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Loganathan, S.K., and Casey, J.R. (2014) Corneal Dystrophy-causing SLC4A11 Mutants: Suitability for Folding-Correction Therapy, Human Mutation, 35, 1082-91. (Article selected for a video highlight; See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLvUicNtsoM) Sowah, D., Brown, B.F., Quon, A., Alvarez, B.V., and Casey, J.R. (2014) Resistance to Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy in ae3-/- Mice, Deficient in the AE3 Cl-/HCO3- Exchanger, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 14:89. Alka, K. and Casey J.R. (2014) Bicarbonate Transport in health and disease, IUBMB Life, In Press. Vilas, G.L., Loganathan, S., Liu J., Riau, A.K., Young, J.D., Mehta, J.S., Vithana, E.N. and Casey, J.R. (2013) Transmembrane water flux through SLC4A11: a route defective in corneal diseases, Human Mol. Genet., 22, 4579-90. Bonar, P.T., Schneider, H.P., Becker, H.M., Deitmer, J.W., and Casey, J.R. (2013) Three-Dimensional Model for the Human Cl-/HCO3- Exchanger, AE1, by Homology to the E. coli ClC Protein J. Mol. Biol. 425, 2591-2608. Alvarez, B.V., Quon, A., Mullen, J. and Casey, J.R. (2013) Quantification of carbonic anhydrase gene expression in ventricle of hypertrophic and failing human heart, BMC- Cardiovascular Disorders, 13:2. Vilas, G.L., Loganathan, S., Quon, A.,, Sundaresan, P., Vithana, E.N and Casey, J.R. (2012) Oligomerization of SLC4A11 protein and the severity of FECD and CHED2 corneal dystrophies caused by SLC4A11 mutations, Human Mutation, 33, 419-428. Johnson, D.E. and Casey, J.R. (2011) Cytosolic H+ Microdomain Developed Around AE1 During AE1-Mediated Cl-/HCO3- Exchange, J. Physiol., 589, 1551-69. Vilas, G.L., Morgan, P.E., Loganathan, S., Quon, A., and Casey, J.R. (2011) Biochemical Framework for SLC4A11, the Plasma Membrane Protein Defective in Corneal Dystrophies Biochemistry, 50, 2157-69. Casey, J.R., Orlowski, J. and Grinstein, S. (2010) Sensors and Regulators of the Intracellular pH Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 11, 50-61. Vithana, E.N, Morgan, P.E., Ramprasad, V., Tan, D.T.H., Yong, V.H.K., Venkataraman, D., Venkatraman, A., Yam, G.H.F., Nagasamy, S., Law, R.W.K., Rajagopal, R., Pang, C.P., Kumaramanickevel, G., Casey, J.R, Aung, T. (2008) SLC4A11 Mutations in Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy (FECD) Hum. Mol. Genet., 17, 656-666. Vithana, E.N. Morgan, P.E., Sundaresan, P., Ebenezer, N., Tan, D.T.H., Anand, S., Khine, K.O., Venkataraman, D., Yong, V., Salto-Tellez, M., Venkataraman, A., Guo, K., Hemadevi, B., Mohamed, M.D., Srinivasan, M., Prajna, V., Khine, M., Casey, J.R., Inglehearn, C.F., & Aung, T. (2006) Mutations in Na+-borate co-transporter SLC4A11 cause recessive Congenital Hereditary Endothelial Dystrophy CHED2 Nature Genetics, 38, 755-7. The Casey Laboratory is a member of The Team to Prevent Blindness , the Membrane Protein Disease Research Group and the International Research Training Group in Membrane Biology​
