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教育背景: 博士,经济学,阿德莱德大学,澳大利亚,2013–2017 硕士,农业经济管理,中国科学院研究生院, 2009–2012 本科,农学,中国农业大学, 2005–2009 工作经历: 2017年12月 – 2021年6月: 助理教授,南开大学 经济学院 2021年7月 – 今: 研究员,博士生导师,北京大学现代农学院、北京大学中国农业政策研究中心




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Basic Farmland Construction in China: A cost-effective investment for agricultural productivity and disaster resistance Kaixing Huang, Yang Wang, Wenshou Yan, Shuhui Dong First published: 13 March 2024 https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13430 Huang, Kaixing, Wenshou Yan*, Nicholas Sim, Yuqing Guo, Fang Xie. 2022. “Can trade explain the rising trends in income inequality? Insights from 40 years of empirical studies.” Economic Modelling. Yan, Wenshou and Huang, Kaixing*. 2021. " Geographic politics, loss aversion and trade policy: The case of cotton in China." The World Economy . Huang, Kaixing*, Hong Zhao, Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang, and Christopher Findlay. 2020. "The impact of climate change on the labor allocation: Empirical evidence from China." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Huang, Kaixing, and Nicholas Sim*. 2020. "Adaptation may reduce climate damage in agriculture by two thirds." Journal of Agricultural Economics. Huang, Kaixing, Nicholas Sim, and Hong Zhao*. 2020a. "Does FDI actually affect income inequality? Insights from 25 years of research." Journal of Economic Surveys. Huang, Kaixing, Nicholas Sim, and Hong Zhao*. 2020b. "Corporate social responsibility, corporate financial performance and the confounding effects of economic fluctuations: A meta-analysis." International Review of Financial Analysis. Huang, Kaixing, Wenshou Yan*, and Jikun Huang. 2020. "Agricultural Subsidies Retard Urbanisation in China." Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Huang, Kaixing*, and Nicholas Sim. 2018. "Why do the econometric-based studies on the effect of warming on agriculture disagree? A meta-analysis." Oxford Economic Papers. Huang, Kaixing*, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang, and Christopher Findlay. 2017. "The potential benefits of agricultural adaptation to warming in China in the long run." Environment and Development Economics.
