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學歷 民國91年,清華大學電機系學士 民國93年,台灣大學光電工程研究所碩士 民國100年,美國加州理工學院電機博士 經歷 民國108迄今,中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 副研究員 民國101至108年,中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 助研究員 民國100至101年,德國 Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light 博士後研究員 榮譽及獎項 2020 傑出人才發展基金會 年輕學者創新獎 2019 中研院年輕學者研究著作獎 2017 中研院前瞻計畫 2006 華人光電協會 Bor-Uei Chen 紀念獎學金 2006 國科會菁英留學計畫獎學金 研究成果 Quantitative imaging of single light-absorbing nanoparticles by widefield interferometric photothermal microscopy Monovalent and Oriented Labeling of Gold Nanoprobes for the High-Resolution Tracking of a Single-Membrane Molecule High-speed imaging and tracking of very small single nanoparticles by contrast enhanced microscopy Background estimation and correction for high-precision localization microscopy Label-free, ultrahigh-speed, 3D observation of bidirectional and correlated intracellular cargo transport by coherent brightfield microscopy Coherent brightfield microscopy provides the spatiotemporal resolution to study early stage viral infection in live cells


細胞膜內的分子運動與功能性之關聯 早期病毒感染與細胞膜之交互作用 高速光學顯微影像技術


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Liao YH, Lin CH, Cheng CY, Wong WC, Juo JY, Hsieh CL*, "Monovalent and oriented labeling of gold nanoprobes for the high-resolution tracking of a single membrane molecule," ACS Nano, 13(10), 10918 (2019). Cheng CY, Liao YH, Hsieh CL*, "High-speed imaging and tracking of very small single nanoparticles by contrast enhanced microscopy," Nanoscale, 11, 568 (2019). Cheng CY, Hsieh CL*, "Background estimation and correction for high-precision localization microscopy," ACS Photonics, 4(7), 1730 (2017). Huang YF, Zhuo GY, Lin CH, Hsieh CL*, "Label-free, ultrahigh-speed, 3D observation of bidirectional and correlated intracellular cargo transport by coherent brightfield microscopy," Nanoscale 9, 6567 (2017). Huang YF, Zhuo GY, Chou CY, Lin CH, Chang W, Hsieh CL*, "Coherent brightfield microscopy provides the spatiotemporal resolution to study early stage viral infection in live cells," ACS Nano, 11(3), 2575 (2017). Wu HM, Lin YH, Yen TC, Hsieh CL*, "Nanoscopic substructures of raft-mimetic liquid-ordered membrane domains revealed by high-speed single-particle tracking," Scientific Reports 6, 20542 (2016). Lin YH, Chang WL, Hsieh CL*, "Shot-noise limited localization of single 20 nm gold particles with nanometer spatial precision within microseconds," Optics Express 22(8), pp. 9159-9170 (2014).
