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钟伯坚,男,江西瑞金人。复旦大学硕士,植物资源与环境研究所副所长,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才。 主持科研项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31970229),2020-2023;国家自然科学基金面上项目(31570219),2016-2019;江苏省自然科学研究重大项目(16KJA180002),2016-2019;江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才基金,2016-2019;江苏省基础研究计划(自然科学基金),2015-2018;南京师范大学百名青年领军人才基金,2015-2019。 近三年获得多项奖项与荣誉称号:2018年江苏省科协“青年科技人才托举工程”、南京师范大学“中青年领军人才”、2016年江苏省第十三批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才、江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人、南京师范大学“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人。 迄今共发表论文20余篇,其中以第一作者和通讯作者在Molecular Plant, Trends in Plant Science, Systematic Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Genome Biology and Evolution, BMC Plant Biology等植物学和进化生物学权威期刊发表论文17篇。




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Nie Y, Foster C, Zhu T, Yao R, Duchêne D, Ho S, Zhong B*. (2019). Accounting for uncertainty in the evolutionary timescale of green plants through clock-partitioning and fossil calibration strategies. Systematic Biology. (5-Yr IF=10.48) Zhang Z†, Qu C†, Yao R, Nie Y, Xu C, Miao J, Zhong B*. (2019). The parallel molecular adaptations to the Antarctic cold environment in two psychrophilic green algae. Genome Biology and Evolution. 11: 1897-1908. (5-Yr IF=4.02) Fang L, Leliaert F, Novis P, Zhang Z, Zhu H, Liu G, Penny D, Zhong B*. (2018). Improving phylogenetic inference of core Chlorophyta using chloroplast sequences with strong phylogenetic signals and heterogeneous models. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 127: 248-255. (5-Yr IF=4.38) Zhang Z, An M, Miao J, Gu Z, Liu C, Zhong B*. (2018). The Antarctic sea ice alga Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L provides insights into adaptive patterns of chloroplast evolution. BMC Plant Biology. 18: 53. (5-Yr IF=4.31) Zhong B†*, Betancur-R R†*. (2017). Expanded taxonomic sampling coupled with gene genealogy interrogation provides unambiguous resolution for the evolutionary root of angiosperms. Genome Biology and Evolution. 9: 3154-3161. (5-Yr IF=4.02) Zhong B*, Xi Z, Goremykin V, Fong R, McLenachan T, Novis P, Davis C, Penny D. (2014). Streptophyte algae and the origin of land plants revisited using heterogeneous models with three new algal chloroplast genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 31: 177-183. (5-Yr IF=13.94) Zhong B†*, Liu L†, Yan Z, Penny D. (2013). Origin of land plants using the multispecies coalescent model. Trends in Plant Science. 18: 492-495. (5-Yr IF=14.02) (ESI高被引论文) Zhong B*, Yonezawa T, Zhong Y, Hasegawa M*. (2010). The position of Gnetales among seed plants: Overcoming pitfalls of chloroplast phylogenomics. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27: 2855-2863. (5-Yr IF=13.94)


中国植物学会植物分类与系统进化专业委员会委员,中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会青年工作委员会委员;江苏省植物生理学会青年工作委员会主任及理事,江苏省植物学会青年工作委员会副主任;江苏省青年联合会第十二届委员会委员,江苏省青年科协常委及基金委国家自然科学基金、欧盟研究理事会(ERC)和捷克国家科学基金等评审专家。Trends in Plant Science, Molecular Biology and Evolution, New Phytologist等期刊审稿人
