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(1)Hou W., Wang S.,Briggs B. R., Li G., Xie W., Dong H (2018). High Diversity of Myocyanophage inVarious Aquatic EnvironmentsRevealed by High-Throughput Sequencing of MajorCapsid Protein Gene With a NewSet of Primers. Frontiers in microbiology 9. (2)Li F., Xie W.(co-first author), Yuan Q.,Luo H., Li P., Chen T., Zhao X., Wang Z., Ma H.(2018). Genome-scale metabolicmodel analysis indicates low energy productionefficiency in marineammonia-oxidizing archaea. AMB Express 8(1): 106. (3)Wei Xie (corresponding author), Haiwei Luo, Senthil K. Murugapiran, Jeremy A. Dodsworth, Peng Wang, Huaying Fang , Minghua Deng, Chuanlun L. Zhang, (corresponding author) (2018). Localized high abundance of Marine group IIarchaea in thePearl River Estuary, China: implication for microbial interactionand nicheadaptation. Environmental Microbiology, 20(2): 734~754. (4)Wenting Guo, Wei Xie (co-first author), Xueying Li, Peng Wang, Anyi Hu,Chuanlun L. Zhang (2017). Environmentalfactorsshaping the archaeal community structure and ether lipid distribution inasubtropic river and estuary, China. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, DOI:10.1007/s00253-017-8595-8. (5)JinXiang Wang, Wei Xie (co-first author), Yi Ge Zhang, Travis B. Meador, Chuanlun L. Zhang. Evaluatingproductionof cyclopentyl tetraethers by Marine Group II Euryarchaeota in thePearl Riverestuary and coastal South China Sea: Potential impact on theTEX86paleothermometer. Frontier in Microbiology, DOI:org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02077. (6)Wei Xie (corresponding author), NaJiao, Cenling Ma, Sa Fang, Ruixin Zhu, Chuanlun Zhang(2017).The response of archaeal species to seasonal variables in a subtropical aerated soil: insight into the low abundant methanogens. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol,16:6505–6515. (7)Wei Xie,Chuanlun Zhang, Cenling Ma. Temporal variation in community structureand lipid composition of Thaumarchaeotafrom subtropical soil: Insight into developing anew soil pH proxy (2015).Organic Geochemistry, 83:54-64. (8)Wei Xie,Chuanlun Zhang, Jinxiang Wang, Yufei Chen, Yuanqing Zhu, Jose de laTorre,Hailiang Dong, Hilairy E. Hartnett, Brian Hedlund and Martin G. Klotz(2014).Distribution of ether lipids and composition of the archaeal communityinterrestrial geothermal springs: impact of environmentalvariables.Environmental Microbiology, 17: 1600–1614. (9)Wei Xie,Chuanlun Zhang, Xuedan Zhou, Peng Wang (2014). Effect of salinity onchangingof archaeal communities insediments from the Pearl River to Estuary:Implications for archaeal ecologicalfunctions in different habitats. ApplMicrobiol Biotechnol, 98:7971-7982. (10) Wei Xie,Fengping Wang, Lei Guo, ZelingChen, Stefan M. Sievert, Jun Meng, GuangruiHuang, Yuxin Li, Qingyu Yan, ShanWu, Xin Wang, Shangwu Chen, Guangyuan He,Xiang Xiao and Anlong Xu (2011).Comparative metagenomics of microbialcommunities inhabiting hydrothermalchimneys with contrasting geochemicalconditions, Juan de Fuca Ridge and LostCity. The ISME Journal 5, 414–426. (11) Chuanlun Zhang, Wei Xie,Ana-BelenMartin-Cuadrado and Francisco Rodriguez-Valera (2015). Marine Group IIArchaea,potentially important players in the global ocean carbon cycle. FrontMicrobiol6: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01108. (12) Chengling Jia, Chuanlun Zhang, WeiXie,Jinxiang Wang Eric S. Boyd. pH controls on the abundance and composition of H shapedglycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in the geothermal springs of YellowstoneNational Park (2014). Organic Geochemistry 75, 109-121. (13)Jiangtao Li, Yannan Sun, Jiasong Fang, Wei Xie, Xiaotong Peng, Liang Dong, Zijun Wu & Huaiyang Zhou (2014).Aerobic and Anaerobic Ammonia-OxidizingMicroorganisms in Low-TemperatureHydrothermal Fe-Si rich Precipitates of the Southwestern Pacific Ocean . Geomicrobiology Journal, 31:42-52. (14)FengPing Wang, Shulin Lu, Beth N Orcutt, Wei Xie, Ying Chen, Xiang Xiao, Katrina J Edwards (2013) Discovering therolesof subsurface microorganisms: Progress and future of deepbiosphereinvestigation. Chinese Science Bulletin 58, (4-5): 456-467. (15)H Wang, Y Gong, Wei Xie, W Xiao, JWang, Y Zheng, J Hu, Z Liu. Identificationand Characterization of a NovelThermostablegh57 Gene from Metagenomic Fosmid Library of the Juan De FucaRidge HydrothemalVent (2011). Appl Biochem Biotechnol.164 (8): 1323-1338.
