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Professional Preparation Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Electron Physics B.Sc.(Highest Honor) 1982 Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho Atomic Physics M.S. 1984 Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Applied Physics/Electron Microscopy Ph.D. 1990 Shell Development Company, Huston, Texas Microscopy/Catalysis Visiting Scientist 1990-91 ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company, Annandale, New Jersey Microscopy/Nanomaterials PostDoc. Researcher 1991-93 Appointments 2003-Present Director, PRISM Imaging and Analysis Center, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 2003-Present Senior Research Scholar with continuing appointment, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 2001-Present Lecturer, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 1999-2003 Founding Director, Imaging and Analysis Center, Princeton Materials Institute, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 1999-2003 Senior Professional Specialist with continuing appointment, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ 1993-1999 Associate Research Scholar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ


Nan Yao’s research has been focused on utilizing advanced imaging, diffraction, spectroscopy and manipulation techniques, in tandem with molecular dynamic simulation, to conduct fundamental studies of the structure-composition-processing-property relationships in complex materials for applications in nanotechnology, energy, environment and health. He has published 2books entitled “Handbook of Microscopy for Nanotechnology” (Kluwer/Springer Publishers 2005,Chinese edition: Tsinghua University Press 2006, Russian edition: Springer Publishers 2011)and “Focused Ion Beam System: Basics and Applications” (Cambridge University Press2007), 16book chapters, and a total of over220 technical publications on nanoscience, materials and microscopy in journals including Science, Nature, Nano Letters, and many others. Three major research areas: (a)Fundamental studies of complex materials of natural and synthetic origins and their applications in nanotechnology, energy, environment, and medical science. (b)Investigation of electron, ion, X-ray, atomic force properties and their interactions with materials for advancing nanoscale imaging and analysis technology (c)Physical examination of structure and properties of organic-inorganic (soft-hard) interfaces of nanostructured materials


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

F. Wu, W. Cai, J. Gao, L-Y. Loo, and N. Yao, “Nanoscale Electrical Properties of Epitaxial Cu3Ge Film,” Scientific Reports,6, 28818 (2016).• V. H. Tam, C. Sosa, R. Liu, N. Yao, R. D. Priestley, “Nanomedicine as a non-invasive strategy for drug delivery across the blood brain barrier,”International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 515,(2)331–342(2016).• W. Cai and N. Yao, “Dynamic Nano-triboelectrification Using Torsional Resonance Mode Atomic Force Microscopy”, Scientific Reports, 6, 27874 (2016).• H. Zheng, S. Y. Xu, G. Bian, C. Guo, G. Chang, D. S. Sanchez, C-C. Lee, S-M. Huang, X. Zhang, R. Sankar, I. Belopolski, N. Alidoust, T-R. Chang, F. Wu, T. Neupert, F. Chou, H-T Jeng, N. Yao, A. Bansil, S. Jia, H. Lin, and M. Zahid Hasan, “Atomic Scale Visualization of Quantum Interference on a Weyl Semimetal Surface”, ACS Nano, 10 (1), 1378–1385 (2016).• F. Wu, W. Cai, Y-W.Yeh, S. Y. Xu, and N. Yao, “Large Output Nanosensor Built on a Single Nanobelt with Ultrahigh Piezoelectric Constant”, Scientific Reports,6, 22513 (2016).• G. E. Purdum, N. Yao, A. Woll, T. Weitz, and Y-L.Loo, “Understanding Polymorph Transformations in Core-Chlorinated Naphthalene Dimides and its Impact on Thin-Film Transistor Performance”, Advanced Functional Materials,26, 14, 2357(2016).• Y-W. Yeh, Y. Raitses, and N. Yao, “Cathode Processes in the Carbon Arc Discharge for Nanotube Synthesis”,Carbon,105, 490 (2016).• F. Wu and N.Yao, “Work Function of Cu3Ge Thin Film”, Microscopy and Microanalysis22 (S3), 1654 (2016).• I. Belopolski, S. Y. Xu, Y. Ishida, X. Pan, P. Yu, D. Sanchez, M. Neupane, N. Alidoust, G. Chang, T. R.Chang, Y. Wu, G. Bian, H. Zheng, D. Mou, L. Huang, Y. Song, B. Wang, G. Wang, Y-W. Yeh, N. Yao, J. Rault, P. Lefevre, F. Bertran, H.T. Jeng, T. Kondo, A. Kaminski, H. Lin, Z. Liu, F. Song, S. Shin, and Z. Hasan, “Unoccupied Electronic Structure and Signatures of Topological Fermi Arcs in the Weyl Semimetal Candidate MoxW1-xTe2”,Physical Review B 94, 085127 (2016).• T. Gu, J. Gao, R.Rardel, F.Wu, N.Yao, Y-L.Loo, and C. Arnold, “Laser Ablation of Germanium in Arsenic Sulfide Solution, CLEO: Applications and Technology, ATu4K. 6 (2016).• F. Wu and N. Yao, “In-situ Synthesis and Defect Evolution of Single-crystal Piezoelectric Nanoparticles”, Nano Energy,28, 195 (2016). • L. Bindi, N. Yao, C. Lin, L. S. Hollister, C. L. Andronicos, V. V. Distler, M. P. Eddy, A. Kostin, V. Kryachko, G. J. MacPherson, W. M. Steinhardt, M. Yudovskaya, P. J. Steinhardt, “Natural Quasicrystal with Decagonal Symmetry”, Scientific Reports,5,9111-9116(2015). F. Wu and N. Yao, “Advances in Windowed Gas Cells for In-situ TEM Studies”, Nano Energy,13, 735-756 (2015).• L. Whittaker-Brooks, J. Gao, A. K. Hailey, C. Thomas, N. Yao,J. Schwartz, and Y-L Loo, “Bi2S3Nanowire Networks as Electron Transport Layers in Solution-Processed Hybrid Solar Cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3 (11),2686-2692 (2015).• A. B. Laursen, K. R. Patraju, M. Whitaker, T. Sarkar, N. Yao, K. V. Ramanujachary, M. Greenblatt, G. C. Dismukes, “Monophasic Ni5P4: A Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalyst of Exceptional Efficiency in both Alkaline and Acidic Media,” Energy & Environmental Science,8,1027-34(2015). • M. Masnadi, N. Yao, N. Braidy, B. E. Koel, A. Moore, “Cu(II) Galvanic Reduction and Deposition onto Iron Nano-and Micro-Particles: Resulting Morphologies and growth Mechanisms”, Langmuir,31 (2) 789–798(2015).• F. Wu and N. Yao, “Advances in the in-situ TEM Investigation of Lithium-ion Battery Electrochemistry Using Sealed Liquid Cells”, Nano Energy, 11, 196–210 (2015).• L. S. Hollister, G. J. MacPherson, L. Bindi, C. Lin, Y. Guan, N. Yao, J. M. Eiler, P. J. Steinhardt, “Redox Reactions between Cu-Al Metal and Silicates in the Khatyrka Meteorite”, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Proceedings, 46, 2394 (2015).• F. Wu, J. K. Zheng, W. Cai, N. Yao, J. Narayan, and Y. T. Zhu, “Epitaxial Cu3Ge Films on Sapphire with Controlled Crystallinity and Planar Defects”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,641, 238-243 (2015).• N. M. Pinkerton,M. E. Gindy, V. L. Calero-Ddel,T. Wolfson,D. Adler,D. Gao, S. Lee,M. Zevon,G. Poirier, N. Yao,C. Pacheco, M. J. Therien,C. Rinaldi,P. J. Sinko,R.K. Prud’homme, “Tunable Composite Nanocarriers for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Multi-Modal Imaging and Theranostic Applications”,Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4, 1376–1385(2015).• L. Bindi, N. Yao, C. Lin, L. S. Hollister, C. L. Andronicos, V. V. Distler, M. P. Eddy, A. Kostin, V. Kryachko, G. J. MacPherson, W. M. Steinhardt, M. Yudovskaya, P. J. Steinhardt, “Decagonite, Al71Ni24Fe5, a Quasicrystal with Decagonal symmetry from the Khatyrka CV3 Carbonaceous Chondrite”, American Mineralogist,100, 2340-2343(2015).• W. Cai and N. Yao, “Surface Modifications with Lissajous Trajectory by Using Atomic Force Microscopy”, Applied Physics Letters, 107, 113102 (2015).• P. Zhao, F. Wu, C. X. Kronawitter, Z. Chen, N. Yao, and B. E. Koel, “Facet-Controlled Synthesis of Ni-Doped -Fe2O3Nanoplates for Enhanced Water Oxidation Activity”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,17(40), 26797-803 (2015).• K. Kan-Dapaah, N. Rahbar, A. Tahlil, D. Crosson, N. Yao, W. Soboyejo, “Mechanical and Hyperthermic Properties of Magnetic Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications”,Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 49, 118–128 (2015).
