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2000–2003 postdoctoral fellow, UMass Medical School. 1993–1998 Doctoral Degree, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Rutgers University


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Lee, C. (2011). Stoichiometric interaction among clock proteins regulates robustness of circadian rhythms. JBC, 286, 7033-42. Lee, H., Chen, R., Etchegaray, J. P., Weaver, D. R., & Lee, C. (2011). The balance between CK1 and PP1 regulates PER phosphorylation and circadian oscillator speed. PNAS, 108, 16451-6. Lee, C., Chen, R., & Lee, Hyeong-min. (2010). PERpetual motion of the circadian negative feedback loop. Cell Cycle, 9(5), 853-854. Ansari, N., Agathagelidis, M., Lee, C., Korf, Horst-Werner, & von Gall, C. (2009). Differential maturation of circadian rhythms in clock gene proteins in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the pars tuberalis during mouse ontogeny. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29(3), 477-489. Lee, H., Chen, R., Lee, Y., Yoo, S. and Lee, C. Essential roles of CKI? and CKI? in the mammalian circadian clock. (2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS) 106: 21359-64 Chen, R., Schirmer, A., Lee, Y., Lee, H., Kumar, V., Yoo, S., Takahashi, J.S. and Lee, C. (2009) Rhythmic mPER abundance defines a critical nodal point for negative feedback within the circadian clock mechanism. Molecular Cell 36: 417-430 Ramsey, K.M., Yoshino, J., Brace, C.S., Abrassart, D., Kobayashi, Y., Marcheva, B., Hong, H., Chong, J.L., Buhr, E.D., Lee, C., Takahashi, J.S. and Imai, S., Bass, J. (2009) Circadian Clock Feedback Cycle Through NAMPT-Mediated NAD+ Biosynthesis. Science 324:651. Ansari, N., Agathagelidis, M., Lee, C., Korf, H. and von Gall, C. (2009) Differential maturation of circadian rhythms in clock gene proteins in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the pars tuberalis during mouse ontogeny. European Journal of Neuroscience. 29:477-89 Chen, R., Seo, D., Bell, E., von Gall, C. and Lee, C. (2008) Strong resetting of the mammalian clock by constant light followed by constant darkness. Journal of Neuroscience. 28:1839-47 Antoch, M.P., Gorbacheva, V.Y., Vykhovanets, O., Toshkov, I.A., Kondratov, R.V., Kondratova, A.A., Lee, C. and Nikitin, A.Y. (2008) Disruption of the circadian clock due to the Clock mutation has discrete effects on aging and carcinogenesis. Cell Cycle 7:1197-204. Siepka, S. M., Yoo, S., Park, J., Lee, C. and Takahashi, J.S. (2007) Genetics and Neurobiology of Circadian Clocks in Mammals. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 72:251-9. Busino L, Bassermann F, Maiolica A, Lee C, Nolan P.M., Godinho S, Draetta G.F. and Pagano., M. (2007) SCFFbxl3 Controls the Oscillation of the Circadian Clock by Directing the Degradation of Cryptochrome Proteins. Science 316:900-4. Siepka S.M., Yoo S, Park J, Song W, Kumar V, Hu Y, Lee C and Takahashi J.S. (2007) Circadian Mutant Overtime Reveals F-box Protein FBXL3 Regulation of Cryptochrome and Period Gene Expression. Cell 129:1011-23. Kondratov RV, Kondratova AA, Lee C, Gorbacheva VY, Chernov MV, Antoch MP. (2006) Post-Translational Regulation of Circadian Transcriptional CLOCK(NPAS2)/BMAL1 Complex by CRYPTOCHROMES. Cell Cycle 5: 890-5. Yoo, S.H., Ko, C., Lowrey, P., Buhr, E., Song, E.J., Chang, S., Yoo, O.J., Yamazaki, S., Lee, C. and Takahashi, J.S. (2005) A novel E-box Enhancer Drives Mouse Period2 Circadian Oscillations in vivo. PNAS 102: 2608-2613 Lee, C., Weaver, D.R., and Reppert, S.M. (2004) Direct association between mouse PERIOD and CKI? is critical for a functioning circadian clock. Molecular and Cellular Biology.24: 584-594
