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Jacquelin was born in Indianapolis, IN. She attended Indiana University where she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biochemistry. While at Indiana University, she was a member of the Alpha Chi Sigma Professional Chemistry Fraternity and engaged in numerous outreach events with AXE. She was also an active undergraduate teaching assistant in molecular biology and organic chemistry. After graduating from Indiana university, she attended University of California-San Diego for her Ph.D. She conducted research in Professor Gianneschi’s group where she worked on developing synthetic polymer materials that display peptides for applications in delivery of peptide therapeutics, as well as imaging agents to cancerous tissue. While at UCSD, she participated in numerous outreach events through the Society for Women in Graduate School where she hoped to increase the interest of young women and students from underrepresented minorities to pursue a career in STEM. After graduating from UCSD, she came to UCLA as a postdoctoral Teacher Scholar conducting research in Professor Heather Maynard’s research Group.


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Kammeyer, J. K.*, Blum, A. P.*, Gianneschi, N. C. “Activating Peptides for Cellular Uptake via Polymerization in to High Density Brushes.” Chem. Sci, 2016, 7, 989-994. (* denotes authors of equal contributions) Proetto, M., Anderton, C., Hu, D., Szymanski, C., Zhu, Z., Patterson, J., Kammeyer, J., Nilewski, L., Rush, A., Evans, J., Orr, G., Howell, S., Gianneschi, N. "Cellular Delivery of Nanoparticles Revealed with Combined Optical and Isotopic Nanoscopy.” ACS Nano., 2016, 10 (4), 4046-4054. Blum, A. P., Kammeyer, J. K.*, Rush, A. M.*, Callmann, C. E, Hahn, M. E., Gianneschi, N. C. “Stimuli-Responsive Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (6), 2140-2154. (* denotes authors of equal contributions) Blum, A. P., Kammeyer, J. K., Yin, J., Crystal, D. T., Rush, A. M, Gilson, M. K., Gianneschi, N. C. “Peptides Displayed as High Density Brush Polymers Resist Proteolysis and Retain Bioactivity.” J. Am. Chem. Sci., 2014, 136 (43), 15422-15437. Kammeyer, J. K., Blum, A. P., Adamiak, L., Hahn, M. E. Gianneschi, N. C. “Polymerization of Protecting Group Free Peptides via ROMP.” Polym. Chem., 2013, 4, 3929-3933.
