, Wei-jie Fu,Guo-hua Wang.Remarks concerning kaon condensation in neutron stars,Phys.Rev. C,2007,76:065802 M.E. Carrington, Wei-Jie Fu,M.E. Carrington*.Results from the 4PI effective action in 2- and 3-dimensions,Eur.Phys.J. C,2013,73(4):2399 Wei-jie Fu, Yu-xin Liu*, Hai-qing Wei,Wei-jie Fu.Distinguishing Newly Born Strange Stars from Neutron Stars with g-Mode Oscillations,Phys.Rev.Lett.,2008,101:181102 Wei-jie Fu, Yu-xin Liu*, Zhao Zhang,Wei-jie Fu.2+1 flavor Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential,Phys.Rev. D,2008,77:014006 付伟杰.Chiral criticality and glue dynamics[J],arXiv:1801.03213,2018 M.E. Carrington, I. Russell, D. Pickering, T. Fugleberg, WeiJie Fu,M.E. Carrington*.Bethe-Salpeter Equations from the 4PI effective action,Phys.Rev. D,2013,88:085024 Wei-jie Fu,Jan M. 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