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教育背景 1990.1 - 1994.1 英国南安普顿大学 土木与环境学院(交通工程专业)工学博士 1982.2 - 1984.7 浙江大学 土木工程系(岩土工程专业) 工学硕士 1978.2 - 1982.1 浙江大学 土木工程系(水利水电专业) 工学学士 工作履历 2013.11至今 清华大学-剑桥大学-麻省理工学院未来交通研究中心主任 2011.1-至今 清华大学教授 2007.10-2010.12 英国南安普敦大学教授、英国WSP国际集团高级董事 2006.10-2007.9 英国南安普敦大学教授、中英联合智能交通中心主任 2002.8-2006.9 北京交通大学特聘教授、中英智能交通中心主任 1999.10-2002.7 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院高级研究员 1994.1-1999.9 英国南安普敦大学土木环境学院研究员 1986.8-1989.12 浙江大学土木工程系讲师 1984.8-1986.7 浙江大学土木工程系助教 学术兼职 联合国世界工程组织(WFEO)工程环境委员会委员 国际智能交通效益评估委员会 (IBEC ITS) 常务理事 中国科协第十届全国委员会委员 中国科协第十届常委会国际合作与对外联络专委会委员 中国仿真学会常务理事 中国仿真学会交通建模与仿真专委会主任 中国公路学会自动驾驶工作委员会常务理事 中国城市研究会常务理事 中国科学技术协会海智计划专家 交通部民航局“四型机场“专家委员会委员 浙江省大湾区院士专家委员会委员 2008北京奥运会组委会交通咨询专家 北京、杭州、南宁、海口等城市顾问 IET ITS杂志副主编 (SCI检索) 奖励与荣誉 奖励 2020 福建省科学技术进步奖二等奖,排名第一 2018 北京市科学技术奖三等奖,排名第一 2017 中国仿真学会自然科学一等奖,排名第一 2016 日内瓦国际发明博览会金奖,排名第一 2016 中国仿真学会技术发明二等奖,排名第一 2015 第九届北京市发明创新大赛金奖,排名第一 2014 北京市科技进步奖三等奖,排名第一 2013 中国产学研合作创新成果奖,排名第一 2013 中国智能交通协会科学技术奖,排名第一 2011 南宁市科学技术进步二等奖,排名第一 2011 河南省交通运输科学技术奖,排名第一 荣誉 俄罗斯工程院外籍院士 国家级人才计划专家 英国工程技术学会会士(FIET) 中国仿真学会会士(FCFS)


交通行为、交通模型与交通仿真 智能驾驶与未来交通 数据孪生、城市计算与城市仿真 智慧生态城市与绿色交通


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著作 Ling Huang & Jianping Wu 《Behavioral Modelling and Simulation of Bicycle Traffic》,IET Publisher, ISBN 978-1-78561-951-9,2021 Jianping Wu and Dongping Fang. Chapter 14: Role of CPS in Smart Cities. Book: Cyber-Physical Systems in the Built Environment. Editors: Chimay J. Anumba and Nazila Roofigari,-Publisher: Springer, 2020. 黄玲,吴建平 著 《自行车交通微观行为研究》,人民交通出版社, ISBN: 9787114141133,2017 郭敏,杜怡曼,吴建平 编著 《微观交通仿真基础理论及应用实例》,人民交通出版社, ISBN 978-7-114-08917-8,2012 隋亚刚,郭敏,吴建平 编著 《道路交通组织优化与仿真评价理论与方法》,人民交通出版社,ISBN 978-7-114-07661-9,2009 Joseph Sussman 著,吴建平 译 《运输系统导论》,五南出版社,ISBN 957-11-3694,2004 近期主要SCI论文 Luo L, Wu J, Fei W, et al. "Detecting Driver Cognition Alertness State From Visual Activities in Normal and Emergency Scenarios". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Trasnportation Systems, 2022. Liu M, Wu J, Zhu C, et al. "Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Robo-taxi Services in China: An Extended Technology Acceptance Model Analysis". Journal of Advanced Transportation 2022(2022). Liu M, Wu J , Yousaf A , et al. Exploring the Relationship between Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, Fatalistic Beliefs and Pedestrian Behaviors in China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(7):3378. Li, Duowei, Jianping Wu, and Depin Peng. ""Online Traffic Accident Spatial-Temporal Post-Impact Prediction Model on Highways Based on Spiking Neural Networks."" Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021 (2021). Linyang Wang, Jianping Wu, Mingyu Liu, Kezhen Hu, Katherine L. Plant, Rich C. McIlroy, Neville A Stanton. "Sociotechnical view of electric bike issues in China: Structured review and analysis of electric bike collisions using Rasmussen's risk management framework"[J]. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 2021(4). Zhu, C., Wu, J., Liu, M., Luan, J., Li, T., & Hu, K. (2020). Cyber-physical resilience modelling and assessment of urban roadway system interrupted by rainfall. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 204, 107095. Li, T., Wu, J., Chan, C. Y., Liu, M., Zhu, C., Lu, W., & Hu, K. (2020). A Cooperative Lane Change Model for Connected and Automated Vehicles. IEEE Access, 8, 54940-54951. Li, D., Wu, J., Xu, M., Wang, Z., & Hu, K. (2020). Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Model on Intersections Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020. Luo, L., Wu, J., Hu, H., Chen, Y., & Xu, Z. (2020). Analysis and forecast of water supply and demand in beijing through system dynamics modeling. Urban Water Journal, 1-13. Xu, M., Wu, J., Huang, L., Zhou, R., Wang, T., & Hu, D. (2020). Network-wide traffic signal control based on the discovery of critical nodes and deep reinforcement learning. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(1), 1-10. McIlroy, R. C., Kokwaro, G. O., Wu, J., Jikyong, U., Nam, V. H., Hoque, M. S., ... & Stanton, N. A. (2020). How do fatalistic beliefs affect the attitudes and pedestrian behaviours of road users in different countries? A cross-cultural study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 139, 105491. McIlroy, R. C., Nam, V. H., Bunyasi, B. W., Jikyong, U., Kokwaro, G. O., Wu, J., ... & Stanton, N. A. (2020). Exploring the relationships between pedestrian behaviours and traffic safety attitudes in six countries. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 68, 257-271. Huang, L., Zhai, C., Wang, H., Zhang, R., Qiu, Z., & Wu, J. (2020). Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control and exhaust emission evaluation under heterogeneous connected vehicle network environment in urban city. Journal of Environmental Management, 256, 109975. Huang, L., Guo, H., Zhang, R., Zhao, D., & Wu, J. (2020). A data-driven operational integrated driving behavioral model on highways. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-17. Huang, L., Wu, J., Zhang, R., Zhao, D., & Wang, Y. (2020). Comparative analysis & modelling for riders’ conflict avoidance behavior of E-bikes and bicycles at un-signalized intersections. Luo, L., Feng, M. Q., & Wu, J. (2020). A comprehensive alleviation technique for optical‐turbulence‐induced errors in vision‐based displacement measurement. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 27(3), e2496. Li, T., Wu, J., Dang, A., Liao, L., & Xu, M. (2019). Emission pattern mining based on taxi trajectory data in Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 688-700. Xu, M., Wu, J., Wang, H., & Cao, M. (2019). Anomaly detection in road networks using sliding-window tensor factorization. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(12), 4704-4713. Yang, S., Wu, J., Xu, Y., & Yang, T. (2019). Revealing heterogeneous spatiotemporal traffic flow patterns of urban road network via tensor decomposition-based clustering approach. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 526, 120688. Luo, L., Feng, M. Q., Wu, J., & Leung, R. Y. (2019). Autonomous pothole detection using deep region-based convolutional neural network with cloud computing. Smart Structures and Systems, 24(6), 745-757. Huang, L., Guo, H., Zhang, R., Wang, H., & Wu, J. (2018). Capturing drivers’ lane changing behaviors on operational level by data driven methods. IEEE Access, 6, 57497-57506. McIlroy, R. C., Plant, K. L., Jikyong, U., Nam, V. H., Bunyasi, B., Kokwaro, G. O., ... & Stanton, N. A. (2019). Vulnerable road users in low-, middle-, and high-income countries: validation of a pedestrian behaviour questionnaire. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 131, 80-94. McIlroy, R. C., Plant, K. A., Hoque, M. S., Wu, J., Kokwaro, G. O., Nam, V. H., & Stanton, N. A. (2019). Who is responsible for global road safety? A cross-cultural comparison of Actor Maps. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 122, 8-18. Qi, G., Wu, J., Zhou, Y., Du, Y., Jia, Y., Hounsell, N., & Stanton, N. A. (2019). Recognizing driving styles based on topic models. Transportation research part D: transport and environment, 66, 13-22. Xu, M., Wu, J., Liu, M., Xiao, Y., Wang, H., & Hu, D. (2018). Discovery of critical nodes in road networks through mining from vehicle trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(2), 583-593. Liao, L., Wu, J., Zou, F., Pan, J., & Li, T. (2018). Trajectory topic modelling to characterize driving behaviors with GPS-based trajectory data. Journal of Internet Technology, 19(3), 815-824. Hu, K., Wu, J., & Liu, M. (2018). Exploring the energy efficiency of electric vehicles with driving behavioral data from a field test and questionnaire. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018. Kong, Y., Wu, J., Xu, M., & Hu, K. (2017). Charging pile siting recommendations via the fusion of points of interest and vehicle trajectories. China Communications, 14(11), 29-38. Jia, Y., Wu, J., & Xu, M. (2017). Traffic flow prediction with rainfall impact using a deep learning method. Journal of advanced transportation, 2017. Jia, Y., Wu, J., Ben-Akiva, M., Seshadri, R., & Du, Y. (2017). Rainfall-integrated traffic speed prediction using deep learning method. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 11(9), 531-536. Yang, S., Wu, J., Du, Y., He, Y., & Chen, X. (2017). Ensemble learning for short-term traffic prediction based on gradient boosting machine. Journal of Sensors, 2017. Hu, K., Wu, J., & Schwanen, T. (2017). Differences in energy consumption in electric vehicles: An exploratory real-world study in Beijing. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2017. Yang, S., Wu, J., Qi, G., & Tian, K. (2017). Analysis of traffic state variation patterns for urban road network based on spectral clustering. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9(9), 1687814017723790. Du, Y., Wu, J., Yang, S., & Zhou, L. (2017). Predicting vehicle fuel consumption patterns using floating vehicle data. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 59, 24-29. Hu, D., Zhou, Y., Xu, M., Wu, J., Du, Y., Song, B., & Hu, K. (2017). Identifying regional service function from PM 2.5 mass concentration throughout a city with non-negative tensor factorization approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(35), 26893-26900. Zhang, R., Wu, J., Huang, L., & You, F. (2017). Study of bicycle movements in conflicts at mixed traffic unsignalized intersections. IEEE Access, 5, 10108-10117. Huang, L., Wu, J., You, F., Lv, Z., & Song, H. (2016). Cyclist social force model at unsignalized intersections with heterogeneous traffic. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13(2), 782-792. J. Hunt and J. P. Wu, "Asian Urban Environment and Climate Change: Preface," (in English), Journal of Environmental Sciences, Editorial Material vol. 59, pp. 1-5, Sep 2017. Qi, G., Du, Y., Wu, J., Hounsell, N., & Jia, Y. (2015). What is the appropriate temporal distance range for driving style analysis?. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(5), 1393-1403. Du, Y., Wu, J., Jia, Y., & Xu, M. (2016). An Improved Regional Traffic Volume Dynamic Feedback Control. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 26(09n10), 1539-1554. Qi, G., Du, Y., Wu, J., & Xu, M. (2015). Leveraging longitudinal driving behaviour data with data mining techniques for driving style analysis. IET intelligent transport systems, 9(8), 792-801. Xu, M., Du, Y., Wu, J., & Zhou, Y. (2015). Map matching based on conditional random fields and route preference mining for uncertain trajectories. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015. Du, Y., Wu, J., Qi, G., & Jia, Y. (2015). Simulation study of bicycle multi-phase crossing at intersections. In Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport (Vol. 168, No. 5, pp. 457-465). Thomas Telford Ltd. Du, Y., Jia, Y., Wu, J., Xu, M., & Yang, S. (2015). Traffic Environmental Capacity and MFD Based Traffic Emission Dynamic Control Model. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, 12(4). Song, B., Hu, D., Wu, J., Hu, K., & Du, Y. (2015). UNDERSTANDING OF THE IMPACT ON THE MOVING SPEED OF MONITORING VEHICLES ON MEASURED POLLUTANT CONCENTRATIONS. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(6 A), 2167-2178. Jia, Y., Du, Y., & Wu, J. (2014). Stability analysis of a car-following model on two lanes. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014. Jia, Y. H., Du, Y. M., & Wu, J. P. (2014). An improved car-following model considering variable safety headway distance. Physics Essays, 27(4), 616-619. Song, B. I. N. G. Y. U. E., Wu, J., Zhou, Y. A. N. G., & Hu, K. E. Z. H. E. N. (2014). Fine-scale prediction of roadside CO and NOx concentration based on a random forest model. J. Residuals Sci. Technol, 11(3), 83. Dong, J. X., Cheng, T., Xu, J., & Wu, J. (2013). Quantitative assessment of urban road network hierarchy planning. The Town Planning Review, 445-472. Du, Y., Wu, J., & Qi, G. (2013). The Simulation Study for Hydro-Meteorological Hazards Contingency Plan in Henan Highway Network. 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