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Nicola Cherry is an occupational epidemiologist who graduated in medicine and epidemiology from McGill after obtaining a PhD in occupational psychology at the University of London (UK). She has worked in occupational health on both sides of the Atlantic, first with the UK Medical Research Council, then at the Institute for Occupational Health at the London School of Hygiene, followed by time in Quebec, at the Provincial Research Institute for Health and Safety at Work and then at the McGill School of Occupational Health and the Department of Epidemiology. From there she returned to the UK to be Director of the Centre of Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of Manchester and Head of the School of Epidemiology and Health Sciences. She returned to Canada in 2000, and until 2006 served as Chair of the Department of Public Health Sciences


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Dr. Cherry has wide research interests including surveillance, intervention and its evaluation, molecular markers and the effects of chemicals on the nervous and reproductive system.
