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门淑珍,博士,教授。1996年毕业于河北师范大学生物系,获得学士学位。1999年毕业于中科院植物所,获得硕士学位。2003年于北京大学生命科学学院获得博士学位。2004-2009年在瑞典于默奥植物科学中心进行博士后研究。2009年南开大学生命科学学院引进人才,教授。主要研究固醇在植物生长发育和植物细胞极性建立中的功能和作用机制,以及其与植物激素生长素的相互作用。承担国家自然科学基金植物激素重大研究计划培育项目和集成项目,以及国家自然科学基金面上项目和天津市自然科学基金重点项目。研究成果发表于Nature Cell Biology、Nature Protocols、EBMO Journal和Plant Physiology等期刊。参与编写《现代分子生物学实验技术》(高等教育出版社,2012.)教材一部。为教育部科研基金和科技奖励评审人;科技部创新人才推进计划评审专家;中国植物生理与分子生物学会理事、植物生长物质专业委员会委员;天津市植物生理与分子生物学学会副理事长。 教育经历 1996 河北师范大学 生物系 学士 1999 中国科学院植物研究所 硕士 2003 北京大学 生命科学学院 博士 工作经历 2004年—2008 瑞典于默奥植物科学中心,瑞典农业大学森林遗传学和植物生理学系 博士后 2008—2009 瑞典于默奥植物科学中心,于默奥大学植物生理学系 博士后 2009—至今 南开大学生命科学学院 教授


1. 植物固醇的合成、运输,及其在植物生长发育和细胞极性建立中的功能和作用机制研究 2. 生长素作用机理的研究(包括生长素对植物向重力性的调控,对根发育和根毛发育的调控,以及协调种被、胚乳和胚发育的分子机理) 3.植物固醇与生长素的相互作用


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1. Liu H, Liu B, Chen X, Hui Zhu H, Zou C, Men S* (2018) AUX1 acts upstream of PIN2 in regulating root gravitropism. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.11.056 2. Bao S, Shen G, Li G, Liu Z, Arif M, Wei Q, Men S* (2019) The Arabidopsis nucleoporin NUP1 is essential for megasporogenesis and early stages of pollen development. Plant Cell Rep. 38: 59-74. 3. Geng H#, Zhang Q#, Yang X, Men S* (2017) Overexpression of SlARG2 or SlTD2 in Arabidopsis Enhances Resistance against Plutella xylostella L. Phytoparasitica, 45(5):695-705.. 4. Yang X, Zhang Q, Zhao K, Luo Q, Bao S, Liu H, Men S* (2017) The Arabidopsis GPR1 gene negatively affects pollen germination, pollen tube growth, and gametophyte senescence. Int J Mol Sci, 18, 1303; doi:10.3390/ijms18061303. 5. Fu S, Li L, Kang H, Yang X*, Men S*, Shen Y* (2017) Chronic mitochondrial calcium elevation suppresses leaf senescence. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 487(3):672-677. 6. Li L, Xing Y, Chang D, Fang S, Cui B, Li Q, Wang X, Guo S, Yang X*, Men S*, Shen Y* (2016) CaM/BAG5/Hsc70 signaling complex dynamically regulates leaf senescence. Sci Rep, 6: 31889. 7. Zhang X, Sun S, Nie X, Boutté Y, Grison M, Li P, Kuang S, Men S.*(2016) Sterol methyl oxidases affect embryo development via auxin-associated mechanisms. Plant Physiol, 171 (1): 468-482. 8. Liu Y, Yang S, Song Y, Men S, Wang J. (2016) Gain-of-function analysis of poplar CLE genes in Arabidopsis by exogenous application and over-expression assays. J Exp Bot, 67 (8): 2309-2324. 9. Frescatada-Rosa M, Stanislas T, Backues SK, Reichardt I, Men S, Boutté Y, Jürgens G, Moritz T, Bednarek SY, Grebe M. (2014) High lipid order of Arabidopsis cell-plate membranes mediated by sterol and DYNAMIN-RELATED PROTEIN1A function. Plant J, 80, 745-757. 10. Fang S, Li L, Cui B, Men S*, Shen Y*, Yang X*(2013)Structural insight into plant programmed cell death mediated by BAG proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 69 (6): 934-945. 11. Boutté Y,Men S, and Grebe M. (2011) Fluorescent in situ visualization of sterols in Arabidopsis roots. Nat Protoc, 6, 446-456. 12. Boutté Y, Frescatada-Rosa M, Men S, Chow CM, Ebine K, Gustavsson A, Johansson L, Ueda T, Moore I., Jürgens G. and Grebe M. (2010) Endocytosis restricts Arabidopsis KNOLLE syntaxin to the cell division plane during late cytokinesis. EMBO J, 29, 546-558. 13. Ikeda Y., Men S., Fischer U., Stepanova A.N., Alonso J.M., Ljung K, and Grebe M. (2009) Local auxin biosynthesis modulates gradient-directed planar polarity in Arabidopsis. Nat Cell Biol,11, 731-738. 14. Men S., Boutté Y., Ikeda Y., Li X., Palme K., Stierhof Y.D., Hartmann M.A., Moritz T. and Grebe M. (2008) Sterol-dependent endocytosis mediates post-cytokinetic acquisition of PIN2 auxin efflux carrier polarity. Nat Cell Biol, 10, 237-244. (Featured in Dev. Cell 14, 318-320) 15. Li Y., Nie X., Men S., Jaime A., Teixeira S., Wei C. (2006) Genetic transformation of two species Orchids. Horticulture, Floriculture and Ornamental Plant Science and Biotechnology, Vol 2, Chapter X. Gobal Science Books. Edited by Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva. 16. Nie X., Men S., An L., Li M., Wei C., Chen Q. and Li Y. (2005) Transformation of Dendrobium phalaenopsis Fitz. and D. nobile Lindl. with CHSandAP1 genes. Propagation of Ornamental Plants 5, 89-94. 17. Fischer U., Men S. and Grebe M. (2004) Lipid function in plant cell polarity. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 7, 670-676. 18. Men S., Ming X., Wang Y., Liu R., Wei C. and Li Y. (2003) Genetic transformation of two species of orchid by biolistic bombardment. Plant Cell Rep, 21, 592-598. 19. Men S., Ming X., Liu R., Wei C. and Li Y. (2003) Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of a Dendrobium orchid. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult, 75: 63-71.
