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教育经历: 1978.2-1982.1 江西大学生物系,生物学专业,获理学学士学位 1983.7-1986.7 中山大学生物系,获植物学硕士学位,导师张宏达 1987.9-1990.12 中山大学生物系,获植物学(植物分子系统学方向)博士学位,导师张宏达 工作经历: 1982.1-1983.9 江西农业大学牧医系助教 1990.12-1992.11 中山大学生物系讲师 1992.11-1995.12 中山大学生物系副教授 1995.12-现在 中山大学生命科学学院,教授,博士生导师(1998)


适应性进化 物种形成 植物基因组进化 趋同进化 系统发育地理


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Wu C-I., S. Shi, Y. Zhang. 2004. A case for conservation. Nature 428: 213-214. Lu J., T. Tang, H. Tang, J. Huang, S. Shi*, C-I Wu*. 2006. The accumulation of deleterious mutations in the rice genomes: A hypothesis on the cost of domestication. Trends in Genetics 22: 126-131. Tang T., J. Lu, J. Huang, J. He, S. R. McCouch, Y. Shen, Z. Kai, M. D. Purugganan, S. Shi*, C-I Wu*. 2006. Genomic variation in rice: Genesis of highly polymorphic linkage blocks during domestication. PLOS Genetics 2(11): e199. Zhou R., K. Zeng, W. Wu, X. Chen, Z. Yang, S. Shi*, C-I. Wu. 2007. Population Genetics of Speciation in Nonmodel Organisms: I. Ancestral polymorphism in Mangroves. Molecular Biology and Evolution24: 2746-2754. Zhou R., S. Ling, W. Zhao, Naoki Osada, S. Chen, M. Zhang, Z. He, H. Bao, C. Zhong, B. Zhang, X. Lu, David Turissini, Norman C. Duke, J. Lu, S. Shi*, C-I Wu*. 2011. Population genetics in non-model organisms: II. Natural selection in marginal habitats revealed by deep sequencing on dual platforms. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28: 2833-2842. He Z., W. Zhai, H. Wen, T. Tang, Y. Wang, S. Shi*, C-I Wu*. 2011. Two evolutionary histories in the genome of rice: the roles of domestication genes. PLOS Genetics 7: e1002100. Guo Z., Y. Huang, Y. Chen, N. C. Duke, C. Zhong., S. Shi*. 2016. Genetic discontinuities in a dominant mangrove Rhizophora apiculata (Rhizophoraceae) in the Indo-Malesian region. Journal of Biogeography 43: 1856–1868. Xu, S., Z. He, Z. Guo, Z. Zhang, J. G. Wyckoff, A. Greenberg, C-I. Wu, S. Shi*. 2017. Genome-wide convergence during evolution of mangroves from woody plants. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 1008-1015. Yang, M., Z. He, S. Shi*, CI. Wu *. 2017. Can genomic data alone tell us whether speciation happened with gene flow? Molecular Ecology 26: DOI: 10.1111/mec.14117. Yang, M., Z. He, Y. Huang, L. Lu, Y. Yan, L. Hong, H. Shen, Y. Liu, Q. Guo, L. Jiang, Y. Zhang, A. J. Greenberg, R. Zhou, X. Ge, X., C-I. Wu, S. Shi*. 2017. The emergence of the hyper-invasive vine, Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae), via admixture and founder events inferred from population transcriptomics. Molecular Ecology 26: doi:10.1111/mec.14124. Xu, Z. He, Z. Zhang, Z. Guo, W. Guo, H. Lyu, J. Li, M. Yang, Z. Du, Y. Huang, R. Zhou, C. Zhong, D. E. Boufford, M. Lerdau, C-I. Wu, N. C. Duke, The International Mangrove Consortium, S. Shi*. 2017. The origin, diversification and adaptation of a major mangrove clade (Rhizophoreae) revealed by whole genome sequencing. National Science Review, 4: 721-734. Guo, Z., X. Li, Z. He, Y. Yang, W. Wang, C. Zhong, A. Greenberg, C-I. Wu, N. C. Duke, S. Shi*. 2018. Extremely low genetic diversity across mangrove taxa reflects past sea level changes and hints at poor future responses. Global Change Biology,24:1741–1748. Lyu, H., Z. He, C-I. Wu, S. Shi*. 2018. Convergent adaptive evolution in marginal environments: unloading transposable elements as a common strategy among mangrove genomes, New Phytologists, 217: 428–438.
