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Fresh insight to functioning of selected enzymes of the nitrogen cycle Serial crystallography captures enzyme catalysis in copper nitrite reductase at atomic resolution from one crystal. Fingerprinting redox and ligand states in haemprotein crystal structures using resonance Raman spectroscopy. Impact of residues remote from the catalytic centre on enzyme catalysis of copper nitrite reductase. Structures of protein–protein complexes involved in electron transfer. A Distal Pocket Leu Residue Inhibits the Binding of O 2 and NO at the Distal Heme Site of Cytochrome c ′. Characterization of a novel copper-haem c dissimilatory nitrite reductase from Ralstonia pickettii. Characterization of a novel copperheme c dissimilatory nitrite reductase from Ralstonia pickettii. Laser-flash photolysis indicates that internal electron transfer is triggered by proton uptake by Alcaligenes xylosoxidans copper-dependent nitrite reductase. Carbon monoxide poisoning is prevented by the energy costs of conformational changes in gas-binding haemproteins. Distal-to Proximal NO conversion in Hemoproteins: The Role of the Proximal Pocket. Electron Transfer and Half Reactivity in Nitrogenase Gating Mechanisms for Biological Electron Transfer: Integrating Structure with Biophysics Reveals the Nature of Redox Control in Cytochrome P450 reductase and Copper-Dependent Nitrite Reductase Mechanism of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in the Catalytic Cycle of Alcaligenes xylosoxidans Copper-Dependent Nitrite Reductase. Characterization of cycP gene expression in Achromobacter xylosoxidans NCIMB 11015 and high-level heterologous synthesis of cytochrome c' in Escherichia coli Demonstration of Proton-coupled Electron Transfer in the Copper-containing Nitrite Reductases Crystallography with Online Optical and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopies Demonstrates an Ordered Mechanism in Copper Nitrite Reductase Identification of the Proton Channel to the Active Site Type 2 Cu Center of Nitrite Reductase: Structural and Enzymatic Properties of the His254Phe and Asn90Ser Mutants † , ‡ Nitrous oxide reductase Insight into Catalysis of Nitrous Oxide Reductase from High-resolution Structures of Resting and Inhibitor-bound Enzyme from Achromobacter cycloclastes. Atomic resolution structures of resting-state, substrate- and product-complexed Cu-nitrite reductase provide insight into catalytic mechanism. High Resolution Structural Studies of Mutants Provide Insights into Catalysis and Electron Transfer Processes in Copper Nitrite Reductase Insights into Redox Partner Interactions and Substrate Binding in Nitrite Reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans : Crystal Structures of the Trp138His and His313Gln Mutants † , ‡ The structure of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans at 1.7 Å resolution.
