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【教育背景】 2010年10月—2014年10月 德国卡塞尔大学, 建筑学院,景观生态规划博士 2008年08月—2010年06月 北京大学,城市与环境学院,景观设计学硕士 2004年9月-2008年6月 中国农业大学,农业与生物技术学院,园林专业学士 【工作经历】 2014年12月—至今 南开大学旅游与服务学院 2015年3月—2016年5月 原国家旅游局国际司(现文化与旅游部)借调 【主讲课程】 本科生课程:景观生态规划,旅游规划等 硕博生课程:旅游景区规划与管理等 在线慕课:Tourism policy and planning(Futurelearn以及学堂在线上线) Landscape Ecological planning (Undergraduate) Tourism Planning (Undergraduate) Tourist Destination Planning and Management (Graduate) Tourism Policy and Planning (MOOCs) 【研究与教学项目】 纵向项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于LCA的京津冀乡村地区游憩网络构建,51608278,2017/01-2019/12,20万,结题,主持。 2. 中央高校基本科研业务专项项目,天津市乡村地区旅游发展情况评估,2019/01-2019/12,1万元,结题,主持。 3. 中央高校基本科研业务专项项目,基于图片大数据的入境游客偏好差异及营销策略研究,63202076,2020/05-2021/05,2万,在研,主持。 4. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目,互惠理论视角下旅游民宿共享平台反馈机制研究,20YJC630075,2020/01-2022/12,8万,在研,参与。 5. 国家社会科学基金项目,乡村旅游实践中人文发展之自组织与他组织的复合作用机理研究,ZX20170054,2017/06-2020/06,20万,在研,参与。 6. 中央其他部委社科委员会,民族地区旅游扶贫成效、问题与对策研究,ZX20160110,2017/12-2018/12,2万,结题,参与。 横向项目 1. 平潭国际旅游岛建设方案(中国海洋局)2015.7-2015.9,参与 2. 广西壮族自治区海洋文化发展规划(中国海洋局)2015.1-2015.3,共同主持 教学项目 1. 南开大学全英文课程改革项目,景观生态学,2016-2017,2万,结项,主持。 2. 南开大学服务学习改革项目,自然休闲与自然教育,2019-2020,5万,结项,子课题主持。 3. 南开大学有效教学改革项目,景观生态学,2020-2021,2万,在研,主持。 4. 南开大学教材编写项目,旅游政策与规划,2020-2021,在研,主持。 【参编书籍】 1. 张坤(2015). 国家公园自然保护与生态规划:国际经验,白长虹等主编. 国家旅游智库研究专辑[M],2015.1:43-62. 2. Kun Zhang (2014), Understanding recreational services of urban riverfront space for planning purposes, urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2014072845763 (基于博士论文的英文专著). 3. Kun Zhang, Diedrich bruns, Juan zhao (2013). Landscape concept in China. In Diedrich Bruns, Olaf Kühne (Editor). Landscaften: Theorie, praxis und Internationale Bezuege [M]. Germany, 133-152.(德语出版物) 4. 张坤, 张奕勤, 王玉圳, 罗阳文. 专题2 大芬村“特殊村民”居住成本调查研究. 李津逵,李迪华主编. 对土地与社会的观察与思考:景观社会学教学案例之三 [M]. 高等教育出版社. 2011, 1. 5. 张坤. 用脚感知的景观——柏林地形设计. 李迪华等主编. 徒步阅读世界景观与设计:世界建筑、城市与景观课程教学案例之二[M]. 高等教育出版社,2011, 1. 【获奖】 1. 2020 “旅游杰出青年教师”,中国旅游协会旅游教育分会,中国。 2. 2019中国旅游学会年会《旅游学刊》优秀论文。 3. 原国家旅游局国际司借调,表现优秀。 4. 2008壳牌集体能源与可持续发展大学生科研项目成果,一等奖。



期刊编委 Journal of hospitality and tourism research(SSCI) 期刊审稿人 1. Tourism management (SSCI) 2. Tourism management perspectives (SSCI) 3. Journal of destination marketing and management (SSCI) 4. Journal of hospitality and tourism management (SSCI) 5. Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism (ESCI) 6. Landscape architecture frontier (ESCI) 7. Nankai Business Review International (ESCI) 8. Journal of China tourism research (ESCI) 9. Journal of Heritage Tourism 10. Journal of vacation market


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1. Chen, H., Jiao, Y., Li, X., Zhang, K. (2021). Family tourism: Interpersonal interaction, existential authenticity and quality of tourist experience. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 1344770416.(SSCI,online,四作) 2. Kun Zhang, Jinyi Zhang, Chunlin Li, Yan Jiiao and Ying Wang. Tourists’ perceptions of urban space: a computer vision approach. Tourism Review.2021.(SSCI, Q2,accepted,一作) 3. Kun Zhang, Hanqin Qiu, Jingyue Wang, Chunlin Li, Jinyi Zhang and Dora Dongzhi Chen. Tourist gaze through computer vision: where, what, how and why? Tourism Review.2021.(SSCI, Q2,accepted,一作) 4. Zhang, K, Hongyu Wang*, Jingyue Wang, Chunlin Li, Jinyi Zhang (2020). Nature-based experiential learning as a framework for preparing responsible tourism practitioners. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education(SSCI, Q3,一作) 5. Zhang, K., Chen, Y., Lin, Z. (2020). Mapping destination images and behavioral patterns from user-generated photos: a computer vision approach. Aisa pacific journal of tourism research, 25(11), 1199-1214.(SSCI,Q3,一作) 6. Zhang, K., Lin, Z., Zhang, J. (2020). Tourist gaze through computer vision: Differences between Asian, North American, and European tourists. Annals of Tourism Research, 103039. (SSCI,JCR5.908,Q1,一作) 7. Zhang, K., Chen, Y., & Li, C. (2019). Discovering the tourists' behaviors and perceptions in a tourism destination by analyzing photos' visual content with a computer deep learning model: The case of Beijing. Tourism Management, 75, 595-608.(SSCI,JCR6.012,Q1,一作) 8. Chen, D., Zhang, K., Li, C. (2020). Factors Affecting the Training Needs of Tourism Planners: Evidence from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-10.(ESCI,通讯作者) 9. Kun Zhang, Dongzhi Chen & Chunlin Li (2019): How are Tourists Different? - Reading Geo-tagged Photos through a Deep Learning Model, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/1528008X.2019.1653243 (ESCI,一作) 10. Zhang, K.*, Wang, H., Zhang, J., Zhu, M. (2020). Discovering tourists' perception about food by AI and NI. In Y. Luo, J. Jiang & D. Bi (Eds.), Tourism Product Development in China, Asian and European Countries (pp. 25-42). Singapore: Springer. (ISTP,一作、通讯) 11. Zhang, K., Li, H., Zhang, J., & Li, C (2019). Exploring the big pictorial data for tourists’ perception analysis through three deep learning models, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM). Japan. 450-456.doi:10.3233/FAIA190210.(EI,一作) 12. Kun Zhang*, Qinghui Li, Hongyu Wang, Dongzhi Chen (2019). Exploring the Presence of Tourists’ Photos Through Algorithmic Visual Content Analysis. e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), Vol. 17, No. 2, 2019,110-121.(Scopus,一作,通讯) 13. 张坤,苏欣蕾,苏凯红(2021).基于POI大数据的京津冀旅游资源空间分异研究.地域开发与研究.40(01), 103-108. 14. 张坤,李春林,张津沂. 基于旅游图片大数据的入境游客偏好及行为时空演变研究——以北京市为例. 旅游学刊, 2020, 35(08), 61-70. 15. 徐虹, 张坤. 解决两类问题, 发展乡村旅游. 渤海早报, 2015.5.19. 16. 张坤. 深圳大芬“城中村”居住空间与产业发展评价研究.现代城市研究[J]. 2014(3): 91-95. 17. 张坤. 欧洲城市河流与开放空间耦合关系研究——以英国伦敦、德国埃姆舍地区公园为例. 城市规划[J]. 2013 (06): 80-84. 18. 张坤. 案例集粹-几何地形设计的空间体验—以柏林城市景观为例.国际城市规划[J], 2011(5):117-120. 19. 张坤. 以生态人类学视角解读景观设计——从《设计结合自然》到《生存的艺术》 [J]. 沈阳建筑大学学报. 2010(12),3. 20. 李迪华, 张坤. 低影响发展模式——可持续城市规划、景观设计与市政工程途径[J]. 江苏城市规划, 2009, 8(177):21-25. 【会议论文】 1. Zhang Jinyi & Zhang Kun. (2021). The influence of human images on tourists’ destination perception and behavioural intentions, APacCHRIE 2021, Singapore (Stand-up presentation). 2. Wang Jingyue, Zhang Kun & Zhang Jinyi. (2021). Exploring tourists’ acceptation, behavior, and perception about location-based augmented reality, APacCHRIE 2021, Singapore (Stand-up presentation). 3. Qinghui, Li, Hanqin Qiu, Kun, Zhang and Junjiao, Zhang (2020). The effect of Emotional contagion on tourist behavioral Intention: evidence from online reviews in COVID-19 pandemic, APacCHRIE 2020, HongKong, China. 4. Kun Zhang, Qinghui Li, Hongyu Wang, Dongzhi Chen (2020). Exploring the Presence of Tourists’ Photos Through Algorithmic Visual Content Analysis. Enter2020,London, England (Oral presentation) 5. 张坤,李春林,张津沂. 基于旅游图片大数据的入境游客偏好及行为时空演变研究——以北京市为例.2019旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会 (会议优秀论文奖) 6. Zhang, K., & Li, C (2019). Employing geo-tagged photos for tourist comparison with the help of deep learning model, International Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019, Tianjin, China (Oral presentation) 7. Zhang, K., & Zhang, J (2019). The tourists' photos as the linkage between destination cognitive and affective image, International Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019, Tianjin, China (Oral presentation) 8. Zhang, K (2019). Computer vision technology as a new perspective for the analysis of user generated photos in destination image study, International Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019., Tianjin, China (Oral presentation) 9. Kun Zhang (2016). Recreational tourism as a tool for rural regeneration. Conference of hospitality and tourism management in Surrey university, London, England. (Oral presentation) 10. Kun Zhang (2012). Review and Gaps-European ecological networks in the past 40 years. Proceedings of the 1st GreenNet Conference: The Green Belt as a European Ecological Network - strengths and gaps,105-114.(Oral presentation) 11. Kun Zhang (2012). Positive or Negative? ——the power of the river revitalization to urban fabric, neighborhood and its citizens. In 2012 ECLAS conference in Warsaw (Oral presentation). 12. Kun Zhang (2012). Landscape concepts in China. In 2012 landscape conference in Otzenhausen. (Oral presentation).
