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Griffith Medal and Prize (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining 2005)


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Dislocation—Obstacle Interactions at Atomic Level in Irradiated Metals Computer simulation of cascade damage in α-iron with carbon in solution Computer simulation of primary damage creation in displacement cascades in copper. I. Defect creation and cluster statistics Effect of mass of the primary knock-on atom on displacement cascade debris in α-iron Interaction of an edge dislocation with voids in α-iron modelled with different interatomic potentials Simulation of the interaction between an edge dislocation and a 〈100〉 interstitial dislocation loop in α-iron Structure and properties of vacancy and interstitial clusters in α-zirconium Atomic-scale computer simulation study of the interaction of Cu-rich precipitates with irradiation-produced defects in α-Fe Computer simulation of carbon diffusion and vacancy–carbon interaction in α-iron Computer simulation of interaction of an edge dislocation with a carbon interstitial in α-iron and effects on glide Computer simulation of the interaction of carbon atoms with self-interstitial clusters in α-iron On the interaction between a vacancy and self-interstitial atom clusters in metals Strengthening and microstructure modification associated with moving twin boundaries in hcp metals The atomic-scale modeling of dislocation-obstacle interactions in irradiated metals The effect of temperature and strain rate on the interaction between an edge dislocation and an interstitial dislocation loop in alpha-iron Atomic-scale study of dislocation–stacking fault tetrahedron interactions. Part I: mechanisms Computer simulation of dislocation–solute interaction in dilute Fe–Cu alloys Computer simulation of reactions between an edge dislocation and glissile self-interstitial clusters in iron Dependence of radiation damage accumulation in iron on underlying models of displacement cascades and subsequent defect migration Identification and morphology of point defect clusters created in displacement cascades in α-zirconium Low-energy sputtering events at free surfaces near anti-phase and grain boundaries in Ni 3 Al Statistics of primary damage creation in high-energy displacement cascades in copper and zirconium A model for the dynamics of loop drag by a gliding dislocation Atomic-scale details of dislocation–stacking fault tetrahedra interaction Atomic-scale simulation of defect cluster formation in high-energy displacement cascades in zirconium
