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1991年毕业于电子科技大学并获学士学位; 1991年-2003年在原国营779工作,担任高级工程师、主任级工程师和CAE 中心主任,多次攻克产品技术难题,其中低温碳化和预排气等成果为该单位每年增创收入一千万人民币以上(按90年代价格计算),获得过该单位科技进步一等奖两次,以及其他多项成果奖; 2003年9月-2007年6月,于电子科技大学攻读博士研究生并获工学博士学位(博士论文获得全国优秀博士论文提名); 2007年6月开始留校工作,被聘为副教授。




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[1] Zhi-Yong Wang, Cai-Dong Xiong, and Qi Qiu, Comment on “Uncertainty Relation for Photons”, Physical Review Letters 109 (18), 188901 (2012). (SCI,影响因子: 7.37) [2] Zhi-Yong Wang, Qi Qiu, Cai-Dong Xiong, Time operator in QFT with Virasoro constraints, Physics Letters B 718 (No. 4–5), 1515–1518 (2013). (SCI,影响因子:6.019) [3] Zhi-Yong Wang, Cai-Dong Xiong. Another derivation of Weinberg's formula. Physics Letters B 659 (3), 707-711 (2008). (SCI,影响因子: 4.034) [4] Zhi-Yong Wang, Cai-Dong Xiong, Bing He. Arrival time in quantum field theory. Physics Letters B 666 (4), 382–385 (2008). (SCI,影响因子: 4.034) [5] Zhi-Yong Wang, Cai-Dong Xiong. How to introduce time operator. Annals of Physics (New York) 322 (10), 2304-2314 (2007). (SCI,影响因子:3.253) [6] Zhi-Yong Wang, Cai-Dong Xiong, Bing He. Alternative perspective on photonic tunneling. Physical Review A 75 (1), 013813 (2007). (SCI,影响因子:2.893) [7] Zhi-Yong Wang, Cai-Dong Xiong. Theoretical evidence for the superluminality of evanescent modes. Physical Review A 75 (4), 042105 (2007). (SCI,影响因子:2.893) [8] Zhi-Yong Wang, Cai-Dong Xiong. Zitterbewegung by quantum field-theory considerations. Physical Review A 77 (4), 045402 (2008). (SCI,影响因子:2.908) [9] Zhi-Yong Wang, Cai-Dong Xiong, and Qi Qiu,Photon wave function and Zitterbewegung, Physical Review A 80 (3), 032118 (2009). (SCI,影响因子:3.013) [10] Zhi-Yong Wang, Wen-Chao Wang, Qi Qiu, Cai-Dong Xiong, and Liu Yong, Average and instantaneous velocities of energy of evanescent modes, Physical Review A 83 (5), 053827 (2011). (SCI,影响因子:3.013)
