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学历及培训经历: 1999 年 10 月-2001 年 8 月 University of Missouri-Columbia, USA 博士后 (Research associate) 1996 年 10 月-1998 年 4 月 Bar-Ilan University, Israel 博士后 1994 年 8 月-1996 年 8 月 中国科学院动物研究所生殖生物学国家重点实验室 博士后 1991 年 8 月-1994 年 6 月 东北农业大学生物工程系 博士研究生 1985 年 7 月-1988 年 6 月 东北农业大学生物工程系 硕士研究生 1981 年 9 月-1985 年 6 月 山东农业大学畜牧兽医系 本科生 工作经历: 1996年9月-现在 中国科学院动物研究所副研究员(1996)、研究员(1998),博士生导师(2000),生殖生物学中心主任(2002-2006),计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室常务副主任(2002-2006)、主任(2006-2011) 2009年4月-2005年7月 University of Missouri-Columbia,USA 高级研究学者 2008 年 4 月-2008 年 6 月 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan, Invited Short-Term JAPS Fellow 2005 年 5 月-2005 年 8 月 University of Missouri-Columbia,USA 高级研究学者 2003 年 3 月-2003 年 4 月 National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences,Japan, Invited Short-Term JAPS Fellow 1996 年 1 月-1996 年 4 月 National Institute of Animal Industry, Japan STA Fellow 1988 年 7 月-1991 年 7 月 山东农业大学畜牧兽医系 助教


卵母细胞减数分裂和受精的信号转导 卵母细胞减数分裂纺锤体组装、纺锤体检验点和染色体分离调节 卵子和早期胚胎发育(包括动物克隆)的表观遗传


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhang T, Zhou Y, Li L, Wang ZB, Shen W, Schatten H, Sun QY*. CenpH regulates meiotic G2/M transition by modulating the APC/CCdh1-cyclin B1 pathway in oocytes. Development. 2016 Dec 19. pii: dev.141135. [Epub ahead of print] Wang HH, Cui Q, Zhang T, Guo L, Dong MZ, Hou Y, Wang ZB, Shen W, Ma JY, Sun QY*. Removal of mouse ovary fat pad affects sex hormones, folliculogenesis and fertility. J Endocrinol. 2017 Feb;232(2):155-164. Hu MW, Meng TG, Jiang ZZ, Dong MZ, Schatten H, Xu X*, Wang ZB*, Sun QY*. Protein Phosphatase 6 Protects Prophase I-Arrested Oocytes by Safeguarding Genomic Integrity. PLoS Genet. 2016 Dec 8;12(12):e1006513. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006513. Liu K, Zhao Q, Liu P, Cao J, Gong J, Wang C, Wang W, Li X, Sun H, Zhang C, Li Y, Jiang M, Zhu S,Sun Q, Jiao J, Hu B, Zhao X, Li W, Chen Q, Zhou Q, Zhao T. ATG3-dependent autophagy mediates mitochondrial homeostasis in pluripotency acquirement and maintenance. Autophagy. 2016 Nov;12(11):2000-2008. Qi ST, Ma JY, Wang ZB, Guo L, Hou Y, Sun QY*. N6-methyladenosine seqencing highlights the involvement of mRNA methylation in oocyte meiotic maturation and embryo development by regulating translation in Xenopus laevis. J Biol Chem. 2016 Oct 28;291(44):23020-23026. Ma XS, Lin F, Wang ZW, Hu MW, Huang L, Meng TG, Jiang ZZ, Schatten H, Wang ZB*, Sun QY*. Geminin deletion in mouse oocytes results in impaired embryo development and reduced fertility. Mol Biol Cell. 2016, 27(5):768-75. Wang ZB, Ma XS, Hu MW, Jiang ZZ, Meng TG, Dong MZ, Fan LH, Ouyang YC, Snapper SB, Schatten H, Sun QY*. Oocyte-specific deletion of N-WASP does not affect oocyte polarity, but causes failure of meiosis II completion. Mol Hum Reprod. 2016 Sep;22(9):613-21. Yu C, Ji SY, Sha QQ, Wang ZW, Sun QY, Fan HY. BTG4 is a meiotic cell cycle-coupled maternal-zygotic tansition licensing factor in oocytes. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 2016 May;23(5):387-94. Jiang ZZ, Hu MW, Ma XS, Schatten H, Fan HY, Wang ZB, Sun QY*. LKB1 acts as a critical gatekeeper of ovarian primordial follicle pool. Oncotarget. 2016, 7(5):5738-53. Zhang T, Zhou Y, Li L, Wang HH, Ma XS, Qian WP, Shen W, Schatten H, Sun QY*. SIRT1, 2, 3 protect mouse oocytes from postovulatory aging. Aging (Albany NY). 2016, 8(4):685-96. Ma XS, Lin F, Wang ZW, Hu MW, Huang L, Meng TG, Jiang ZZ, Schatten H, Wang ZB, Sun QY*. Geminin Deletion in Mouse Oocytes Results in Impaired Embryo Development and Reduced Fertility. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Jan 13. pii: mbc.E15-06-0346. [Epub ahead of print] Yu C, Ji SY, Sha QQ, Sun QY, Fan HY. CRL4-DCAF1 ubiquitin E3 ligase directs protein phosphatase 2A degradation to control oocyte meiotic maturation. Nat Communications. 2015 Aug 18;6:8017. Hu MW, Wang ZB, Teng Y, Jiang ZZ, Ma XS, Hou N, Cheng X, Schatten H, Xu X*, Yang X*, Sun QY*. Loss of protein phosphatase 6 in oocytes causes failure of meiosis II exit and impaired female fertility. J Cell Sci. 2015 Oct 15;128(20):3769-80. (Commented in this issue, cover paper) Wei Y, Yang CR, Wei YP, Ge ZJ, Zhao ZA, Zhang B, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY*. Enriched Environment-Induced Maternal Weight Loss Reprograms Metabolic Gene Expression in Mouse Offspring. J Biol Chem. 2015, 20;290(8):4604-19. Wei YC,Schatten H, Sun QY*. Environmental epigenetic inheritance through gametes and implications for human reproduction. Hum Reprod Update 2015 Mar-Apr;21(2):194-208 Wei Y, Yang CR, Wei YP, Zhao ZA, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY*. Paternally induced transgenerational inheritance of susceptibility to diabetes in mammals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (PNAS) 111(5):1873-1878, 2014 Yu XJ, Yi Z, Gao Z, Qin DD, Zhai Y, Chen X, Ou-Yang YC, Wang ZB, Zheng P, Zhu MS, Wang H, Sun QY Dean J, Li L. The subcortical maternal complex controls symmetric division of mouse zygotes by regulating F-actin dynamics. Nature Communications 2014 Sep 11;5:4887. Ge ZJ, Luo SM, Lin F, Liang QX, Huang L, Wei YC, Hou Y, Han ZM, Schatten H, Sun QY*. DNA methylation in oocytes and liver of female mice and their offspring: Effects of high-fat-diet-induced obesity. Environmental Health Perspectives 122(2):159-164, 2014. Jiang ZZ, Hu MW, Wang ZB, Huang L, Lin F, Qi ST, Ouyang YC, Fan HY, Schatten H, Mak TW, Sun QY*. Survivin is essential for fertile egg production and female fertility in mice. Cell Death Dis. 2014 Mar 27;5:e1154. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2014.126. Ge ZJ, Zhang CL, Schatten H, Sun QY*. Maternal diabetes mellitus and the origin of non-communicable diseases in offspring: the role of epigenetics. Biol Reprod. 2014 May 14. pii: biolreprod.114.118141. [Epub ahead of print]
