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段兆云,男,1972年12月生,教授,博士生导师,电子科学与工程学院副院长。2004年获得电子科技大学博士学位,同年任教于电子科技大学物理电子学院,2009年晋升为博导和教授。分别于2007.8-2008.9和2012.12-2014.1作为访问学者(博后)和高级访问学者在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)从事科研工作。四川省学术和技术带头人,四川省电子学会真空电子学专业委员会委员,国家自然科学基金、博士后基金等评审专家。担任国际及国内会议的技术委员会成员3次,担任国际会议IVEC2019、IVEC2015、IMWS-Bio2015、UCMMT2014、ICMMT2012、AEM2C2010等分会主席,应邀作主题报告2次,大会报告2次,特邀报告12次。英国工程技术学会IET Fellow, 美国电气和电子工程师协会IEEE Senior Member,Nature子刊、PRL、APL、OE、PoP、JAP、IEEE EDL、IEEE Transactions on ED/MTT/PS等知名期刊的审稿者。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Zhaoyun Duan (通讯作者), Xianfeng Tang, Zhanliang Wang, Yabin Zhang, Xiaodong Chen, Min Chen, and Yubin Gong. Observation of the reversed Cherenkov radiation. Nature Communications, 8, 14901, 2017. 2. Yanshuai Wang, Zhaoyun Duan (通讯作者), Xianfeng Tang, Zhanliang Wang, Yabin Zhang, Jinjun Feng, and Yubin Gong. All-metal metamaterial slow-wave structure for high-power sources with high efficiency, Applied Physics Letters, 107 (15), 153502, 2015. 3. Zhaoyun Duan (通讯作者), Jason S. Hummelt, Michael A. Shapiro, and Richard J. Temkin. Sub-wavelength waveguide loaded by a complementary electric metamaterial for vacuum electron devices. Physics of Plasmas, 21(10), 103301, 2014. 4. Zhaoyun Duan (通讯作者), Chen Guo, and Min Chen. Enhanced reversed Cherenkov radiation in a waveguide with double-negative metamaterials. Optics Express, 19 (15):13825-13830, 2011. 5. Xianfeng Tang, Zhaoyun Duan (通讯作者), Xinwu Ma, Shifeng Li, Fei Wang, Yuanyuan Wang, Yubin Gong, and Jinjun Feng. Dual band metamaterial Cherenkov oscillator with a waveguide coupler. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64(5): 2376-2382, 2017. 6. Zhaoyun Duan (通讯作者), Michael A. Shapiro, Edl Schamiloglu, Nader Behdad, Yubin Gong, John H. Booske, B. N. Basu, and Richard J. Temkin, Metamaterial-Inspired Vacuum Electron Devices and Accelerators, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66(1): 207-218, 2019.
