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Dr Bagshaw is a Clinician Scientist and Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine. He acquired training at the University of Calgary (Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, and Masters of Science Epidemiology) prior to completing a Critical Care Nephrology fellowship in the Department of Intensive Care Medicine, at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Dr Bagshaw is supported by a Canada Research Chair in Critical Care Nephrology and a Clinical Investigator Award from Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions. Dr Bagshaw’s main research interests have focused on the clinical, epidemiological, translational, and health services delivery issues related to acute kidney injury and extracorporeal blood purification in critically ill patients. Dr Bagshaw’s research also focuses ICU organization, capacity and rapid response systems, frailty in critical illness, and technological support for critically ill older patients. His research is supported from grants from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions, the MSI Foundation, the University Hospital Foundation, the Canadian Intensive Care Society, and the Technology Evaluation in the Elderly Network. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, numerous book chapters, and peer-reviewed for over 20 medical journals. Dr Bagshaw is a member of several organizations including the Canadian Critical Care Society, Canadian Critical Care Trials Group, Australia New Zealand Intensive Care Society, and the Acute Kidney Injury Network, and the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative.


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My research work utilizes a number of methodological approaches including systematic reviews, qualitative research, observational studies and randomized trials. I currently serve as the Director for Research for the Division of Critical Care Medicine, serve on the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Critical Care Strategic Clinical Network in Alberta and actively participate in numerous regional, national and international initiatives through research consortia (e.g., Canadian Clinical Care Trials Group). I work in two of the largest and busiest intensive care units (ICU) in Alberta: General Systems ICU at the University of Alberta Hospital and Cardiovascular Surgical ICU at the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute.
