Invited Editorials
1. F.X. Qin, H.X. Peng, Ferromagnetic microwire metacomposites provide multifunctionality, the Briefing (http://the-briefing.com/
Journal Articles (*Key papers; †Corresponding author)
79. *F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng. Ferromagnetic Microwires Enabled Multifunctional Composite Materials. Progress in Materials
Science, 58, 183–259, 2013 (IF:25.870, ESI highly cited paper, 133 times)
78. *F. X. Qin, C. Brosseau. A Review and Analysis of Microwave Absorption in Polymer Composites Filled with Carbonaceous
Particles. Applied Physics Reviews, 111, 061301, 2012. (IF:14.31, ESI highly cited paper, 288 times)
77. F.X. Qin, N. S. Bingham, H. Wang, H.X. Peng, J. F. Sun, V. Franco, S.C. Yu, H. Srikantha, and M. H. Phan, Mechanical and
magnetocaloric properties of Gd-based amorphous microwires fabricated by melt-extraction, Acta Materialia, 61, 1284–1293,
2013. (IF: 3.94).
76. *H. Wang, F. X. Qin, D. Xing, F. Cao, X.D. Wang, H. Peng, J. Sun. Relating residual stress and microstructure to mechanical
and GMI properties in cold-drawn Co-based amorphous microwires, Acta Materialia, 60, 5425–5436, 2012. (IF: 3.94).
75. L. Quan, †F.X. Qin , D. Estevez, H. Wang, H.X. Peng. Magnetic graphene enabled by N-doping for microwave absorbing
application, Carbon, 125, 630–639, 2017
74. X.F. Zheng, †F.X. Qin, H.Wang, Y.W. Mai and H.X.Peng. Microwave absorbing properties of composites containing ultra-low
loading of optimized microwires, Composites Science and Technology, 151, 62–70, 2017
73. Y. Luo, F. X. Qin, F. Scarpa, J. Carbonell, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, J. Gonzalez, L. V. Panina, and H.X. Peng.
Left-handed metacomposites containing carbon fibers and ferromagnetic microwires, AIP Advances, 7, 056110, 2017
72. Y.F.Wang, †F. X. Qin, Y.H.Wang, R. Das, M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng. Magnetocaloric effect of Gd-based microwires from binary
to quaternary system, AIP Advances, 7, 056422, 2017
71. R Zhang, M Qian, XX Zhang, F. X. Qin, L Wei, D Xing, X Cui, J Sun, L Geng, H Peng, Magnetocaloric effect with low
magnetic hysteresis loss in ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Sb-Si alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 428: 464–468,
70. H. F. Belliveau, Y. Y. Yu, Y. Luo, †F. X. Qin, H.Wang, H. X. Shen, J. F. Sun, S. C. Yu, H. Srikanth, and †M. H. Phan, Improving
mechanical and magnetocaloric responses of amorphous melt-extracted Gd-based microwires via nanocrystallization. Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, 692: 658–664, 2016
69. Y. Luo, †F. X. Qin, J.S. Liu, H. Wang, F. Scarpa, P. Adohi, C. Brosseau and H.X. Peng. Dielectric Properties of Composites
Containing Melt-extracted Co-based Microwires. Composites Communications, 1: 20–24, 2016
68. Y. Luo, F. X. Qin, F. Scarpa, J. Carbonell, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, J. Gonzalez, L. V. Panina, and H. X. Peng,
Microwires enabled metacomposites towards microwave applications. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 416:
299–308, 2016
67. H. X. Shen, D.W. Xing, J. L. Snchez Llamazares, C. F. Snchez-Valds, H. Belliveau, H.Wang, F.X. Qin, Y. F. Liu, J. F. Sun, H.
Srikanth, and M. H. Phan, Enhanced refrigerant capacity in Gd-Al-Co microwires with a biphase nanocrystalline/amorphous
structure. Applied Physics Letters, 108(9): 305, 2016
66. J. Liu, Z. Li, H. Shen, F.X. Qin, S. Jiang, Z. Du, M.-H. Phan, and J. Sun, Composite electroplating to enhance the GMI output
stability of melt-extracted wires. Materials & Design, 96, 251–256, 2016
65. B. Xu, C. Hong, X. Zhang, J. Han, W. Han, F.X. Qin. Nanostructured Hybrid Carbon Nanotube/Ultrahigh Temperature
Ceramic Heterostructures: Microstructure Evolution and Forming Mechanism. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98,
3699–3705, 2015
64. Y. Hai, L. Liao, G. Lv, F.X. Qin, L. Mei, and Y. Wei, Application of Composite Powders Recycled from Graphite Tailings in
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber. JOM Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials Society, 67: 2733–2738, 2015.
63. W. Li, X. Zhou, Y. Ying, X. Qiao, F.X. Qin, Q. Li, and S. Che, Polarization-insensitive wide-angle multiband metamaterial
absorber with a double layer modified electric ring resonator array. AIP Advances 5, 067151, 2015
62. L. Wu, L. Liao, G. Lv, F.X. Qin. Stability and pH-independence of nano-zero-valent iron intercalated montmorillonite and its
application on Cr(VI) removal. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 179, 1–9, 2015
61. DW Xing, HX Shen, SD Jiang, JS Liu, MH Phan, H Wang, FX Qin, DM Chen, YF Liu, JF Sun. Magnetocaloric Effect and
Critical Behavior in Melt-extracted Gd60Co15Al25 Microwires. Physica Status Solidi A, 212, 1905-1910, 2015.
60. F.X. Qin, J. Tang, H.X.Peng and C.Brosseau. In-situ microwave characterization of ferromagnetic microwires-filled polymer
composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 383, 126, 2015.
59. Q. Shao, J. Tang, Y. Lin, J. Li, F.X. Qin, K. Zhang, J. Yuan, and L.-C. Qin, Ionic liquid modified graphene for supercapacitors
with high rate capability, Electrochimica Acta 176, 1441, 2015.
58. Q Shao, J Tang, Y Lin, J Li, FX Qin, J Yuan, L Qin. Carbon nanotube spaced graphene aerogels with enhanced capacitance in
aqueous and ionic liquid electrolytes. Journal of Power Sources, 278, 751, 2015.
57. V.V. Popov, V.N. Berzhansky, H.V. Gomonay, †F.X. Qin. Understanding of double-curvature shaped magnetoimpedance
profiles in Joule-annealed and tensioned microwires at 8-12 GHz. Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 17A322, 2015.
56. J. Devkota, T Luong, J Liu, H Shen, F.X. Qin, JF Sun, P Mukherjee, S Hariharan, MH Phan. A soft ferromagnetic multiwirebased
inductance coil sensor for sensing applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 234504, 2014.
55. H Ding, Y Wang, Y Liang and F.X. Qin. Preparation and Characterization of Cetyl Trimethylammonium Intercalated Sericite.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2014, 480138, 2014.
54. D.M. Chen, D.W. Xing, F.X. Qin, J.S. Liu, H.X. Shen, H. Wang, J.F. Sun, Cryogenic Joule annealing induced large field
response of Co-based microwires for GMI sensor application. Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 053907, 2014.
53. H. Shen, H. Wang, J. Liu, F. Cao, F.X. Qin, D. Xing, D. Chen, Y. Liu, and J. Sun. Enhanced magnetocaloric properties of
melt-extracted GdAlCo metallic glass microwires, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 372, 23-26, 2014. (IF:2.002)
52. L. Wu, C. Yang, L. Mei, F.X. Qin, L. Liao, G. Lv. Microstructure of different chain length ionic liquid intercalated into
montmorillonite: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Applied Clay science, 99, 266-274, 2014.(IF:2.342)
51. X.D. Wang, J.S. Liu, F.X. Qin, H. Wang, D.W. Xing, J.F. Sun, Microwave absorption properties of FeSiBNbCu glass-covered
amorphous wires, Transanctions of Nonferrous Metal Society of China. 24, 2574-2580, 2014.
50. X.D. Wang, H. Wang, H.X. Shen, F.X. Qin, D.W. Xing, J.S. Liu, D.M. Chen, J.F. Sun. Tensile property and fracture reliability
of a glass-coated Co-based amorphous microwire. International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials, 6, 583–588,
49. *Y. Luo, H.X. Peng, †F.X. Qin, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, J. Gonzalez. Metacomposite characteristics and their
influential factors of polymer composites containing orthogonal ferromagnetic microwire arrays. Journal of Applied Physics,
115, 173909, 2014. (arXiv:1403.7630)
48. H. Shen, H. Wang, J. Liu, D. Xing, F.X. Qin, F. Cao, D. Chen, Y. Liu, and J. Sun. Enhanced magnetocaloric and mechanical
properties of melt-extracted Gd55Al25Co20 micro-fibers. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 603, 167, 2014.(IF:2.726)
47. *Y. Luo, H. X. Peng, †F. X. Qin, B. J. P. Adohi,and C. Brosseau. Magnetic field and mechanical stress tunable microwave
properties of composites containing Fe-based microwires. Applied Physics Letters, 104, 121912, 2014.
46. *F. X. Qin, J. Tang, V. V. Popov, J. S. Liu, H. X. Peng, and C. Brosseau, Influence of direct bias current on the electromagnetic
properties of melt-extracted microwires and their composites, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 012901, 2014.
45. X. Zhang, B. Xu, C. Hong, J. Han, F.X. Qin†, W. Han, H. Cheng, C. Liu, R. He. Carbon-bonded carbon fiber composites
containing uniformly distributed silicon carbide, RCS advances. 4, 6591-6596, 2014. (IF:2.562)
44. F.X. Qin, Y. Luo, H.X. Peng, J. Tang, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A.Zhukov, J. Gonzalez. The left-hand behaviour of polymer
composites with Fe-based microwires, Physica status solidi C, 11, 1086–1088, 2014.
43. J. Liu, †F.X. Qin, D. Chen, H. Wang, H. Shen, D. Xing and J. Sun, Combined current-modulation annealing induced pronounced
enhancement of GMI effect of Co-rich amorphous microwires. Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17A326, 2014.
42. A. Biswas, Y.Y. Yu, N. S. Bingham, H. Wang, †F. X. Qin, J. F. Sun, S.C. Yu, V. Franco, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan, Impact
of structural disorder on the magnetic ordering and magnetocaloric response of amorphous Gd-based microwires Journal of
Applied Physics, 115, 17A318, 2014.
41. L.Wu, L. Liao, G. Lv, F.X. Qin, Microstructure and process of intercalation of imidazolium ionic liquids into Montmorillonite,
Chemical Engineering Journal, 236, 306-313, 2014 (IF: 4.058)
40. J. Devkota, A. Ruiz, J. Wingo, F.X. Qin, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan, Soft ferromagnetic microribbons with enhanced
GMI properties for high frequency sensor applications, Physics Express, 4, 10, 2014.
39. *Y. Luo, H.X. Peng, †F.X. Qin, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, J. Gonzalez. Fe-based ferromagnetic microwires enabled
meta-composites. Applied Physics Letters, 103, 251902 (2013).
38. W. Li, X. Qiao, Y. Luo, F.X. Qin, H.X. Peng, Magnetic medium broadband metamaterial absorber based on the coupling
resonance mechanism. Applied Physics A, 115, 229-234, 2014.
37. H. Wang, F.X. Qin, F.Y. Cao, D.W. Xing, H.X. Peng J.F. Sun, Fabrication and characterization of nano/amorphous dualphase
FINEMET microwires, Materials Science and Engineering B, 178, 1483-1490, 2013. (highlighted in HispanicBusiness.
36. D.M. Chen, D.W. Xing, F.X. Qin, J.S. Liu, H. Wang, X.D. Wang, J.F. Sun. Correlation of magnetic domains, microstructure
and GMI effect of melt-extracted Co68:15Fe4:35Si12:25B13:75Nb1Cu0:5 microwires by Joule-annealed for double functional
sensors, Physica status solidi A, 10.1002/pssa.201329246 (2013).
35. J.S. Liu, X.D. Wang, D.M. Chen, F.X. Qin, H. Wang, D.W. Xing, X. Xue, J.F. Sun, Comparative study on magnetic properties
and microstructure of as-prepared and alternating current joule annealed wires, Physics Procedia, 48, 140-145, 2013. (EI)
34. J. Zhang, D. Jiang, H.X. Peng, F.X. Qin, Enhanced mechanical and electrical properties of in-situ cross-linked carbon nanotube
buckypaper and its microwave absorption performance, Carbon, 63, 125–132, 2013. (IF: 5.868)
33. F.X. Qin, H.X. Peng, Z.Chen, H. Wang, J.W. Zhang, G. Hilton, Optimization of microwire/ glass-fiber reinforced polymer
composites for wind turbine application, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 113, 537-542, 2013 (IF:1.694)
32. *F.X. Qin, C.Brosseau, H.X. Peng, Microwave properties of carbon nanotube/microwire/rubber multiscale hybrid composites,
Chemical Physics Letters, 579, 40-44, 2013. (IF:2.337)
31. V.I. Ponomarenko, V.V. Popov, F.X. Qin. Microwire-based analog of a quarter-wavelength radioabsorber, Radioelectronics
and Communications Systems, 56(6), 285–289, 2013(EI).
30. *F. X. Qin, Y. Qu´er´e, C. Brosseau, H. Wang, J.S.Liu, J.F. Sun and H. X. Peng, Two-peak feature of the permittivity spectra of
ferromagnetic microwire/rubber composites, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 122903 (2013) (IF: 3.84).
29. F.X. Qin, Z.Chen, G. Hilton, H.X. Peng. Microwave absorption of structural polymer composites containing glass-coated
amorphous microwires, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49, 4245–4248, 2013. (IF:1.052)
28. V.V. Popov, V.N. Berzhansky, H.V. Gomonay, †F.X. Qin, Stress-induced magnetic hysteresis in amorphous microwires probed
by microwave GMI measurements, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 17A326 (2013). (IF: 2.278)
27. L. Wu, L. Liao, G. Lv, F. X. Qin, X. Wang, Micro-electrolysis of Cr (VI) in the Activated Carbon loaded by Nanoscale
Zero-valent Iron. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 254–255, 277–283, 2013. (IF: 4.553)
26. *F. X. Qin, H. X. Peng, J. Fuller, and C. Brosseau. Magnetic field-dependent effective microwave properties of microwireepoxy
composites. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 152905, 2012. (IF: 3.84)
25. N. S. Bingham, H.Wang, †F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng, J. F. Sun, V. Franco, H. Srikantha, and M. H. Phan. Excellent magnetocaloric
properties of melt-extracted Gd-based amorphous microwires. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 102407, 2012. (IF: 3.84).
24. *F. X. Qin, C. Brosseau, H.X. Peng, H. Wang, J.F. Sun, In-situ microwave characterization of microwire composites with
external magnetic fields. Applied Physics Letters, 100, 192903, 2012. (IF: 3.84).
23. J.S. Liu, J.F. Sun, D.W. Xing, X. Xue, L. Y. Zhang, F. X. Qin, H. X. Peng. Enhancing GMI properties of melt-extracted
Co-based amorphous wires by twin-zone Joule annealing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 541, 215–221, 2012. (IF:2.726)
22. H. Wang, D. Xing, H. Peng, F. X. Qin, F. Cao, G. Wang, J. Sun, Nanocrystallization enabled tensile ductility of Co-based
amorphous microwires, Scripta Materialia, 66, 1041–1044, 2012. (IF:3.073)
21. F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng, M.H. Phan, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, A. Zhukov. Effects of wire properties on the field-tunable behaviour
of continuous-microwire composites. Sensors and Actuators A, 178, 118–125, 2012. (IF:1.933)
20. F. X. Qin, C. Brosseau. Comment on “The electromagnetic property of chemically reduced graphene oxide and its application
as microwave absorbing material”, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 046101, 2012. (IF: 3.84)
19. *F. X. Qin, C. Brosseau, H.X. Peng. In-situ microwave characterization of microwire composites under mechanical stress.
Applied Physics Letters, 99, 252902, 2011. (IF: 3.84)
18. F. X. Qin, V.V. Popov and H.X. Peng. Stress tunable microwave absorption of ferromagnetic microwires for sensing applications.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, 9508–9512, 2011. (IF:2.726)
17. F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov and J. Gonzalez. Smart composites with short ferromagnetic
microwires for microwave applications. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47: 4481–4, 2011. (IF:1.052)
16. F. X. Qin, H.X.Peng, V.V. Popov and M.H. Phan. Optimization of magnetoimpedance and stress-impedance effects in singlemicrowire
polymer composites for stress monitoring. Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol.
7978, 79780Z, 2011. (EI)
15. F. X. Qin, H.X.Peng, V.V. Popov and M.H. Phan. Giant magnetoimpedance and stress-impedance effects of microwirecomposites
for sensing applications. Solid State Communications, 151: 293-6, 2011. (IF: 1.979)
14. F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng, V.V. Popov, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov and J. Gonzalez. Stress tunable properties
of ferromagnetic microwires and their multifunctional composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 108:07A310, 2011. (IF: 2.278)
13. J.S. Liu, X.D. Wang, F.X. Qin, D.W. Xing, F.Y. Cao, H.X. Peng, X. Xiang and J.F. Sun. GMI Output stability of Glass-coated
Co-based microwires for sensor application, PIERS Online, 7(7):661-665, 2011
12. S.L. Zhang, J.F. Sun, D.W. Xing, F.X. Qin, H.X. Peng, Large GMI effect in Co-rich amorphous wire by tensile stress, Journal
of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 323: 3018-3021, 2011. (IF:2.002)
11. *F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng, C. Prunier and C. Brosseau. Mechanical-electromagnetic coupling of microwire polymer composites
at microwave frequencies. Applied Physics Letters, 97: 153502, 2010. (IF: 3.84)
10. *F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng, J. Tang and L.C. Qin. Ferromagnetic microwires enabled polymer composites for sensing applications.
Composites Part A, 41: 1823-1828, 2010. (IF: 3.012)
9. F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng. Macro-composites containing nanostructured microwires for structural health monitoring. Nano Communication
Networks, 1: 126-130, 2010. (EI)
8. *F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng, N. Pankratov, M.H. Phan, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov and J. Gonzalez. Exceptional
EMI shielding properties of ferromagnetic microwires enabled polymer composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 108: 044510,
2010. (IF: 2.278)
7. *F. X. Qin, N. Pankratov, H.X. Peng, M.H. Phan, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov and J. Gonzalez. Novel
magnetic microwires-embedded composites for structural health monitoring applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 107:
09A314, 2010. (IF: 2.278)
6. F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng and M.H. Phan. Wire-length effect on GMI in Co70.3Fe3.7B10Si13Cr3 amorphous glass-coated microwires.
Materials Science and Engineering B, 167: 129-132, 2010. (IF:2.122)
5. F. X. Qin, H.X. Peng and M.H. Phan. Influence of varying metal-to-glass ratio on GMI effect in Co70.3Fe3.7B10Si13Cr3 amorphous
glass-coated microwires. Solid State Communications, 150(1-2): 114-117, 2010.(IF: 1.979)
4. Y.W. Li, G.S. Zhao, X.W. Sun, H.X. Peng and F. X. Qin. Visual reconstruction and feature analysis of the three-dimensional
surface of earthworm. Advances in Natural Science, 3(2): 177-184, 2010
3. *H. X. Peng, F. X. Qin, M. H. Phan, J. Tang, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov and J. Gonzalez. Co-based
magnetic microwire and field-tunable multifunctional macro-composites. Journal of Noncrystalline Solids, 355(24-27):1380-
1386, 2009. (IF: 1.433)
2. L. Z. Ouyang, F. X. Qin, M. Zhu, C. K. Huang and J. Guo. The effect of La addition on optical transmittance spectra of
hydrogenated Mg-La thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 104: 016110-3, 2008. (IF:2.278)
1. L.Z. Ouyang, F. X. Qin and M. Zhu. The hydrogen storage behavior of Mg3La and Mg3LaNi0.1. Scripta Materialia, 55:
1075-1078 (2006). (IF: 3.073)