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谈娟,女,2003年毕业于扬州大学,获理学学士学位;2008年毕业于南开大学生命科学学院微生物系,获理学博士学位;2008年6月至2010年6月,在南开大学化学学院化学生物学系从事博士后研究;同年7月留校任教。现任南开大学生命科学学院副教授。讲授“基因操作原理”、“病毒学”、“分子病毒学”等课程。 主要研究反转录病毒(包括慢病毒和泡沫病毒)感染过程中病毒与宿主细胞的相互作用。 教育经历 1999.9-2003.6 扬州大学生物技术专业 本科 2003.9-2008.6 南开大学微生物学 博士 工作经历 2008.6-2010.6 南开大学化学学院博士后 合作导师:席真 2010.7-2010.12 南开大学生命科学学院 讲师 2011.1-今 南开大学生命科学学院 副教授




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1.Lin Y, Wang Y, Li H, Chen Y, Qiao W, Xie Z*, Tan J*, Yang Z*. 2018. Simultaneous and systematic analysis of cellular and viral gene expression during Enterovirus 71-induced host shutoff. Protein Cell. [Epub ahead of print] 2.Xu X, Chai K, Chen Y, Lin Y, Zhang S, Li X, Qiao W*, Tan J*. 2018. Interferon activates promoter of Nmi gene via interferon regulator factor-1. Mol Cell Biochem. 441(1-2):165-71. 3.Li J, Yao Y, Chen Y, Xu X, Lin Y, Yang Z, Qiao W*, Tan J*. 2017. Enterovirus 71 3C Promotes Apoptosis through Cleavage of PinX1, a Telomere Binding Protein. J Virol. 91(2). pii: e02016-16. 4.Bing T, Zhang S, Liu X, Liang Z, Shao P, Zhang S, Qiao W, Tan J*. 2016. Important role of N108 residue in binding of bovine foamy virus transactivator Tas to viral promoters. Virol J. 13:117. 5.Zhang S, Cui X, Li J, Liang Z, Qiao W, Tan J*. 2016. Lysine residues K66, K109, and K110 in the bovine foamy virus transactivator protein are required for transactivation and viral replication. Virol Sin. 31(2):142-9. 6.Liu R, Lin Y, Jia R, Geng Y, Liang C, Tan J*, Qiao W*. 2014. HIV-1 Vpr stimulates NF-κB and AP-1 signaling by activating TAK1. Retrovirology. 11:45. 7.Hu X, Yang W, Liu R, Geng Y, Qiao W, Tan J*. 2014. N-Myc interactor inhibits prototype foamy virus by sequestering viral Tas protein in the cytoplasm. J Virol. 88(12):7036-44. 8.Ma Q#, Tan J#, Cui X, Luo D, Yu M, Liang C, Qiao W*. 2014. Residues R(199)H(200) of prototype foamy virus transactivator Bel1 contribute to its binding with LTR and IP promoters but not its nuclear localization. Virology. 449:215-23. (#, co-first authors) 9.Liu R#, Tan J#, Lin Y, Jia R, Yang W, Liang C, Geng Y, Qiao W*. 2013. HIV-1 Vpr activates both canonical and noncanonical NF-κB pathway by enhancing the phosphorylation of IKKα/β. Virology. 439(1):47-56. (#, co-first authors) 10.Guo HY, Ma YG, Gai YM, Liang ZB, Ma J, Su Y, Zhang QC, Chen QM, Tan J*. 2013. Bovine HEXIM1 inhibits bovine immunodeficiency virus replication through regulating BTat-mediated transactivation. Vet Res. 44:21. 11.Lei Y#, Tan J#, Wink M, Ma Y*, Li N, Su G. 2013. An isoquinoline alkaloid from the Chinese herbal plant Corydalis yanhusuo W.T. Wang inhibits P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associate protein 1. Food Chem. 136(3-4):1117-21. (#, co-first authors) 12.Yang W#, Tan J#, Liu R, Cui X, Ma Q, Geng Y, Qiao W*. 2012. Interferon-γ upregulates expression of IFP35 gene in HeLa cells via interferon regulatory factor-1. PLoS One. 7(12):e50932. (#, co-first authors) 13.Chang R#, Tan J#, Xu F, Han H, Geng Y, Li Y, Qiao W*. 2011. Lysine acetylation sites in bovine foamy virus transactivator BTas are important for its DNA binding activity. Virology. 418(1):21-6. (#, co-first authors) 14.Xu F#, Tan J#, Liu R, Xu D, Li Y, Geng Y, Liang C, Qiao W*. 2011. Tetherin inhibits prototypic foamy virus release. Virol J. 8:198. (#, co-first authors) 15.Wang J#, Tan J#, Guo H, Zhang Q, Jia R, Xu X, Geng Y*, Qiao W*. 2010. Bovine foamy virus transactivator BTas interacts with cellular RelB to enhance viral transcription. J Virol. 84(22):11888-97. (#, co-first authors) 16.Tan J#, Hao P#, Jia R, Yang W, Liu R, Wang J, Xi Z, Geng Y, Qiao W*. 2010. Identification and functional characterization of BTas transactivator as a DNA-binding protein. Virology. 405(2):408-13. (#, co-first authors) 17.Wang W#, Tan J#, Wang J, Chen Q, Geng Y, Qiao W*. 2010. Analysis of bovine foamy virus btas mRNA transcripts during persistent infection. Virus Genes. 40(1):84-93. (#, co-first authors) 18.Tan J#, Qiao W#, Wang J, Xu F, Li Y, Zhou J, Chen Q, Geng Y*. 2008. IFP35 is involved in the antiviral function of interferon by association with the viral tas transactivator of bovine foamy virus. J Virol. 82(9):4275-83. (#, co-first authors) 19.Tan J#, Qiao W#, Xu F, Han H, Chen Q, Geng Y*. 2008. Dimerization of BTas is required for the transactivational activity of bovine foamy virus. Virology. 376(1):236-41. (#, co-first authors)
