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教育背景 2005.03-2008.12 电子科技大学,微电子与固体电子学专业,博士学位 2001.09-2004.04 电子科技大学,电子材料与元器件专业,硕士学位 1997.09-2001.07 电子科技大学,电子材料与元器件专业,学士学位 工作履历 2004.04-2006.12 电子科技大学,任助教 2006.12-2009.07 电子科技大学,任讲师 2009.08-2013.07 电子科技大学,任副教授 2013.08至今 电子科技大学,任教授


(一)微波/光通信晶体液相及气相外延技术 (1)微波及自旋逻辑器件应用的钇铁石榴石YIG单晶及多晶薄膜(2)光通信器件用磁光单晶薄膜材料 (二)射频/微波/毫米波器件 (1)静磁波滤波器、延迟线、磁光开关、微波谐振器、磁光隔离器 (2)LTCF移相器、螺旋天线、腔体滤波器等


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al., Magneto-optical properties of nanometer crystal giant magneto-optical BiAlDyIG thin film materials post-treated by rapid recurrent thermal annealing method, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.115, 17B737 ,2014; 2. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al., Microstructure and Electromagnetic Properties of Microwave Sintered NiCuZn+CCTO Composites Materials for Application in LTCC Devicess, IEEE Trans.on magnetic,Vol.49,No.7 , 2013; 3.Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al., The absorption property of single crystal LuBiIG garnet film in terahertz band, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.111, 07A513,2012; 4. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al., Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Microwave Sintered NiCuZn Ferrite for application in LTCC devices,Materials Letters,79,103(2012); 5. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al., Electromagnetic properties of microwave sintered ferromagnetic-ferroelectric composites for application in low temperature co-fired ceramic devices, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.109, 07D33,2011; 6. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al., Effects of off-stoichiometry and density on the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of yttrium iron garnet films by magnetron sputtering method, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.108, 073901,2010; 7. H.W. Zhang, Q.H. Yang, Y.L. Liu, et.al., Microwave /millimeter-wave garnet films, IEEE Trans.on magnetic,Vol.47,295, 2010; 8. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. The analysis of magneto-static surface wave (MSSW) propagating in, 55th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, 2010; 9. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. Tuning magnetic and Faraday angle of Ce:YIG film with the deposition and annealing atmosphere, 56th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, 2011; 10. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. Microwave Sintered Dielectric/Ferrite Magnetoelectric NiCuZn+CCTO composites materials for application in LTCC devices, 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference,2012; 11. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. Tuning Faraday angle of Ce:YIG film with the deposition and annealing atmosphere 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference,2012; 12.Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. A new kind of low absorption material in terahertz band---single crystal garnet film by LPE method, 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference,2012 13. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. Effect of CeO2 buffer layer on the microstructure and magnetic properties of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film on Si substrate. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 07A507 (2009) 14. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. Tuning magnetic properties of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film with oxygen partial pressure in sputtering and annealing process. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 07A501 (2009) 15. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. Effect of post-annealing on the magnetic properties of Bi:YIG film by RF magnetron sputtering on Si substrates. IEEE Trans. On Magn., 2007, 43(9):3652-3655 16. Q.H. Yang, H.W. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, et.al. The Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of microwave Sintering Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG). Material Letters, 2008, 62:2647-2650
