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A/Prof. Zhang Qichun holds a joint position at the School of Materials Science & Engineering and the School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences in NTU. He attained his BSc in Nanjing University, his PhD at University of California, Riverside and did his postdoc at Northwestern University, USA.


Design, synthesis and characterisation of novel organic conjugated materials as well as their applications in flexible and stretchable optoelectronic devices, both in thin films (field-effect transistors, photovoltaics, memory, OLEDs, thermoelectric, sensing, etc) and at the nanoscale. Novel electrode materials as well as new design for microbial fuel cells. Design and synthesis of novel crystalline inorganic materials for photocatalytic and thermoelectric applications. Inorganic-organic upconversion nanoprobes as next generation biomarkers for biosensing, bioimaging, and NIR-controlled drug release.


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Guangfeng Liu, Jie Liu, Xin Ye, Lina Nie, Peiyang Gu, Xutang Tao* and Qichun Zhang*, “Self-Healing Behavior in a Thermo-mechanically Responsive Cocrystal During Reversible Phase Transition”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56(1), 198-202. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201609667. Pei-Yang Gu, Zilong Wang, Fang-Xing Xiao, Zongqiong Lin, Rongbin Song, Qing-Feng Xu, Jian-Mei Lu,* Bin Liu,* and Qichun Zhang* “An Ambipolar Azaacene as a Stable Photocathode for Metal-Free Light-Driven Water Reduction”. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00113K. As an invited paper. Jing Zhang, Guangfeng Liu, Yecheng Zhou, Guankui Long, Peiyang Gu and Qichun Zhang* “Solvent Accommodation: Functionalities Can be Tailored Through Co-Crystallization Based on 1:1 Coronene-F4TCNQ Charge Transfer Complex”, ACS applied Materials & interfaces, 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b15027. Wangqiao Chen, Qichun Zhang* “Recent Progress on Non-Fullerene Small Molecule Acceptors in Organic Solar Cells (OSCs)” J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5, 1275 – 1302. DOI: 10.1039/C6TC05066B. (227) Yi Liu, Kaiqi Ye, Yue Wang, Qichun Zhang,* Xianhui Bu,* Pingyun Feng*, “Multitopic Ligand Directed Assembly of Low-Dimensional Metal-Chalcogenide Organic Frameworks” Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 1481–1486. DOI: 10.1039/C6DT04453K. Jingdan Duan, Pei-yang Gu, Jinchong Xiao,* Xingxing Shen, Xiaoyu Liu, Yuanping Yi, Qichun Zhang* “Synthesis, Physical Properties and Memory Device Application of Twelve-Ring Fused Twistheteroacene”, Chem Asian J. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/asia.201700048. Rong-Bin Song, Cui-e Zhao, Pan-Pan Gai, Dan Guo, Li-Ping Jiang, Qichun Zhang,* Jian-Rong Zhang*, Jun-Jie Zhu*, “Graphene/Fe3O4 Nanocomposites as Efficient Anodes to Boost the Lifetime and Current Output of Microbial Fuel Cells”, Chem. Asia J. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/asia.201601272. Liang Xu,* Qichun Zhang*, “Recent Progress on Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Compounds As Photoelectric Active Materials”, SCIENCE CHINA Materials, 2017, 10.1007/s40843-016-5170-2. As an invited paper. Chee Keong Ngaw, Cui-e Zhao, Victor Bochuan Wang, Staffan Kjelleberg, Timothy Thatt Yang Tan, Qichun Zhang*, Say Chye Joachim Loo,* “Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Biofilm based Solar-Microbial Fuel Device for Enhanced Hydrogen Generation” Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2017, accepted. Wangqiao Chen, Masahiro Nakano,* Kazuo Takimiya,* Qichun Zhang, “Selective thionation of naphtho[2,3-b]thiophene diimide; Tunign of the optoelectronic properties and packing structure”, Organic Chemistry Frontier, 2017, accepted. Shengnan Sun, Libo Sun, Shibo Xi, Yonghua Du, M. U. Anu Prathap, Zilong Wang, Qichun Zhang, Adrian Fisher, Zhichuan J. Xu, “Electrochemical Oxidation of C3 Saturated Alcohols on Co3O4 in alkaline”, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 228, 183-194. Jing Zhang, Peiyang Gu, Guankui Long, Rakesh Ganguly, Yongxin Li, Naoki Aratani, Hiroko Yamada, and Qichun Zhang* “Switching Charge-Transfer Characteristic from p-Type to n-Type through Molecule “Doping” (Co-crystallization)” Chem. Sci. 2016,7, 3851 – 3856. DOI: 10.1039/C5SC04954G. Jing Zhang, Chengyuan Wang, Guankui Long, Naoki Aratani, Hiroko Yamada, Qichun Zhang*, “Fusing N-heteroacene Analogues into One “Kinked” Molecule with Slipped Two-dimensional Ladder-like Packing”, Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 1309 – 1313. DOI: 10.1039/C5SC03604F. Jian Xie, Qichun Zhang*, “Recent progress on rechargeable lithium batteries with organic materials as promising electrodes” J. Mater. Chem. A. 2016, 4, 7091 – 7106. DOI: 10.1039/C6TA01069E. Pei-Yang Gu, Jing Zhang, Guankui Long, Zilong Wang, Qichun Zhang* “Solution-processable thiadiazoloquinoxaline-based donor–acceptor small molecules for Thin-Film Transistors” J. Mater. Chem. C 2016, 4, 3809 - 3814 10.1039/C5TC03222A as an invited paper. Rong-Bin Song, Kun Yan, Zong-Qiong Lin, Joachim Say Chye Loo, Li-Jia Pan, Qichun Zhang,* Jian-Rong Zhang,* and Jun-Jie Zhu*, “Inject-printed porous polyaniline gel as an efficient anode for microbial fuel cells”, J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 14555-14559. DOI: 10.1039/C6TA05770E. Peiyang Gu, Zilong Wang, Qichun Zhang*, “Azaacenes as active elements for sensing and bio application”, J. Mater. Chem. B 2016, 4, 7060 – 7074. DOI: 10.1039/C6TB02052F as an invited paper. Guangfeng Liu, Jie Liu, Xutang Tao, Dong-sheng Li,* and Qichun Zhang*, “Surfactants As Additives Make the Structures of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Bromoplumbates Diverse”, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 3, 1388 – 1392. DOI: 10.1039/C6QI00292G as an invited paper. Jian Xie, Cui-E Zhao, Zongqiong Lin, Pei-Yang Gu, Qichun Zhang*, “Nanostructured Conjugated Polymers for Energy-Related Applications beyond Solar Cells”, Chem. Asian J. 2016, 11(10), 1489-1511. DOI: 10.1002/asia.201600293. Jian Xie, Xianhong Rui, Peiyang Gu, Jiansheng Wu, Zhichuan J. Xu, Qingyu Yan*, Qichun Zhang* “A Novel Conjugated Ladder-Structured Oligomer Anode with High Lithium Storage and Long Cycling Capability” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2016, 8 (26), 16932–16938. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b04277. Guangfeng Liu, Jie Liu, Zhihua Sun, Zhenyi Zhang, Lei Chang, Junling Wang, Xutang Tao, Qichun Zhang*, “Thermally-induced Reversible Double Phase Transitions in An Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Iodoplumbate C4H12NPbI3 with Symmetry Breaking”, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 8025–8030. DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01143.
