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Richard Long is a clinician-scientist at the University of Alberta. His early research training was in models of acute lung injury at the University of Manitoba and University of Chicago. In 1984, while working at the Hôpital Albert Schweitzer in Haiti, he developed a special interest in tuberculosis (TB). In January 1998, he was recruited to the University of Alberta from the University of Manitoba, to be the Medical Officer of Health for TB in Alberta. He is now a Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Alberta, a TB Consultant to Alberta and a TB consultant to the Northwest Territories, Canada. He Directs the TB Program Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Alberta.


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Dr. Richard Long’s major research interest is tuberculosis (TB) with emphasis on how the disease impacts two population groups, Indigenous peoples and the foreign-born. All aspects of TB have been open to inquiry including epidemiology, pathogenesis, transmission, treatment of active disease and latent TB infection, drug-resistant TB and HIV-TB co-infection. Recent research focuses on the relationship between TB and the social determinants of health. Key interdisciplinary and cross-jurisdictional collaborations include: McGill University (Dick Menzies and Kevin Schwartzman, Department of Medicine); University of Manitoba (Pam Orr and Martha Ainslie, Department of Medicine); University of Saskatchewan (Vern Hoeppner, Department of Medicine; Sylvia Abonyi and Paul Hackett, SK Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit; Simon Fraser University (Malcolm King, Faculty of Health Sciences), University of Alberta (Dennis Kunimoto, Ryan Cooper, Rabia Ahmed, Alex Doroshenko, Vivek Dhawan, Anu Parhar Department of Medicine; Alena Tse-Chang, Department of Pediatrics; Duncan Saunders, Department of Public Health Sciences; Maria Mayan, Faculty of Extension; Michael Li, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics; Mrinal Mandal, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; and Michael Serpe, Todd Lowary and Julianne Gibbs-Davis, Department of Chemistry); University of Calgary (Dina Fisher, Department of Medicine). Richard is a clinician scientist; his research activity is connected to his day-to-day clinical and consultant activity. It is performed out of the TB Program Evaluation and Research Unit which he directs. Past research interests include acute lung injury and cardiopulmonary interaction.
