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教育经历 2013-2017 Doctor of Philosophy in Culture, Language and Literacy, University of Texas at San Antonio 文化,语言与读写能力博士学位, 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校 2011-2013 Master of Arts & Education in English as Second Language, University of Toledo 英语教育硕士学位,托莱多大学 2008-2011 Master of Art in English Literature, University of Toledo 英语文学硕士学位,托莱多大学 2003-2007 Bachelor of Art in English Education, Henan Normal University 英语教育学士,河南师范大学 教学经历 2018/02 -至今 南京师范大学外国语学院, 讲师 2017/07-2017/11德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校-校外教师培训计划,麦克阿瑟高中校外教学指导教师 2017/01- 2017/12 Tohui Language Academy, 中文教师 2013-2017 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校, 助教 2014-2015 星谈全美中文教师培训计划,特聘教师 2013-2014 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校孔子学院,中文教师 2011-2013 Toledo Chinese Center, 中文教师 特邀讲座 2021/04 菁领新锐论坛 南京师范大学 讲座名称:?#22914;何进行有效的英语教学设计?/span> 2017/10河南省教师培训团队研修项目 河南师范大学 讲座名称:?#28023;外中文教学过程中的挑战与机遇?/span> 2017/02 第17届德州语言教学研讨会 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校 讲座名称: 襀ow to Provide Effective Feedback to ESL Teacher Candidates?/span> 研究/基金项目 2020-至今 第十批?#20013;国外语教育基金?#39033;目-以学生需求为导向的公共英语分层教学改革 2019-至今 移动学习环境下的数字素养(Digital Literacy in the Mobile Learning Context) 2018-2020 中国外语测评基金项目-国才考试中的语境线索的使用及其对应试者焦虑感的影响 2017-2018 美国中文教师培训中Webinar 的互动模式研究 2015-2017 新型视频反馈(Video-Feedback)对于师范生的教学信念与教学知识的影响 2015-2016 旨在培育师范生的混合式教育模型(Blend-Learning)研发 (德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校教学科研奖) 2013-2016 STARTALK-CHELER Chinese Leadership Program星谈全美中文教师培训计划(美国国防部和教育部资助项目) 2009-2013 Chinese Heritage Language Research- A U.S. Department of Education International Research & Studies Grant. 全美社区中文学校研究 (美国教育部资助科研项目) 行政经历 南京师范大学长三角基础外语教育研究中心 行政秘书 第八届全国外语教师教育与发展学术研讨会 会议承办组骨干 教学相关荣誉 外研社教学之星大赛 半决赛特等奖 青年教师教学技能大赛三等奖 南京师范大学 中文语言与文化教学杰出奖 多丽都中文学校 (Chinese Center of Toledo) 学术协会会员 美国教育研究协会会员 (AERA) 美国应用语言学协会会员 (AAAL) 美国教学与课程大纲协会会员 (AATC) 国际英语教师协会会员 (TESOL) International Society for Language Studies (ISLS) 德州中文教师协会会员 (CLTA-TX) 美国中文教师协会会员 (CLTA) 星谈计划CHELER项目 (STARTALK CHELER) 技能 Line graphic SPSS/R 数据分析 Blend Learning design 混合教学课堂设计 Flipped Classroom design 反转课堂教学设计 Video feedback视频反馈


课程大纲创新 教育技术应用 海外华人社区中文教育


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学术著作 1. Li, S. (2021). English language learners?autonomy and its impact on academic performance during COVID-19 pandemic (In progress). 2. Li, S. (2021) The investigation of the affective domain of blended learning in the post-pandemic era. (In progress) 3. Li, S. (2020). Home language-learning strategy chosen by Chinese immigrant families. International Journal of English Linguistics 10 (5), 155-161. 4. Li, S. (2020). Chapter 15: Will change bring change: Explore teacher candidates?evolution of teaching belief. Handbook of Research on Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education. Sagini Keengwe (Eds). Hershey: IGI Global 5. Wang, Y. & Li, S. (2020). Issues, challenges, and future directions for multilingual assessment. Journal of Language Teaching and Research 11(6), 914-919. 6. Li, S. (2019). Feedback innovation in teacher education. Journal of EFL Learning & Teaching 4 (3), 283-291. 7. Li, S. (2018). Evaluation of the components of an effective Chinese lesson plan?CLTA-Texas Annual Issue. Retrieved from https://www.smore.com/05kzq. 8. Christiansen, M, Li, S. & Bailey, M. (2017). The role of texting and digital multiliteracies in the EFL classroom?MEXTESOL Journal (41), 1-14. 9. Li, S. (2015). A critical reflection of a case for multidimensional bilingual assessment. [A Review of an Academic Article 褹 Case for Multidimensional Bilingual Assessment.?Language, by Sanchez, S. V., Rodriguez, B. J., Soto-Huerta, M. E., Villarreal, F. C., Guerra, N. S., & Flores, B. B. (2013). Language Assessment Quarterly, 10 (2), 160-177.] Roadrunner Research Corner of College of Education, UTSA, doi: http://education.utsa.edu/rr_research. 会议发表 1. Li, S. (2019, June). Chinese Teachers' Beliefs of Using Renewable Teaching Materials and its Impact on Learners' Cultural Competence. Paper presented at International Society for Language Studies (ISLS), Hongkong, China. 2. Li, S. (2018, March) Representation of Multiliteracy in Teacher Candidates?Use of Digital Language. Paper presented at the 13th Annual International Technology Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, Spain. 3. Li, S. (2017, Oct). Review of Studies on Second Language Teachers?Beliefs and Knowledge in the Academic Setting. Paper presented at The Third Global Teacher Education Summit (GTES), Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. 4. Li, S. (2017, Aug). The Necessity of Preparing Chinese Teachers with Appropriate Beliefs. Paper presented at The Chinese Language Teacher Association of Texas Annual Conference (CLTA-TX), College Station, Texas A&M University. 5. Li, S. (2016, Oct). Evaluate the Role of Feedback in Promoting the Evolution of Teacher Candidates' Beliefs and SLA Specialized Knowledge. Paper presented at the 23rd annual conference of the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Great Rapid. 6. Li, S. (2016, Sep). Providing Video Feedback to Teacher Candidates: Measurement of Teacher Candidates?Beliefs and SAL Specialized Knowledge. Paper presented at The 35th Second Language Research Forum, New York. 7. Li, S. (2016, July). Explore the Influence of Video Feedback upon the Construction of Teacher Candidates?Beliefs and Specialized Knowledge. Paper presented at the 8th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain. 8. Li, S. (2016, Feb). Investigation of Different Factors that Contribute to Chinese Heritage Teacher誷 Decision on Attending the Workshop in the Summer. Paper presented at the16th Texas Language Education Research Conference, San Antonio. 9. Cheng, A., Li, S, Liu, M & Gu, Y. (2011, April). Toward Advanced Language Proficiency with Limited Resources: A Chinese Model for Heritage Development. Colloquium presented at the 14th National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages Conference (14th NCOLCTL), Madison. 10. Cheng, A., Li, S, Liu, M & Gu, Y. (2010, April). Chinese Heritage Language Development with Community Involvement. Colloquium presented at the 13th National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages Conference (13th NCOLCTL), Madison. 11. Cheng, A., Li, S.& Yue, G. (2010, November). Building Heritage Language Capacity through Community. Colloquium presented at 2010 The Annual Convention and World Languages Expo of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston.
