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Bui, M., Gilady, S.Y., Fitzsimmons, R.E.B., Benson, M.D., Lynes, E.M., Gesson, K., Alto, N.M., Strack, S., Scott, J.D., and Simmen, T. (2010) Rab32 modulates apoptosis onset and mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM) properties. J Biol Chem, in press. Simmen, T., Lynes E. M., Gesson K., and Thomas G. (2010) Oxidative protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum: Tight links to the mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM). BBA-Biomembranes,1798, pp. 1465-1473 Gilady, S. Y., Bui, M., Lynes, E. M., Benson, M. D., Watts, R., Vance, J. E., and Simmen, T. (2010) Ero1a Requires Oxidizing Conditions and Oxygen Supply to Localize to the Mitochondria-Associated Membrane (MAM). Cell Stress and Chaperones, MS ID #CSAC-253, in press Roth, D., Lynes, E., Riemer, J., Hansen, H. G., Althaus, N., Simmen, T. and Ellgaard, L. (2010). A di-arginine motif contributes to the ER-localization of the type I transmembrane ER oxidoreductase TMX4. Biochem J. 425(1):195-205 Myhill, N., E.M. Lynes, J.A. Nanji, A.D. Blagoveshchenskaya, H. Fei, K.C. Simmen, T.J. Cooper, G. Thomas, and T. Simmen. (2008) The Subcellular Distribution of Calnexin is Mediated by PACS-2. Mol Biol Cell 19(7), 2777-2788. Simmen, T., J. E. Aslan, A. D. Blagoveshchenskaya, L. Thomas, L. Wan, Y. Xiang, S. F. Feliciangeli, C.-H. Hung, C. M. Crump and G. Thomas (2005). "PACS-2 controls ER-mitochondria communication and Bid-mediated apoptosis." Embo J, 24, 717-729. Bertoli, G., T. Simmen, T. Anelli, S. N. Molteni, R. Fesce and R. Sitia (2004). "Two conserved cysteine triads in human Ero1alpha cooperate for efficient disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum." J Biol Chem 279(29): 30047-52. Simmen, T., S. Höning, A. Icking, R. Tikkanen and W. Hunziker (2002). "AP-4 binds basolateral signals and participates in basolateral sorting in MDCK cells." Nature Cell Biology, 4(2): 154-159.
