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教育背景 2007年, University of Illinois at Chicago,获社会学博士 1999年,华中理工大学,获社会学硕士 1996年,南京大学,获物理学学士 工作经历 2018年8月至今,长聘副教授,清华大学社会学系 2010年12月—2018年7月, 副教授,清华大学科技与社会研究所 2010年3月—12月,讲师,清华大学科技与社会研究所 2008年4月--2010年3月,博士后,清华大学科技与社会研究所 2007年8月—2008年4月,博士后,社会学系, University of Illinois at Chicago 2003年8月—2005年8月,研究助理,UIC Center for Population Health and Health Disparities Project: Racial/ethnic disparities in breast cancer prognosis Principal Investigator: Prof. Richard Warnecke 2002年8月--2003年5月,教学助理,Introduction to Sociological Statistics 2002年5月--2002年8月,研究助理,Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL Project: Human Experiments and Public Policy Principal Investigator:Prof. Sydney Halpern 2002年1月--2002年5月,教学助理,Introduction to Sociological Statistics 学术兼职和社会服务 中国社会学学会科学社会学专业委员会秘书长 中国科学学与科技政策研究会科学社会学专业委员会副秘书长 北京科学史与科学社会学学会常务理事 2017-:《自然辩证法通讯》STS栏目外聘编辑 2012-2014:Steering CommitteeMemberofAPSTSN(Asia-Pacific Science, Technology and Society (STS) Network) 2013-:EASTS(East Asian Science, Technology and Society)编委 2011-2012:EASTS(East Asian Science, Technology and Society)书评编辑 2009-2011:担任中国社会网研究专业委员会理事 为《科学学研究》、Social Studies of Science,Research Policy,East Asian Science, Technology, and Society, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Technology Transfer,Minerva, Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China,Journal of Business Research等国内外期刊审稿 奖励及荣誉 2018-2019:入选哈佛燕京访问学者 2018:曾点,洪伟,“夜晚的时间老人” 获2018年中国社会学年会优秀论文一等奖 2017:王书言,洪伟,“洁净与危险:文化人类学视角下的空气污染感知” 获2017年中国社会学年会优秀论文二等奖 2016年度清华大学国际合作与交流暨港澳台工作先进个人 2015年度清华大学社会科学学院先进工作者 2013年度清华大学学术新人 王增鹏,洪伟,“科学社会学视野下的默会知识转移——科林斯默会知识转移研究”获2013年中国社会学年会优秀论文二等奖 2012:第六届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(Hong, Wei.2008. “Domination of a scientific field: capital struggle in a Chinese isotope lab.”Social Studies of Science38(4): 543-570.) 2011:Outstanding Reviewer at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence(selected for the very impressive and significant contribution made as a Reviewer to Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China throughout 2010) 2009年清华大学优秀博士后 2006-2007: The Dean's Scholar Award 2004-2005: The Liberal Arts & Sciences Scholarship, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2004: The Provost’s Research Award, the Graduate College, University of Illinois at Chicago July 2004: The World Vision Scholarship for the 36th IIS World Congress


科学技术与社会(STS) 农村清洁取暖 科学社会学 长期关注创新与创业环境下的中国大学,从社会网络、性别、校企合作等不同角度对中国科技工作者做了多方位研究。同时,对中国科学技术史文献进行编码和数据库建设,将大数据的方法引进科学技术发展的历史、哲学和社会学分析。近期的主要工作是通过人类学的田野调查,从科技与社会互构的视角探讨公众对空气污染的理解和感知。


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曾点,洪伟,“STS的发展图景及其展望—4S协会前主席迈克尔·林奇专访”,科学学研究,2017,35(9):1281-1288。 Tao, Yu, Wei Hong and Ying Ma, 2017, “Gender Differences in Publication Productivity among Scientists and Engineers in the U.S. and China: Similarities and Differences”, Minerva55 (4), 459-484. Hong, Wei and Yandong Zhao, 2016, “How Social Networks Affect Scientific Performance:Evidence from a National Survey of Chinese Scientists”, Science Technology & Human Values41(2) 243-273. 赵延东,洪伟,2015,“承担企业科研项目给科研人员带来了什么?”,《科研管理》, 36(12):19-28 鲁晓,洪伟,何光喜,2014,“海归科学家的学术与创新:全国科技工作者调查数据分析”,复旦公共行政评论,第十二辑: 7-25. 王增鹏,洪伟,2014,“科学社会学视野下的默会知识转移——科林斯默会知识转移理论解析”,科学学研究,32(5):641-649. Hong,Weiand Yu-Sung Su, 2013, “The Effect of Institutional Proximity in Non-Local University-Industry Collaborations: An Analysis Based on Chinese Patent Data”, Research Policy 42(2): 454–464. 洪伟,“后默顿时代科学社会学述评”,科学与社会,2012年第2卷第3期,37-59页。 洪伟,元桥一之,曾国屏,“高科技企业的知识产权战略——以清华科技园的中小企业为例”,科技进步与对策,2012年1月,29(1):79-82. 洪伟,赵刚,曾国屏“美国民间基金会2003-2008对我国资助情况的分析”,科技管理研究,2011年,31(13):202-205. 洪伟,元桥一之,曾国屏“与大学为邻能否提高创新能力—以清华科技园的高科技中小企业为例”,科学学与科学技术管理,2011年6月,32(6):52-58. John P. Walsh,洪伟“美国大学技术转移体系概述”,科学学研究,2011年5月,29(5):641-649。 洪伟“公有主义和保密行为:科学研究的学术模型和市场模型述评”,科学学研究,2010年3月,28(3):339-345。 洪伟“区域校企专利合作创新模式的变化--基于社会网络方法的分析”,科学学研究,2010年1月,28(1):40-46,150。 洪伟,李红林,曾国屏“美国民间基金会资助发展趋势考察”,山东科技大学学报(社会科学版),2009年6月,11(3):13-18。被人大复印资料C1《社会科学总论》2009年第4期全文转载。 Hong, Wei and John P. Walsh.2009.“For money or glory?: secrecy, competition and commercialization in the entrepreneurial university.”TheSociological Quarterly 50 (1): 145-171. Hong, Wei.2008. “Domination in a scientific field: capital struggle in a Chinese isotope lab.”Social Studies of Science38 (4): 543-570. Hong, Wei.2008. “Decline of the center: the decentralizing process of knowledge transfer of Chinese universities from 1985-2004.”Research Policy 37(4):580-595. Hong, Wei. 2006. “Technology transfer in Chinese universities: is mode 2 sufficient for a developing country?” Pp. 21-50 (Chapter 2) in Pui-lam Law, Leopoldina Fortunati, and Shanghua Yang (eds.),New Technologies in Global Societies.New Jersey: World Scientific Publishers. Walsh, John P. and Wei Hong. 2003. "Secrecy is increasing in step with competition."Nature422: 801-802. 洪伟. 1998. “经济学和社会学的融合趋势.”华中理工大学学报社科版四月刊: 12-14. Chen, Wuming, Wei Hong, J.F. Geng, X.S.Wu, W. Ji, X. Jin, L. Qui, and L.Y. Li. 1996. “Iodometric titration for determining the oxygen content of samples doped with Fe and Co.”Physica C270: 349-353. 译作 洪伟译,“社会域的架构:理论与方法论集合”,STS手册第五章,清华大学出版社。 准备投稿或修改中的文章 王书言,洪伟,“洁净与危险:文化人类学视角下的空气污染感知” Zheng, Enying, Yasheng Huang, Rongzhu Ke, Wei Hong,“Social Networks and Meritocracy in Elite Recruitment: The Chinese Civil Service Examinations, 1400‒1580”. Zeng, Dian, Wei Hong,“Master of the Night:Destiny of a Profession under Technological Changes”. Hong, Wei. “Evolution of the regional innovation system: examining the structural properties of the Chinese knowledge exchanging networks from 1985-2004.” Social Networks 受邀报告 Hong, Wei. 2007 “Decline of the Center: The Decentralizing Process of Knowledge Transfer from Chinese Universities During the Reform Period”. Presented at the Education Policy Seminar, the Institute of Higher Education, University of Georgia. December 3, Athens, GA. Hong, Wei. 2007 “Applying logit p* Model in Innovation Studies: An Example on the Chinese Knowledge Exchange Networks”. Presented at the NIH Seminar, the Institute of Higher Education, University of Georgia. December 3, Athens, GA. 会议论文 Dian Zeng, Wei Hong, “The Dispute over Time in Late Imperial China: Interpreting Modernity from a STS Perspective”, the 2017 Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 30 to September 2. Zheng, Enying, Yasheng Huang, Rongzhu Ke, Wei Hong,“Social Networks and Meritocracy in Elite Recruitment: The Chinese Civil Service Examinations, 1400‒1580”,77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Aug. 4-8, 2017. Zheng, Enying, Yasheng Huang, Rongzhu Ke, Wei Hong,“Social Networks and Meritocracy in Elite Recruitment: The Chinese Civil Service Examinations, 1400‒1580”,TheSunbeltXXXVII International Social NetworkConference, Beijing, May 30th-June 4th, 2017 Dian Zeng; Wei Hong, 2016. Master of the Night: Destiny of a Profession under Technological Changes, the 12thEASTS Network Conference, Beijing, Nov. 18-20. Hong, Wei, Yandong Zhao, “How social networks affect scientific performance? Evidence from a national survey of Chinese scientists”, the 108thAnnual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York City, Aug. 10-13, 2013. 洪伟,赵延东,“社会网络与创新绩效:对七千名科研人员的调查分析”,中国社会学年会科学社会学分论坛。2013年7月21日,贵阳。 王增鹏,洪伟,“科学社会学视野下的默会知识转移——科林斯默会知识转移研究” ,中国社会学年会科学社会学分论坛。2013年7月21日,贵阳。 Hong, Wei, Yandong Zhao, “How social networks affect scientific performance? Evidence from a national survey of Chinese scientists”, International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, July 12-15, 2013. 洪伟,“异地校企合作的制度领近效益:一项基于中国专利数据的实证分析”,北京清华大学-台湾阳明大学第二届“两岸STS学术交流会议”, 2012年10月12-14日 洪伟,“后默顿时代科学社会学述评”,全国第四届科学社会学会议(南开大学),2012年9月22-23日。 Hong, Wei, “Validating Determinants of Non-Local University-Industry Collaborations: An Analysis Based on Chinese Patent Data”,presented at the EuSPRI Conference “Path - breaking innovation. Understanding, managing and providing support for continuous radical change in science and innovation”, Milan, Italy, June 27-29, 2012. Hong, Wei,“Determinants of Non-Local University-Industry Collaboration: An Analysis Based on Chinese Patent Data”,presented at The 35thSociety for Social Studies of Science) Annual Meeting,Tokyo,Aug. 25-29, 2010. 洪伟,“异地校企合作的决定因素:一项基于中国专利数据的分析”,第六届社会网及关系管理学术研讨会,中山大学管理学院,广州,2010年12月12-14日。 洪伟,“异地校企合作的决定因素:一项基于中国专利数据的分析”,国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部2009年度工商管理学科青年科学基金项目主持人学术交流会,深圳大学管理学院,深圳,2010年12月16-17日。 洪伟,“区域校企专利合作创新模式的变化--基于社会网络方法的分析”,第五届社会网及关系管理学术研讨会,上海大学,上海,2009年10月22-25日。 赵延东,洪伟,“社会网络与科研绩效:对三万名科技工作者的分析”,第五届社会网及关系管理学术研讨会,上海大学,上海,2009年10月22-25日。 Hong, Wei. 2006 “Evolution of the regional innovation system: examining the structural properties of the Chinese knowledge exchanging networks from 1985-2004”. Presented at the 2006 Technology Transfer Society Conference, September 27-29, Atlanta, GA. Hong, Wei. 2006 “Decline of the center: the decentralizing process of knowledge transfer of Chinese universities from 1985-2004.” Presented at the Atlanta Conference on S&T policy, May 20, Atlanta, GA. Hong, Wei. “Decline of the center: the decentralizing process of knowledge transfer of Chinese universities from 1985-2004.” Presented at the Science & Technology in Society: An International Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, April 22, Washington, D.C. Hong, Wei. 2005. “Domination of a scientific field: capital struggle in a Chinese isotope lab.”Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science Conference, October 22, Pasadena, CA. Hong, Wei. 2005. “Technology transfer in Chinese universities: forms and implications. “Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 15, Philadelphia, PA. Youm, Yoosik, April Oh, and Wei Hong. 2005. “An examination of needed and received amounts of social support: the effects of social networks, neighborhood embeddedness, and stage of breast cancer diagnosis.”Presented at the CPHHD 2ndAnnual Grantees Meeting, May 19, Chicago, IL. Walsh, John P. and Wei Hong. 2004.“For money or glory?: secrecy, competition and commercialization in science.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 16, San Francisco, CA. Hong, Wei. 2004. “Technology transfer from university to industry: the case of China.” Presented at the 36th International Institute of Sociology World Congress, July 10, Beijing, China. Walsh, John P. and Wei Hong. 2004.“For money or glory?: secrecy, competition and commercialization in science.” Presented at Sociology Day at UIC, March 24, Chicago, IL. Hong, Wei. 2003. “Domination of a scientific field: capital struggle in a Chinese isotope lab.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 16, Atlanta, GA.
