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Yuan SQ, Wu WJ, Qiu MZ, Wang ZX, Yang LP, Jin Y, Yun JP, Gao YH, Li YH, Zhou ZW, Wang F, Xu RH. Development and Validation of a Nomogram to Predict the Benefit of Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Patients with Resected Gastric Cancer. J Cancer. 2017 Sep 29;8(17):3498-3505. (共同通讯作者) Bai L, Wang F, Li ZZ, Ren C, Zhang DS, Zhao Q, Lu YX, Wang DS, Ju HQ, Qiu MZ, Wang ZQ, Wang FH, Xu RH. Chemotherapy plus bevacizumab versus chemotherapy plus cetuximab as first-line treatment for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: Results of a registry-based cohort analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016;95(51):e4531. (共同第一作者) He MM, Zhang DS, Wang F, Wang ZX, Yuan SQ, Wang ZQ, Luo HY, Ren C, Qiu MZ, Jin Y, Wang DS, Chen DL, Zeng ZL, Li YH, He YY, Hao YT, Guo P, Wang FH, Zeng YX, Xu RH. Phase II trial of S-1 plus leucovorin in patients with advanced gastric cancer and clinical prediction by S-1 pharmacogenetic pathway. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2017;79(1):69-79. (共同第一作者) Wei XL, Luo HY, Li CF, Jin Y, Zeng ZL, Ju HQ, Wu QN, Wang Y, Mao MJ, Liu WL, Jia WH, Zhang HZ, Li YH, Wang F, Xu RH. Hepatitis B virus infection is associated with younger median age at diagnosis and death in cancers. Int J Cancer. 2017;141(1):152-159. (共同通讯作者) Lu YX, Ju HQ, Wang F, Chen LZ, Wu QN, Sheng H, Mo HY, Pan ZZ, Xie D, Kang TB, Chen G, Yun JP, Zeng ZL, Xu RH. Inhibition of the NF-κB pathway by nafamostat mesilate suppresses colorectal cancer growth and metastasis. Cancer Lett. 2016 ;380(1):87-97. (共同第一作者) Li ZZ, Bai L, Wang F, Zhang ZC, Wang F, Zeng ZL, Zeng JB, Zhang DS, Wang FH, Wang ZQ, Li YH, Shao JY, Xu RH. Comparison of KRAS mutation status between primary tumor and metastasis in Chinese colorectal cancer patients. Med Oncol. 2016 ;33(7):71. (共同第一作者) Li ZZ, Wang F, Zhang ZC, Wang F, Zhao Q, Zhang DS, Wang FH, Wang ZQ, Luo HY, He MM, Wang DS, Jin Y, Ren C, Qiu MZ, Ren J, Pan ZZ, Li YH, Shao JY, Xu RH. Mutation profiling in chinese patients with metastatic colorectal cancer and its correlation with clinicopathological features and anti-EGFR treatment response. Oncotarget. 2016; doi:10.18632. (共同第一作者) Yuan S, Lu Y, Yang J, Chen G, Kim S, Feng L, Ogasawara M, Hammoudi N, Lu W, Zhang H, Liu J, Colman H, Lee JS, Li XN, Xu RH, Huang P, Wang F. Metabolic activation of mitochondria in glioma stem cells promotes cancer development through a reactive oxygen species-mediated mechanism. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015; 6(1):198. (通讯作者) Wang F, Bai L, Liu TS, Yu YY, He MM, Liu KY, Luo HY, Zhang DS, Jin Y, Wang FH, Wang ZQ, Wang DS, Qiu MZ, Ren C, Li YH, Xu RH. Right- and left-sided colorectal cancers respond differently to cetuximab. Chin J Cancer. 2015;34(6):24. Bai L, Wang F, Zhang DS, Li C, Jin Y, Wang DS, Chen DL, Qiu MZ, Luo HY, Wang ZQ, Li YH, Wang FH, Xu RH. A plasma cytokine and angiogenic factor (CAF) analysis for selection of bevacizumab therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Sci Rep. 2015;5:17717. (共同第一作者) Han J, Wang F, Yuan SQ, Guo Y, Zeng ZL, Li LR, Yang J, Wang DS, Liu MY, Zhao H, Liu KY, Liao JW, Zou QF, Xu RH. Reduced expression of p21-activated protein kinase 1 correlates with poor histological differentiation in pancreatic cancer. BMC Cancer. 2014;14(1):650. (共同第一作者) Wang F, Wang FH, Bai L, Xu RH. Role of capecitabine in treating metastatic colorectal cancer in Chinese patients. Onco Targets Ther. 2014;7:501-511. Chen WW, Wang F, Chen S, Wang L, Ren C, Luo HY, Wang FH, Li YH, Zhang DS, Xu RH. Detailed Analysis of Prognostic Factors in Primary Esophageal Small Cell Carcinoma. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014;97(6):1975-81. (共同第一作者) Chen WW, Wang F, Zhang DS, Luo HY, Wang ZQ, Wang FH, Qiu MZ, Ren C, Wei XL, Wu WJ, Li YH, Xu RH. Primary small cell carcinoma of the esophagus: clinicopathological study of 44 cases. BMC Cancer. 2014;14:222. (共同第一作者) He MM, Zhang DS, Wang F, Wang ZQ, Luo HY, Jin Y, Wei XL, Xu RH. The role of non-curative surgery in incurable, asymptomatic advanced gastric cancer. PLoS One. 2013;8(12):e83921. (共同第一作者) He MM, Wu WJ, Wang F, Wang ZQ, Zhang DS, Luo HY, Qiu MZ, Wang FH, Ren C, Zeng ZL, Xu RH. S-1-Based Chemotherapy versus Capecitabine-Based Chemotherapy as First-Line Treatment for Advanced Gastric Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS One. 2013;8(12):e82798. (共同第一作者) Chen WW, Wang F, Xu RH. Platinum-based versus non-platinum-based chemotherapy as first line treatment of inoperable, advanced gastric adenocarcinoma: a meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013;8(7):e68974. (共同第一作者) Yuan SQ, Wang F, Wang L, Chen G, Zhang H, Feng L, Colman H, Keating MJ, Xu RH, Wang JP, Huang P. Low mitochondrial respiration and high glycolytic metabolism in glioblastoma stem cells: a biochemical basis for new therapeutic strategies. Stem Cells. 2013 ;31(1):23-34. (共同第一作者) Wang F, Yuan SQ, Teng KY, Garcia-Prieto C, Luo HY, Zeng MS, Rao HL, Xia Y, Jiang WQ, Huang HQ, Xia ZJ, Sun XF, Xu RH. High hepatits B virus infection in B-cell lymphoma tissue and its potential clinical relevance. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2012; 21(3):261-7. Wang F, Ogasawara MA, Huang P. Small mitochondria-targeting molecules as anti-cancer agents. Mol Aspects Med. 2010; 31(1):75-92. Wang F, Xu RH, Luo HY, Zhang DS, Jiang WQ, Huang HQ, Sun XF, Xia ZJ, Guan ZZ. Clinical and prognostic analysis of hepatitis B virus infection in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. BMC Cancer. 2008; 8:115. Wang F, Xu RH, Han B, Shi YX, Luo HY, Jiang WQ, Lin TY, Huang HQ, Xia ZJ, Guan ZZ. High incidence of hepatitis B virus infection in B-cell subtype non-Hodgkin lymphoma compared with other cancers. Cancer, 2007;109:1360-1364.
