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Michael received a Master of Science in High Energy Physics from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa in 1994 with a thesis describing a theoretical treatment of a new breast tumor detector. He returned to University after a year teaching in Frydek-Mistek in the Czech Republic and received a Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY, USA in 2000 for his study of hole and electron transport and trapping in oligonucleotides crystals of DNA. After completing a postdoc at the Interfaculty Reactor Institute at the Delft University of Technology in the group of John Warman in 2003 where he studied charge transport in liquid crystalline discotics and organometallics, he joined the staff of the Functional Organic Materials and Devices (SFD) group as an Assistant Professor under Prof. Dick Broer at the Eindhoven University of Technology, and is responsible for the Energy cluster within SFD. He has been working under a STW VIDI grant the past few years on luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs).


Functional Organic Materials and Devices


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Cambié, D., Zhao, F., Hessel, V., Debije, M.G. & Noël, T. (2017). A leaf-inspired luminescent solar concentrator for energy-efficient continuous-flow photochemistry. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 56(4), 1050-1054. In Scopus Cited 4 times. Cambié, D., Zhao, F., Hessel, V., Debije, M.G. & Noël, T. (2017). Every photon counts : understanding and optimizing photon paths in luminescent solar concentrator-based photomicroreactors (LSCPMs). Reaction Chemistry and Engineering, 2, 561-566. Debije, M.G., Tzikas, C., Rajkumar, V.A. & de Jong, M. (2017). The solar noise barrier project : 2. The effect of street art on performance of a large scale luminescent solar concentrator prototype. Renewable Energy, 113(December 2017), 1288-1292. Kanellis, M., de Jong, M., Slooff, L.H. & Debije, M.G. (2017). The solar noise barrier project: 1. Effect of incident light orientation on the performance of a large-scale luminescent solar concentrator noise barrier. Renewable Energy, 103, 647-652. In Scopus Cited 4 times. Khandelwal, H., Schenning, A.P.H.J. & Debije, M.G. (2017). Infrared regulating smart window based on organic materials. Advanced Energy Materials, 7(14):1602209 In Scopus Cited 1 times. Khandelwal, H., Debije, M.G., White, T.J. & Schenning, A.P.H.J. (2016). Electrically tunable infrared reflector with adjustable bandwidth broadening up to 1100 nm. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4(16), 6064-6069. In Scopus Cited 6 times. Khandelwal, H., Timmermans, G.H., Debije, M.G. & Schenning, A.P.H.J. (2016). Dual electrically and thermally responsive broadband reflectors based on polymer network stabilized chiral nematic liquid crystals: the role of crosslink density. Chemical Communications, 52(66), 10109-10112. In Scopus Cited 4 times. Kumar, K., Knie, Chr., Bleger, D., Peletier, M.A., Friedrich, H.B., Hecht, S., Broer, D.J., Debije, M.G. & Schenning, A.P.H.J. (2016). A chaotic self-oscillating sunlight driven polymer actuator. Nature Communications, 7:11975 In Scopus Cited 22 times. Vossen, F.M., Aarts, M.P.J. & Debije, M.G. (2016). Visual performance of red luminescent solar concentrating windows in an office environment. Energy and Buildings, 113, 123-132. In Scopus Cited 9 times. Bruijnaers, B.J., Schenning, A.P.H.J. & Debije, M.G. (2015). Capture and concentration of light to a spot in plastic lightguides by circular luminophore arrangements. Advanced Optical Materials, 3(2), 257-262. In Scopus Cited 3 times. Haan, de, L.T., Leclère, P.E.L.G., Damman, P., Schenning, A.P.H.J. & Debije, M.G. (2015). On-demand wrinkling patterns in thin metal films generated from self-assembling liquid crystals. Advanced Functional Materials, 25(9), 1360-1365. In Scopus Cited 3 times. Debije, M.G. & Rajkumar, V.A. (2015). Direct versus indirect illumination of a prototype luminescent solar concentrator. Solar Energy, 122, 334-340. In Scopus Cited 8 times. Ham, van den, E., Hordijk, T., Klein, T., Hensen, J.L.M., Rosemann, A.L.P., Schenning, A.P.H.J. & Debije, M.G. (2015). PolyArch. Spool, 2(2), 9-11. Khandelwal, H., Loonen, R.C.G.M., Hensen, J.L.M., Debije, M.G. & Schenning, A.P.H.J. (2015). Electrically switchable polymer stabilised broadband infrared reflectors and their potential as smart windows for energy saving in buildings. Scientific Reports, 5, 1-9. In Scopus Cited 14 times. Menelaou, C., Schiphorst, ter, J., Kendhale, A.M., Parkinson, P., Debije, M.G., Schenning, A.P.H.J. & Herz, L.M. (2015). Rapid energy transfer enabling control of emission polarization in perylene bisimide donor-acceptor triads. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6(7), 1170-1176. In Scopus Cited 8 times. Rajkumar, V.A., Weijers, C. & Debije, M.G. (2015). Distribution of absorbed heat in luminescent solar concentrator lightguides and effect of temperatures of mounted photovoltaic cells. Renewable Energy, 80, 308-315. In Scopus Cited 7 times. Rosemann, A.L.P., Doudart de la Gree, G.C.H., Papadopoulos, A., Debije, M.G., Cox, M.G.D.M., Reinders, A.H.M.E. & Zeeland, van, F. (2015). Leafroof. Spool, 2(2), 21-23. Stranks, S.D., Wood, S.M., Wojciechowski, K., Deschler, F., Saliba, M., Khandelwal, H., Patel, J.B., Elston, S., Herz, L.M., Johnston, M.B., Schenning, A.P.H.J., Debije, M.G., Riede, M.K., Morris, S.M. & Snaith, H.J. (2015). Enhanced Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Perovskites Using a Flexible Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Reflector. Nano Letters, 15(8), 4935-4941. In Scopus Cited 35 times. Vishwanathan, B., Reinders, A.H.M.E., Boer, de, D.K.G., Desmet, L., Ras, A.J.M., Zahn, F. H. & Debije, M.G. (2015). A comparison of performance of flat and bent photovoltaic luminescent solar concentrators. Solar Energy, 112, 120-127. In Scopus Cited 14 times.
