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工作经历 1,2002.6 南开大学计算机与系统科学系 博士毕业 2,2001.4~2003.4 香港中文大学 助理研究员、博士后 3,2003.7~ 2005.6 清华大学经济管理学院 博士后 4,2005.7~2006.12 南开大学商学院 副教授 5,2006.12~ 南开大学商学院 教授、博士生导师 获奖成果 主要学术奖励(2006~): [1]国家杰出青年基金获得者,国家自然科学基金委,2017年9月 [2]教育部新世纪优秀人才计划获得者,教育部,2011年11月 [3]第十一届中国青年科技奖,由中共中央组织部、国家人力资源和社会保障部、中国科学技术协会颁发,2010年1月 [4]第十届天津市青年科技奖,由中共天津市委组织部、天津市人事局、天津市科协颁发,2010年5月 [5]天津市第十五届社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖,2018年5月 [6]天津市第十四届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,2016年7月 [7]天津市第十三届社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖,2013年11月 [8]天津市第十二届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,2011年1月 [9]天津市第十一届社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖,2008年12月 [10]霍英东教育基金会第十二届高等院校青年教师基金奖,霍英东教育基金会,2010年4月 [11]获得2006-2007年度Emerald中国管理研究基金奖,由Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.颁发,2007年9月 [12]清华大学第九届(2005年度)优秀博士后,清华大学,2006年11月 [13]第三届南开大学“良师益友”奖,南开大学研究生院,2010年1月 主要研究课题 (2006~): [1]主持国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目(71725004):物流与供应链管理,2018.1-2022.12 [2]主持国家社科基金重大项目(13&ZD147):生产者责任延伸理论及其在中国的实践研究, 2014.1~2018.12,首席专家 [3]主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(71372100):基于应急援助和风险转移的供应链生产中断研究,2014.1~2017.12 [4]主持新世纪人才计划项目(NCET-11-0252):售后服务供应链管理优化与协调问题研究,2012.1~2014.12 [5]主持教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(12JJD630004),中国情境下供应链协作与关系治理研究,2012.1~2014.12 [6]主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(91024002):非常规突发事件演化与应急决策的相互作用规律研究 [7]主持国家自然科学基金(70971069)项目:闭环供应链的回收定价与制造/再制造联合决策 [8]主持霍英东基础研究基金(121078),闭环供应链下废旧产品回收策略问题研究 [9]主持国家自然科学基金(70501014)项目:具有退货逆向物流的库存管理和供应链协调优化 [10]主持Emerald研究基金项目(2007):Promoting effectiveness ofknowledge transmission in Chinese rural areas: multimedia education softwaredevelopment and distribution channel design,supported byEmerald Group Publishing Limited. 教授课程 本科生:电子商务专业英语,信息管理专业英语,物流和供应链管理,管理系统工程 硕士研究生:企业资源管理;管理科学与工程概论;商务动态分析;研究方法与论文写作 博士研究生:供应链管理研究专题 MBA:运筹学--数据、模型与决策;MBA选题与论文写作 MEM:运筹学--数据、模型与决策;采购与供应商管理




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1.李勇建,乔晓娇,孙晓晨。非常规突发事件运行机理与应急决策. 科学出版社. 2015年11月 2.李勇建,许垒. 考虑消费者行为的企业退货策略和供应链协调. 科学出版社. 2015年2月 3.Xiang Li, Yongjian Li. On theloss-averse dual-sourcing problem under supply disruption. Computers &Operations Research,Volume100, December 2018, Pages 301-313 4.Lei Xu, Yongjian Li, Kannan Govindan,Xiaohang Yue. Return Policy and Supply ChainCoordination with Network-externality Effect, International Journal ofProduction Research. Volume 56, 2018 - Issue 10 Pages 3714-3732, 05 Jan 2018 5.Xiang Li, Dan shi, Yongjian Li,Xueping Zhen. Impact of Carbon Regulations on the Supply Chain With CarbonReduction Effort. Article in Press, IEEE SMC: System, 2019, Volume: 49,Issue:6, Page(s): 1218-1227 6.XiangLi, Yongjian Li. Cooperative advertising modelsin O2O supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics. Volume215, September 2019, Pages 144-152 7.Xiang Li, Yongjian Li. On GreenMarket Segmentation under Subsidy Regulation. Supply Chain Management: anInternational Journal, Vol. 22 Issue: 3, pp.284-294, 2017 8.Zhao, Xiukun;Li, Yongjian; Xu, Fangchao; Sustainable collaborative marketing governancemechanism for remanufactured products with extended producer responsibility. Journalof Cleaner Production, Volume 166, 10 November 2017, Pages 1020-1030 9.Hu, Wei; Li,Yongjian; Wang, Wen. Benefit and risk analysis of consignment contracts. Annalsof Operations Research, 257(1-2): 641-659, OCT 2017 10.Li, Yongjian;Xu, Fangchao; Zhao, Xiukun. Governance mechanisms of dual-channel reversesupply chains with informal collection channel. Journal of Cleaner Production, 155:125-140, JUL 1 2017 11.Zhao, Jing;Wei, Jie; Li, Yongjian. Pricing and remanufacturing decisions for two substitutableproducts with a common retailer. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,13(2): 1125-1147, APR 2017 12.Yongjian Li, Shuiye Niu, Xiukun Zhao & WenWang. Effect of EPR coefficient policy on the production decision in preciousmetal accessory recycling. International Journal of Production Research,55(4)1129-1146,2016 13.Yongjian Li, Xueping Zhen, Xiangtong Qi, GangshuCai. Penalty and financing assistance between supply chain partners under asupply disruption. Omega-International Journal of Management Science,Volume 61, June 2016,Pages 167–181 14.Xueping Zhen, Yongjian Li, Gangshu Cai, Dan Shi.Business disruption risk management: service recovery and insurance purchase.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 90:51–68,2016 15.Tsan-MingChoi, Yongjian Li. Sustainability in Fashion BusinessOperations. Sustainability 2015, 7(11), 15400-15406 16.Yongjian Li,Dan Shi, Xiang Li, Wen Wang. Influencingfactors of knowledge dissemination in rural areas in China. Nankai Business Review International, 2015, 6(2): 128-155 17.Xiang Li, Yongjian Li .Optimal Service Contract under Cost Information Symmetry/Asymmetry. Journal of the Operational ResearchSociety, Journalof the Operational Research Society,2016,67(2):269-279 18.Li, X., Li, Y., Cai, X. and Shan, J. (2016),Service Channel Choice for Supply Chain: Who is Better Off by Undertaking theService?. Production and Operations Management, 25: 516–534.doi: 10.1111/poms.12392 19.Xiang Li, Yongjian Li, XiaoqiangCai . On Core Sorting in RMTS and RMTO Systems: A Newsvendor Framework. DecisionScience, Volume 47,Issue 1 February 2016Pages 60–93 20.Xiang Li, Yongjian Li .Chain-to-chain Competition on ProductSustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 112, Part 3, 20 January2016, Pages 2058–2065 21.Xiang Li, Yongjian Li.On Lot-sizing Problem in a RandomYield Production System Under Loss Aversion. Annals Operations Research. May2016, Volume 240, Issue 2, pp 415–434 22.Yongjian Li, Xueping Zhen, Xiaoqiang Cai. TradeCredit Insurance, Capital Constraint, and the Behavior of Manufacturers andBanks. Annals Operations Research May 2016, Volume 240, Issue 2, pp 395–414. 23.Yongjian Li, XiaoqiangCai, Lei Xu, Wenxia Yang. Heuristics approach on dynamic lotsizing model for durable products with end-of-use constraints. AnnalsOperations Research, July 2016, Volume 242, Issue 2, pp 265–283 24.Xiang Li, Guohua Sun, Yongjian Li, A multi-period ordering andclearance pricing model considering the competition between new andout-of-season products. Annals Operations Research, July 2016, Volume 242,Issue 2, pp 207–221 25.Jie Wei, Jing Zhao, Yongjian Li, Price and warrantyperiod decisions for complementary products with horizontal firms'cooperation/noncooperation strategies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 105:86-102,OCT 15 2015 26.YongjianLi,Zhangxi Lin,Lei Xu , Ajay Swain. “Do the Electronic BooksReinforce the Dynamics of Book Supply Chain Market?” – A Theoretical Analysis. European Journal of Operational ResearchVolume 245, Issue 2, 1 September 2015, Pages 591–601 27.Lei Xu, Yongjian Li, Kannan Govindan, Xiaolin Xu.Consumer returns policies with endogenous deadline and supply chaincoordination. European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 242, Issue 1, 1 April 2015, Pages 88–99 28.Jie Wei, Kannan Govindan, Yongjian Li, Jing Zhao. Pricing and collectingdecisions in a closed-loop supply chain with symmetric and asymmetric information. Computers &Operations Research, Volume 54, July 2015, Pages 257-265 29.Xiang Li, Yongjian Li& Xiaoqiang Cai.Remanufacturing and Pricing Decisions with RandomYield and Random Demand. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 54, February 2015, Pages 195–203 30.Jing Zhao, Jie Wei, Yongjian Li. Pricing decisionsfor substitutable products in a two-echelon supply chain with firms' differentchannel powers. International Journal of Production Economics, 153, July 2014, Pages 243-252 31.Yongjian Li, Xiukun Zhao,Dan Shi, Xiang Li, Governance of sustainable supply chains in the fast fashionindustry. European Management Journal. 32(5): 823-836, Oct. 2014 32.CH,Chiu, Jason Choi, Yongjian Li, L Xu. Service Competition and Service War: AGame Theoretic Analysis. Service Science, 6(1): 63-76, Mar. 2014. 33.Yongjian Li, Lei Xu,Tsan-Ming Choi, Kannan Govindan. Optimal Advance-Selling Strategy for FashionableProducts with Opportunistic Consumers Returns. IEEE Transactions onSystems Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 44(7): 938-952, July 2014 34.Xiaoqiang Cai, MinghuiLai, Xiang Li, Yongjian Li, Xianyi Wu, Optimal acquisition and productionpolicy in a hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing system with core acquisitionat different quality levels, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 233, Issue 2, 1 March 2014, Pages 374–382 35.Wei Hu, YongjianLi, Kannan Govindan, The impact of consumer returns policies on consignmentcontracts with inventory control, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume233, Issue 2, 1 March 2014, Pages 398-407. 36.Xiang Li,Yongjian Li,Kannan Govindan.An Incentive Model for Closed-loop Supply Chain under EPR Law. Journal ofOperational Research Society, (2014) 65, 88–96 37.Tsan-Ming Choi, Yongjian Li, Lei Xu. Channel Leadership,Performance and Coordination in Closed Loop Supply Chains, InternationalJournal of Production Economics, Volume 146, Issue 1,2013, Pages 371–380 38.Yongjian Li, Lei Xu, Dahui Li, Examining relationships between thereturn policy, product quality, and pricing strategy in online directselling.International Journal ofProduction Economic.Volume 144, Issue 2,August 2013, Pages 451–460 39.Xiaochen Sun, Yongjian Li, Kannan Govindan, Yanchong Zhou. Integratingdynamic acquisition pricing and remanufacturing decisions under randomprice-sensitive returns. TheInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology September 2013,Volume 68, Issue 1-4,pp 933-947 40.Xiang Li,Yongjian Li, Soroush Saghafian. A Hybrid Manufacturing/Remanufacturing Systemwith Random Remanufacturing Yield and Market-DrivenProduct Acquisition, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(2):424-437,2013 41.Xiaoqiang Cai, Ying Feng, Yongjian Li, Dan Shi, OptimalPricing Policy for a Deteriorating Product by Dynamic Tracking Control,International Journal of Production Research, 51(8):2941-2504, 2013 42.Xiang Li, Yongjian Li & Xiaoqiang Cai. Double Marginalization andCoordination in the Supply Chain with Uncertain Supply, European Journalof Operational Research, 226(2): 228-236, 2013 43.Jie Wei, Jing Zhao, Yongjian Li, Pricing decisions for complementaryproducts with firms' different market powers, European Journal ofOperational Research 224(3):507–519,2013 44.Dan Shi, Yongjian Li, Xiaoqiang Cai.Optimal Operational Decisions when a Manufacturer Offers Trade Credit tohis Retailer. Journal of System Science and System Engineering, 2012,21(4): 480-496 45.XiaolinXu, Yongjian Li & Xiaoqiang Cai. Optimal policies in hybridmanufacturing/remanufacturing systems with random price-sensitive productreturns, International Journal of Production Research, 2012,50(23)6978-6998 46.YongjianLi, Cansheng Wei&Xiaoqiang Cai. Optimal Pricing and Order Policies with B2BProduct Returns for Fashion Products. International Journal of Production Economic, 2012,135(2): 637–646. 47.JieWei, Jing Zhao, Yongjian Li. Pricing decisions for a closed-loop supply chainin a fuzzy environment. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 29(1) 1-30, 2012 48.XiangLi, Yongjian Li & Xiaoqiang Cai. Quantity decisions in a supply chain withearly returns remanufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, 2012,50(8):2161-2173 49.XiangLi, Yongjian Li, Xiaoqiang Cai. A note on the random yield from the perspectiveof the supply chain. Omega:The International Journal ofManagement Science 40(5)601-610,2012 50.WeiHu, Yongjian Li. Retail Service for Mixed Retail and E-tail Channels, Annals Operations Research, 192(1):151–171, 2012 51.CanshengWei, Yongjian Li, Xiaoqiang Cai. Robust Optimal Policies of Product ReturnLogistics With Uncertain Returns and Demand. International Journal ofProduction Economic, 2011, 134(2):357-367. 52.XiangLi, Yongjian Li, Xiaoqiang Cai. On A Multi-Period Supply Chain System withSupplementary Order Opportunity. European Journal of Operations Research,2011,209 (1) 273–284


[1]中国管理科学与工程学会常务理事 [2]中国系统工程学会常务理事 [3]中国系统工程学会可持续运营管理系统分会副主任 [4]中国系统工程学会应急管理系统分会副主任 [5]中国管理科学与工程学会供应链与运营管理分会副主任 [6]中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会副主任 [7]中国管理现代化研究会运作管理专业委员会委员天津市系统工程学会副理事长 [8]南开管理评论(国际版)副主编 [9]Modern Supply Chain Research andApplications副主编 [10]系统工程理论与实践、运筹与管理、系统工程学报、控制与决策、管理工程学报、珞珈管理评论等编委
